Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

March 3, 2007

NCAA 2008 Cover Boy for EA Sports is...

Jared Zabransky? Seriously? I would've preferred a different photo. Maybe the one of Tony Taylor intercepting Jared in Athens. What an odd choice.

See Also:
-- Jared the Cover Boy -
-- List of Previous Covers -- Wikipedia (update)



JasonC said...

Darren McFadden maybe?

Anonymous said...

JaMarcus Rusell even - this is a joke. 1 good game & he makes the cover. LMAO!!!!

Unknown said...

Dude, that's not Jared Zabransky. It's clearly Uncle Rico.

He can chuck that tater a mile.

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

Well, what can you say, Boise's the trendy team right now. Least it wasn't Jimmy Clausen.

Anonymous said...

hey, what's wrong with Jared? Besides rising from the ashes of a total woodsheding in Athens (which would have left many a player spending the rest of his career huddled in the fetal position) to engineer probably one of the most exciting upset bowl wins since Miami beat Nebraska for their first NC, Jared has also overcome a tremendous weight problem. Those Subway commercials are an inspiration, AND the guy is a legit D1 QB? How can you NOT put him on the cover? Sure, he's no Reggie BaLLLL, but what the hell.

Rock on, Jared.

Andrew said...

This is beyond confusing. Despite the "trendy team" argument for BSU, EA seems to be forgetting that:
a) Zabransky practically threw the game away on a horrible decision in the final minute.
b) He did not make the successful pitch in the hook and ladder play.
c) He did not make the touchdown pass on 4th and 2 that took the game to a second overtime.
d) He goes by the nickname 'Z.'
e) He was not on the sideline with the clipboard calling all of these ultimately successful plays--the backups were.
f) He didn't make a clutch pass at the end of the game to win it--in fact, NOT passing, and instead having him hand off behind his back, probably won them the game.
g) He has various tribal armband tattoos.

Also, I thought it was unwritten law that a player from the national championship team would make it onto the EA cover--while I never thought I'd advocate putting a UF player on there over anyone else, I have to say that this choice makes me rethink that policy entirely.

Anonymous said...

They've had several players on the cover that weren't National Title guys including:

Larry Fitzgerald

Reggie Bush (after they lost the title)

Carson Palmer

Joey Harrington

Ricky Williams

The national title winner hasn't been on the cover more times than he has.
Shawn Alexander

Andrew said...

That point ceded, then, there still seem to me to be plenty of reasons to leave Z in

Anonymous said...

I love it. I thought Chris Leak was a shoe-in for it.

Jmac said...

I just thought the guy who'd they stick on the cover of the game would have a decent chance of being drafted before the fifth or sixth round.

The 31st Floor said...

So do you think they'll have a sideline graphic of him crying while hooked up to an IV with a towel over his head after throwing interceptions?

Anonymous said...

Chris Leak? Really? What about Calvin Johnson or Adrian Peterson? This is the most bizarre choice I've ever seen for a cover athlete for one of these games. Was John Stocco unavailable for the shoot? Did Levi Brown turn them down?

Anonymous said...

You guys are forgetting something: JZ was a great college quarterback outside of the Bowl. He won more games in his career than any of the QB's mentioned so far, and he helped make Boise State a legitimate football school. I'm on the West Coast now, and I got to see him play a few more times than most of you probably bothered to...I'm telling you this guy can play.

Anonymous said...

I like Jared for the cover shot. He has a better record than any other college quarterback (32-5? maybe better), he's a total comeback story. Good Sophomore season (perfect regular season), meltdown in Georgia (that kind of set the tone for his junior season, although they managed to win a lot of ball games and clinch their conference) and then have a stellar senior season (only throwing something like 8 ints, which is better than most of the draft's top qb's) and topping it all off with a fiesta bowl win against OU (who lost on the worst call in the world to u of O...don't believe me? that ref went into early retirement because of it) He doesn't go by the nickname's a nickname people gave him. He didn't just decide one day to start telling people to call him Z. He's an average guy's heroe. He's not flawless and that is the point. He made mistakes and took all the right steps to correct them and finish victorious. and whoever said AP, give me a break...he was injured most of the season and then ended with a lackluster performance in his comeback game.

Anonymous said...

Jared zabransky deserves it he is a born leader to lead his underdog boise state team to a perfect season and a great quarterback and im not a boise state fan either, 1 good player on the cover of 1 good game

Anonymous said...

thank god they didnt put some sorry ass florida player on the cover ohio state dosent show up and they feel they are better than everyone

Anonymous said...

andrew, get your facts straight numbnuts, let's see, Zabransky fires a strike on 4th and 18 to even allow the play to happen, second, there was no second overtime, or did everyone else just miss that whole second OT that you saw. Quit hatin so hard that it clouds your brain, then get some thoughts that make sense out here.

Anonymous said...

No, No, No. the best player in football was Calvin Johnson he should be the cover guy hands down! But if not him of course Adrian Peterson.

Anonymous said...

anybody but brady quinn is fine with me...

Anonymous said...

33 and 5 as a collegiate starter.

Anonymous said...

Marvis sais perfect season should get a shear of the title so you couls say he deserves to be on the cover if not him then the new best quarterback WVU'S Pat White.

Anonymous said...

This is NCAA 2008, not NFL 2008... The cover boys draft position should have no bearing on who the cover boy is. He led the Broncos to two undefeated seasaon and was the QB of the most thrilling game of the season. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

shoulda been troy smith, he may have choked but he still walked out with the hiesman....

All Day said...

Alot of people here in oklahoma were upset with EA about Zabransky being on the cover, so when i went in to my local gamers store to reserve my copy a month ago, the guy behind the counter tells me since all these oklahoma fans got upset about it EA is giving us the option(only on reserved copies)to either have adrian peterson or pistol pete (ok state) as the front cover. I was blown away by this, and obviously said "i want AD on the cover." How cool would that be though, if everyone who reserved their copy had the option of puting whoever they wanted on the front cover. Gamers could put their favorite players on the cover, and the guys actually playing college football could put themselves on the cover. Just a thought possibly for 09'

what the .. said...

Maybe they were trying to save advertising money, thats the only argument I can think of or somebody high up is a Bosie St. grad. Thats all I got. If Jared Zabransky should be here b/c of his stellar career, what about Garrett Wolfe. Lets go back how about Adrian Peterson from Georgia Southern when he was killing people there who? exactly but atleast he got drafted. The should be a couple criteria for being on the cover of the game first when people see you they shouldnt laugh second when people see you they shouldnt say who the hell is that. The point of spending money on these guys to get them on the cover is to get people to come buy the game, I would say smarter bet on Reggie Bush last year. But maybe they figured it out it will probably sell anyway
He is lucky his coach is a hell of a play caller

Anonymous said...

What about brady quinn?!?
Played all 4 seasons at ND had wat a total of 7 maybe 8 interceptions all career...holds 16 records at ND.
COME ON Z got lucky in the bowl game

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

dmac!he deserved it he had 1100 rushing yards last season and 2nd in the heisman watch

Anonymous said...

I think it should have been daniel evans. He also should have won the heisman.

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