[Photo: Tech fan "JacketKey" Looks on as UGA beats Tech. Again. Click to Enlarge]

UGA 45 Austin Peay 0
UGA 41 South Carolina 17
UGA 43 Mizzou 29
UGA 38 Tenn 12
UGA 41 Vandy 13
LSU 36 UGA 13
UGA 36 UF 17
UGA 34 UK 17
UGA 27 AU 10
UGA 66 UMass 27
UGA 45 Tech 21
haha.. Nice fairy wings. What a stereotypical nerd. Who would wear that?
Nice job JacketKey..Nerd
To other AT of Kappa Sig's out there. I can't believe you sold your own bro out to PWD. You should have sold him out to me.
Kapa Sig, Forever Dude!
Rememeber the time we all got torn up down at Applebee's before the Clemson game and we met that fat chick who was like what do you want to eat, and we were like, step off B*($C!
Honor. Brotherhood. And Integrity. Always.
Cheers to JacketKey. I am constantly amused by JacketKey because very few people can misuse profanity with such intensity, yet profound lack of commonly observed syntax, spelling, and subject-verb agreement. It's almost as if English is a second language. Or, perhaps Fairy Land observes its own grammatical conventions. Go Dawgs!
every time a jacket dies,
a fairy gets his wings.
Somebody went to my site after reading this post, and all I have to say is, "Thank you." The post and the comments -- comments especially -- are classic.
Revenge of the Nerds.
I'm not surprised by the fairy wings. I mean, these are the same idiots who dance to techno music at the opening of their games. Only a bunch of nerds would have techno music playing in their stadium during the pre-game hype.
That's a buddy of mine, and I can tell you he's not a Kappa Sig. No idea whether or not he's JacketKey, though.
That's the "Ghetto Buzz" costume; one of the Goldfellas.
I'm not sure Ghetto Buzz wearing Yellow Jacket wings is any worse than the UGa fans wearing rubber dog masks and barking ...
Goldfellas are hard to hate, seriously.
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