Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

March 29, 2007

More on Felton's contract extension from Damon Evans

Damon was very diplomatic describing his expectations for continued improvement while commending Felton for his progress to date.

See Also:
-- Felton's raise - ABH
-- Four more years - AJC
-- Evans looking for improvements -
-- Felton's extension -



Anonymous said...

Pretty interesting quotes from DE. As I read it, very measured, almost cool -- about as close to lukewarm as you'll ever hear from an AD giving an extension. All the happy talk was from DF, pretty much none from DE.

Which, even as some one who thinks (hopes?), DF is going to get it done, doesn't bother me. If there is tangible evidence he's getting it done (i.e. a strong performance next year, the first in which we've had a full roster of players DF was able to recruit under semi-normal circumstances), I think DE will pay him, and that's all any coach really cares about.

Anonymous said...

It's all in Felton's hands. He can make as much as he earns from here on out.

We didn't spend $30 million on a practice facility to then skimp on coaching salaries.

Anonymous said...

Yep. $30 million in brick and mortar makes up for a lot of missing happy talk. I hope we're right.

Until I see evidence to the contrary (and DF's modest extension ain't that), I'm going to take DE at his word that he wants making the hoops program stop sucking to be part of his legacy. And doing what it takes to beat back the first serious run someone takes at DF if he wins will be a big part of that.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting to say the least. Will he look to sign one more this spring? What is going on with Mike Jones' pursuit of the Columbus St job? (And if Jones did move on, who would be brought in to replace him?). There are some big questions for Felton and his staff to figure out this summer, I can't wait to see their answers.

Anonymous said...


Should we pursue a HS coach in the Gwinnett area to further open that area for us?


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