Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

October 4, 2005

One Third of the Season Thoughts....

Most Overrated Team: Cal

ACC Title Game: VT vs. Florida State

SEC Title Game: Bama vs. UGA

Big 12 Title Game: Texas vs. Colorado

Current Bowl Predictions:
Rose - USC vs. Texas
Fiesta - Ohio State vs. Notre Dame
Sugar - Georgia vs. Miami
Orange - Virginia Tech vs. Louisville

Citrus - Alabama vs. Penn State
Outback - Florida vs. Mighigan State
Cotton - LSU vs. Texas Tech
Peach - Tennessee vs. Georgia Tech
Music City - Auburn vs. Purdue
Independence - Vandy vs. Iowa State

Gator - Florida State vs. (No idea)
Holiday - Colorado vs. Arizona State

All bowls aren't projected, because I don't care about all bowls.


Anonymous said...

Not really related to your post (although I agree that Cal is overrated and I don't care about most bowls, either), but here's a joke. Feel free to post it. I got it in an email.


Spurrier in Heaven

After Steve Spurrier dies & enters the Pearly Gates, God takes him on a tour.

He shows Steve a little two-bedroom house with a faded Gamecocks banner hanging from the front porch. "This is your house, Coach. Most people don't get their own houses up here."

Spurrier looks at the house & then, turns around & looks at the one sitting on top of the hill. It's a huge two-story mansion with white marble columns & little patios under all the windows. UGA flags line both sides of the sidewalk & a huge Bulldog banner hangs between the marble columns.

"Thanks for the house, God, but let me ask you a question. I get this little two-bedroom house with a faded banner & Vince Dooley gets a big mansion with Dawg banners & flags flying all over the place. Why is that?"

God looks at him seriously for a moment & says, "That's not Dooley's house.......that's mine."

Worrier said...

Peach Bowl vs Ga Tech. Ugghh on both accounts. I'd rather go to Independence Bowl - as least there's gambling and I can drive there from my home in Dallas.

Let Vandy have the Peach. IF they end up bowl eligible let 'em go somewhere nice - it's probably the only time they'll EVER play in the Georgia Dome unless they have a scrimmage against the Georgia 5A HS Champions.

Worrier said...

Now, RE: your predictions, I guess you're thinking that UGA will be a repeat of AU - undefeated, SEC Champs and no title game? So doomed to the Sugar (have they decided where it'll be played - LSU or GA Dome? to play 3rd place ACC team.

Re: Big 10 representation - where will Michigan and Wisconsin end up? Probably higher than Purdue don't you think?

You don't think 11-1 Bama gets BCS over 9-2 Miami?

LSU vs Texas Tech in Cotton would be entertaining.

Anonymous said...

What do you think ND's record will be, because I just don't see them in a BCS bowl, unless they somehow defeat USC. Of course, that won't happen, so the best thing ND can do is to win out the rest of the season after the USC game, and hopefully make it an interesting and entertaining game to BOTh sets of fans, so that the Irish don't drop like a stone after the game.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I am a huge Irish fan, so it pains me to say that USC will be beat ND for the fourth year in a row, but the fact is that USC just has way too much talent for ND to combat, especially with their DB's play being so shoddy the last few years.

Anonymous said...

Notre Dame makes a BCS bowl with a 9-2 record and ranked above #12 if memory serves.

That's a near mortal lock.

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