Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

October 13, 2006

Apparently, my mom has a daughter

I don't know what's more shocking. That my mom has a daughter, and I didn't know this for my entire 30+ years. Or the fact that she's a UT fan.

Check the visual evidence.



Anonymous said...

just further confirmation that they are, in fact, HILLBILLIES.

Anonymous said...

But at least they can play football, unlike a certain team in athens, ga.

I hope you enjoyed your 4 years of above average football, see you in another 20 years.

dawgs - 3rd best team in the SEC EAST.

Anonymous said...

the last 4 years for georgia is above average? what's a good season then? yeah we're down (much like UT was last year) but we'll bounce back (much like UT has done this year).

Anonymous said...

"the last 4 years for georgia is above average? what's a good season then?" Or conversely, what's a very bad/terrible season? UT over the last few years I guess.

Anonymous said...

2nd anonymous...

What games are you watching?

Vanderbilt is the 3rd best team in the SEC EAST.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it goes like this...

4)GA/KY to be determined

See you guys at the Filmore bowl.

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