In unrelated news, Adams, Richt and students participated in a town hall meeting on campus to discuss drinking. Unfortunately, all the cool kids failed to show up for it. They were at the bars having fun.

Even our pets have fun in Athens.
UGA 45 Austin Peay 0
UGA 41 South Carolina 17
UGA 43 Mizzou 29
UGA 38 Tenn 12
UGA 41 Vandy 13
LSU 36 UGA 13
UGA 36 UF 17
UGA 34 UK 17
UGA 27 AU 10
UGA 66 UMass 27
UGA 45 Tech 21
JTIII at QB is no surprise to me. He's smart (and really, that is more important than a cannon for an arm) he knows the system, and he's a leader. Imo, he has to get injured or play horrible to lose the position. In fact, he has played well. a little seasoning may not be fun if you are Cox or Stafford, but there's a lot of reason historically to think it makes you a better QB in the long run.
Town Hall meetings are publicity stunts, and that's about all that needs to be said until they put us all on double secret probation.
"Richt said he asked players if they would be willing to go to an alcohol-free nightclub on campus."
For the record, I didn't drink for my first two years at UGA and there's no way in hell I'd go to a dry on-campus "night club." Anything the SGA tries to manage is boring or lasts about one semester before people tire of it.
Honorable idea, Coach, but you are now joining the "old guy" realm of problem-solving.
The solution, unfortunately, is outside the grasp of Richt or Adams. Society (i.e. parenting and peer influence) is what prevents or promotes alcohol abuse, not easy work-a-rounds.
Adams' townhall meetings are a joke. He is an autocrat, and if his tenure on campus has enabled us to draw any conclusions, it is that he has no use for public input or the opinions of student, faculty, or alumni. Publicity stunt is right. Bringing Richt was probably an insurance policy against people throwing sharp objects.
Adams' autocracy isn't always bad. If Adams had let Dooley call the shots, we'd probably still be saddled with Jim Donnan and his underperforming team of future AFC Pro Bowlers and Super Bowl MVP.
Dante, your example is a mixed bag. VD was slow on the trigger to fire, but Adams cost the University $200K+ with his secret retention side deal. If it hadn't been for Coach Adams, Donnan might have left for North Carolina. Who knows.
A mixed bag? We got rid of a bad coach and got a good one instead and all it cost us was a touch over $200K. How is that a mixed bag? Do you really think Dooley was ever going to fire Donnan? Dooley even went so far as to say that Donnan's job at Georgia was safe the next year before Adams stepped in and forced the firing. Do you think Donnan would've taken a job at UNC after knowing that hearing that his job at Georgia was safe? I don't think it was a matter of being slow to pull the trigger. I think Dooley was going to give Donnan yet another year that he really didn't deserve.
Dante, you can't give credit to Adams for firing Donnan without giving credit to Dooley for sourcing Richt.
Adams wanted in this order:
- Dennis Erickson
- Terry Donahue
- Chan Gailey
That's not an all-star list. You've got 2 Harrick CLONES and one guy who is the post child for mediocrity.
Make no mistake. I give Adams no credit in finding Richt. I merely give Adams credit for realizing that Richt needed to be found while Dooley was all too willing to burn another season in hopes that Donnan would improve. I tip my hat to Dooley on that one. Finding a coach that could make Georgia one of the only three teams (along with USC and Texas) to finish in the Top 10 for the past four years in a row is about the best anyone could've done with this program.
(Also realize that I'm very much not a fan of Adams. I liked Knapp a lot better. Knapp didn't throw UGA into a state of perpetual construction or go ripping up any major roads.)
As I've said before, I don't have any real beef with Adams as a fund spender. I like what he's done, and much of it was overdue.
But as a fund raiser and administrator of the Georgia Legacy, I think he's exceptionally weak.
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