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June 27, 2006

Meyer Points, Stares, Whiffs on Recruiting Trail

Recent twin UGA commitments from Statesboro High seniors John Knox and Justin Houston continue to be newsworthy. The Statesboro Herald, as linked by, relays a telling anecdote from the recruiting trail in which future Bulldog Houston withstood the withering stare, and presumably, the paralyzing pointing of Florida's Urban Meyer.

Justin Houston said he looked up to former Statesboro High and Florida defensive end Jeremy Mincey, and Florida coach Urban Meyer visited Houston to personally recruit him.

“I looked up to Mincey a lot, so I kind of wanted to go play at the Swamp,” said Houston. Meyer didn’t mince words about his desire to have Houston play for the Gators. “He told me to look him in the eye and said they wanted me,” Houston said of the meeting with Meyer.

How did Houston react to an eyeball-meld with Meyer--the kind of situation that might have caused a less-poised recruit to soil himself, go blind, or both? Houston said he started laughing. “Meyer responded by saying he was serious,” said Houston when asked how Meyer responded to his laugh. That hiss you hear is Urban Meyer's ego deflating. Pfffffffft.

To put it to you another way, if this recruting trip were a movie, Urban would be Max Fischer and Justin Houston would be Miss Cross.

Meyer: The truth is, neither one of us has the slightest idea where this relationship is going.
Houston: We don't have a relationship.

Film Critic &
Statesboro Division Bureau Chief


Anonymous said...

Now if after that little exchange,Julian would have reached over and twisted his ears,followed up by a headlock and an old fashioned dutch rub,AND a video for posterity...sorry,I'm just getting a little carried away....

Anonymous said...

He laughed. Damn, I wish I could have been a fly on the wall...

Anonymous said...

LOL, funniest thing I've ever read....hey little boy......UF wants you....come play with me!?!? Ummm, to the Urbanater check out backstreets with Gross-man or does he just enjoy a good ole'Tickle pile like Tech fans?!? Classic!

Anonymous said...

It reminds me of the scene in Animal House when the professor says he is still waiting for reports from some members of the class. And as they continue to exit, he whines, "I'm serious, this is my job."

Anonymous said...

rofl!!! now uf and meyer are stuck with another recruiting class steamrolling to number 1 again!!! lol lol lol!!!!

Anonymous said...

Does this remind anyone else of the "Look into my eye!" guy from Aliens?

Anonymous said...

I think Urban needs to augment his Dr Wayne Dryer 'Power of Positive Thinking'videos with a visit to There he can unlock the secrets of becoming a Sales Superstar!

All that's in between UF and a Natl Champ is $89.95.

Anonymous said...


fucking pups

Erik said...

That is Hiiiilarious! The more I hear about this Urban fellow, the more I think he's a massive douche.

I'd be willing to bet that he popped in a copy of Total Eclipse of the Heart and sobbed a little on the drive back to Gainesville.

Anonymous said...

You clowns actually believe this story?


Dawgnoxious said...

Anon @ 2:52, are you casting aspersions at the journalistic integrity of the Statesboro Herald? Fair enough.

But yes, I do. Why would that kid make it up? He almost went to Florida, why would he try to throw Meyer under the bus with a fabricated tale?

Anonymous said...

What is Urban's record vs. UGA? The Gators may never win a National Championship but we know the Gator can always beat Georiga.

Anonymous said...

You dawgs have nothing more to talk about than this BS? I guess thats what happens when you've only defeated a team twice since 1990.

Anonymous said...

"You dawgs have nothing more to talk about than this BS?"

At least it's not so bad that Georgia fans have to go to other schools' blog pages and talk smack. Those Florida and SCar fans on the other hand...

Anonymous said...

"At least it's not so bad that Georgia fans have to go to other schools' blog pages and talk smack."

Perhaps 2 out of 16 makes it kinda hard to talk smack to us, no?

Anonymous said...

Over the past 9 years, Georgia has won more SEC Titles, SEC East Titles and BCS Games than the Gators. We've also won more total games and SEC games.

Sure, we've only beaten you 2 of times in the past 9 years. You own us.

But since Jan. 2, 1997, the Gators haven't accomplished much of anything. In fact, you've been in steady decline. While UGA has been on a steady rise.

So yes. I do see room for smack talk.


6/29/2006 2:21 PM

Anonymous said...

Maybe Meyer should start crying in front of recruits and hiting the tanning salon 24/7 like Coach Richt does.

Anonymous said...

The important part if you're not a member is...

“I got to go up to Coach Richt’s office. He told me they want me real bad. I told him I saw that documentary on him about him adopting his kids. He asked if I minded whether he asked me why I was living with my grandmother? I told him my parents just were having problems and split up when I was little and he just started crying right there in front of me. I just knew right then and there that there goes the father figure as well as the coach. It was really nice.”

I'll be sure to ask Urban if he's cried at a recruit recently.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:09

While you're asking good 'ole Urbs that, be sure and ask him if he's cried on NATIONAL TV during a press conference. I can't remember if he has or not.

Holla said...

Er, the difference between our cryer and your cryer, "anon", is that ours actually got the recruit.

But he is very tan. That's a real diss right there.

Erik said...

Crying about Football or crying about be the judge.

anonymous folks are always such assholes!

Anonymous said...

UGA is indeed on a steady rise...just ask West VA

Anonymous said...

Regardless of recent history, we still own UF's ass. They can crow all they want - after they win 10 more in a row and actually catch up with us.

Anonymous said...

What is funny is that that the worthless Pooches continue to lose every year to UF. Hell Zook was 2-1 against Richt! Gotta love that one! LOL!

Anonymous said...

As a Carolina fan i think its funny as hell. Urban meyer is a joke. period.

Anonymous said...

Ooooops. I guess those boys didnt want to win an SEC Championship and play for a National Championship this year. Now they get to look forward to three more years of rolling over and presenting their bollocks to the Gators, like the rest of the Bulldogs.

Anonymous said...

Oooooooops. Too bad those boys didnt want to win an SEC Championship and play for a National Championship this year. Now they get to look forward to three more years of rolling over and presenting their bollocks to the Gators, like the rest of the Bulldogs.

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