UPDATE: This article was original written in March 2007. Today, (6/28/08) is one of the top google searches regarding Uga VI. If you're looking for news of his passing, you can find it here: Uga VI died last night)
The news of his demise have been greatly exaggerated. Apparently, rumors started to swirl last week that 2007 would be Uga VI's last season. Early yesterday afternoon, the AJC ran an interview with Sonny Seiler, UGA's owner, and made it sound like his retirement in 2007 was a near sure thing.
Shortly after that, Josh Kendall of the Macon Telegraph, ran an article interviewing Seiler again that stated specifically that there is no specific timeline for naming Uga VII . Kendall's article also shed more light on Uga VI's health. After the Macon Telegraph article ran, the AJC went back and toned their article down considerably.
Regardless, he is advancing in years, and we probably aren't more than a season or two removed from a passing of the bone. But there's no sense rushing a legend out the door.
Before the 2006 season, I ran an article asking how much longer would Uga VI stay on the job. That article talks about some of the history of the Uga line, and it provides links to more dawgly info. It might be of interest to you.
See Also:
-- Uga VI Photo Gallery - AJC
-- Uga VI: On the Job - ABH
Uga is great - no doubt. A great mascot - the best. But Uga is venturing into the realm of overexposure. His owner, Sonny "look at me" Seiler, is incredibly overexposed and I am sick of the guy. Not only that, but his daughter Swan is Pres of the Alumni Association which is just more of the same. I've had enough of the Seilers and consequently, getting tired of Uga as well. Between the Leeberns and the Seilers, UGA has become an incestuous playground for the bumbling attention whores.
Thank God anon above doesn't speak for the majority.
Uga is undoubtedly the greatest live mascot of all sports. He holds the great distinction of being the first live mascot at the Final Four, as well as being featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated.
Uga VI has ushered in the Richt era and hopefully Uga VII will rightfully carry on his predecescor's tradition with honor and slobber.
The Seilers make no money off the Uga VI likeness or image beyond the fees associated with breeding the dog. Which are nominal in the grand scheme of things.
That is a multi-million business that they have GENEROUSLY donated to Georgia.
The Seilers have protected the Uga brand and they have managed it in accordance with The University of Georgia's wishes. In exchange, they've been given great seats and they get to have a great time with their family pet. They don't get to run the school or AD's office or anything else.
You are so OUTRAGEOUSLY off base in this area that it's amazing.
The Seilers are in now way shape or form similiar to the Leeberns.
Their generosity and Sonny's marketing expertise in promoting the Dawg WHILE STILL making him accessible to the average UGA fan is absolutely brilliant.
And, oh yeah, Sonny Seiler also manages to practice law pretty well while handling all of the above listed by Paul. And even if Anon. was right about the Seilers, how the hell does that transfer to the DAWG?
anon- you are so out of line on this one. The Seilers are voluntering there time to the University. As PWD said they probably do lose millions of dollars by volunteering there time and there DAWG. And how can you be tired of Uga? Uga is Georgia football as much as the Archs are to the school or the big G is to all of the Georgia sports teams.
Anon - you're an idiot. Even worse, you're a coward for not identifying yourself. You obviously don't know the Seiler family, and haven't the slightest clue what they mean to the entire UGA family.
Shut your mouth & start supporting the University of Georgia or, better yet, take your sorry ass to the technical school in Atlanta.
allex- I have a feeling he is already a North Avenue homo.
Looking at the pictures posted on AJC about the history of Uga I am not sure there is a better image then Uga on his hind legs going after that Auburn player.
What is even better is the fact someone took a picture of it.
Allex - when you cheer for an overstuffed lame insect every week, I'm sure you do get tired of seeing the much superior Uga everywhere. By making his idiotic post, he inadvertently outed himself - as out2years pointed out. Cut the kid a break - being a tech fan & a moron must be hard to cope with.
I think the key clue to Anon's true identity was when he used the word bumbling, as in bumble, as in bumble bee, er, yellow jacket. And UGA can never, ever be overexposed.
In retrospect, the rumors were right on target.
Wow, you are all lost in a dream world where what you idolized as a teenager still runs your life. To be called names simply based on your choice of a sports team is simply childish. While the not so intelligent will imply based my my answer that I must be one of those "homo's" instead of realizing what morons they sound like. I have been a UGA fan my entire life. However, people who act like this make make us all sound ignorant.
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