NCAA 2007 for PS2 and XBox
NCAA 360 for Xbox 360
All I'll say about the new 360 version Check out these 2 screen shots from IGN. Jaw dropping.

Incredibly impressive. BTW -- here's another custom cover I did last year. This one for Danny Ware.

PWD, I dont know if you're like many of us at the FH3, but we salivate about the thought of the new NCAA. What are your thoughts about a Ga. Sports Blog/FH3/EDSBS? NCAA 2k7 tournament?
i wouldn't be opposed to it. However, my house isn't very conducive to internet access for my PS2.
i haven't played a game online in a long time.
I wouldn't put Danny Ware on the cover of NCAA '06 or '07 if I was photoshopping a cover. Ware is our #3 running back, Lumpkin or Massaquoi would be more appropriate on the cover.
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