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October 29, 2005

Why Someone else hates the Gators

earlier I wrote an article called "Why I Hate the Gators." Some well spoken, unknown soul answered why he also hated the Gators. Rather than have anyone miss his rant, I cut and pasted it into its own post.

At 9:06 AM, Anonymous said...

I hate the Florida Gators with everything that is deep within my Red & Black soul. Some people hate Tennessee. Some people hate Auburn. Everyone hates Georgia Tech. That's all well and good and each Dawg fan has that special spot of hatred reserved for the team of his or her choosing, but for me, that spot is reserved for the reptiles, the vermin that reside in Gainesville, FL.

There has never been a more cocky fanbase with so little to back it up with. There has never been a more arrogant group of people to the point it infuriates you to talk to them no matter what. There is not a fanbase out there that will proclaim superiority on a more regular basis regardless of a record that screams otherwise than the fanbase of the Florida Gators.

If Georgia could beat them 77-0 on Saturday and have the ball at the Florida 5 yard line with 5 seconds left, I would hope that Richt calls a pass play into the endzone and then goes for two instead of kicking the PAT. If there's any time left after that for a kickoff, I would hope that CMR kicks onside and we recover the ball en route to a TD as time expires...and, yes, I hope we go for two after that score as well.

I want Georgia to embarass Florida in every sport, every chance they get. Embarassment is the only thing that will shut a Florida fan's pie-hole. Unfortunately, we haven't been able recently to embarass them like we used to, but there's not a better time to bring back that good old Georgia tradition than this weekend. I want Georgia to destroy Florida and then rub their noses in the smoldering heap that is the "Urban myth".

I want a Gator fan's great-great-great-great grandchild to talk about this game to his or her son or daugher in hushed tones and reverent solemnity because it still hurts so bad even after all the years have passed. I want the series record to get back to what it used to be before the 90s hit and Georgia literally owned that patheitc little excuse for a football program down in Gainesville. I want Florida fans' hangovers on Sunday morning after the WLOCP to be preferable to the thought of the game against the Dawgs...and I want all of this to happen year after year after year after freakin' year.

Florida should be embrassed, destroyed, maimed, ridiculed, levelled, decimated, annihilated, blasted and plain old whooped by the Georgia Bulldogs on a yearly basis. It should be so bad that the rest of the SEC should begin to feel pity and awe at the things Florida has had done to it on an annual basis by the Dawgs.

I want the beatings to be so bad that a new term is created in the English lexicon to describe utter and complete destruction, and it should be derived from the utter and complete destruction that Georgia hands out to Florida in the World's Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party every year.

Speaking of that moniker, I want the beatings to be so bad that the media is forced to rename the annual match-up from the WLOCP to the "AFGAW" - The Annual Florida Gator Ass Whoopin'...maybe just "GAW" for short. The annual "GAW" in JAX. I want that to roll off the toungue of every college football commentator in America and I want it to be used on-air at least 148 times during the week of this game so that every Florida fan everywhere knows deep down inside what this week is all about.

It is about hating Florida...and I do.


Anonymous said...

I could not agree more. I hate those bastards with every ounce of my being.

Lets go Joe.

Let Joe Throw.

abacadae said...

"There has never been a more arrogant group of people to the point it infuriates you to talk to them no matter what."

go to Birmingham, talk to bama fans. "They're back" you know. Recruits are crawling from far and wide just put on that crimson jersey. I'm talking about people who think that terrorists attacked us on Bear Bryant's birthday (9/11) because that's when it would hurt America most.

But yes, those who wear the orange tube tops and denim shorts have become mighty cocky over the last decade. I can't believe their fans, and the media, have let Shockley's injury set them up for an even more emotionally crushing defeat. I guess they forgot that their offense still sucks.

DAve said...

That's it - I gotta get outta here. I just form-tackled my receptionist.


Anonymous said...

So does that mean that right now we should call it "AGBAW" because thats what its been.

Listen, Dooley was great, but nobody remembers the years before it turned into the "BAW".

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, how soon the leghumpers forget...

Anonymous said...

Dear Gator Haters-
I cannot remember reading anything more venemous than the hatred being spewed by you "classy" dawg fans...
We lowly lizards do not all wear mullets and jean shorts any more than the Dawgs in Athens or Tide fans in Tuscaloosa or War Eagles in Auburn..and certainly there are more than a few dawgs liquored up on Jack or Southern Comfort that bark at any and everything after they win, and stagger back to their trucks mocking the Gator, THAT'S CLASSY.....
So, let's cut out the stereotpes and generalizations and just recognize they are everywhere in every southern state, and that the running it up days of Spurrier are long gone...
Let's save the hatred for the terrorists, Hillary and the democrats, ok?
Hope DJ is ok and gets to play, hope it is a good game with a gator victory(you had yours last year and not again until, oh, say 2011 or so....
warm regards,

Gators everywhere

Anonymous said...


Nathan said...

Georgia fans making fun of any other fanbase for boorish, drunken redneck behavior is just high comedy.

Anonymous said...

The term 'oxymoron' comes to mind...

This Gator fan is happy for a win, but will quickly admit that the whole game would have been different had Shockley played. Sorry he was hurt. Terrishinkski played as well as he could. He'll be a good back up somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I think the new term is "Gatored". Common usage UGA got "Gatored" on Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Now just find/replace Florida for Georgia and vice versa and you will have an accurate account of the past 16 years. Go Gators.

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