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April 19, 2007

Quincy's Fall from Grace

I have no sympathy for the guy. Primarily because he sicked his former high school coach on us who called Georgia a "big redneck school" when blaming Quincy's "problems" on Georgia.

But if you're interested in where our infamous ex-#17 is at these you go.



Anonymous said...

I hope & pray Quincy does make it. He deserved to be punished from breaking the lw & NFL rules, but so do MANY others - who aren't.
Once a Dawg, always a Dawg.
I'm pulling for 'ya Quincy!

Anonymous said...

quick, someone forward this story to Calvin Johnson. Even though he's a Jacket, I'd hate to see anyone else fall as far as Q did for a little obsession with the chronic.

Anonymous said...

He sued Dallas because of wrongful termination (and lost), then he says the police didn't handle his arrest for pot "the right way". Keep blaming everyone but yourself Q, that's a great way to go through life.

JasonC said...

Couple of things...
1. What kind of paper is the Dallas Observer? The banner at the top for was for the Hedonism Resort and looked like a late night flick on Cinemax. Also, the writer used "sh*t" in the article.
2. Anonymous #2 is right, probably Q's biggest problem is not accepting any responsibility for anything and always passing the blame.
3. How funny was this quote? "Galloway says, 'You know your life's not going well if I have to bail you out of jail.'"
4. Duing G-Day, I was talking with a friend and he was telling me about how he got to Death Valley late because his friend left his ticket in the hotel... thus, missing the first TD drive when Q had his best game and started out on fire against a good LSU team.

JRS said...

Quincy was never a 'damn good dawg', just a 'darn good dawg'. I never got the feeling that he wanted to be a part of the Bulldog family. Regardless, I really hope he gets his life back on track. Good luck, Q.

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

I'm not going to take any responsibility for Quincy steering himself down a bad road (as some people have suggested Georgia fans should, as if we made him turn to weed), but I'm still going to root for him to turn his life around and become a success somehow. It certainly doesn't do Bulldog Nation as a whole any good when one of our players crashes and burns like this.

Anonymous said...

Hate to say it, but QC was a low-life and Donnan's ridiculous and unexplainable allegiance to a mediocre, maybe average, dope head cost him his job. I wish QC the best, but that entire saga in Athens has always confounded me.

Anonymous said...

Can you say shit in newspapers in Texas? Anyway, I totally agree with the strong Shreveport hate. And QC hate for that matter.

I think the Dallas Morning News is considered the legit print media over there.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing that the newspaper is probably like Creative Loafing. Thus, the profanity.

Anonymous said...

"Donnan's ridiculous and unexplainable allegiance (to Carter)"

This is a sentiment I've never quite understood. Exactly what were the alternatives?

Anonymous said...

Alternatives? Maybe letting Daniel Cobb, Nate Hybl and Dan Usry have a legitimate shot a winning the starting role as opposed to naming QC the starter from day #1. Donnan drove those three out of town with that decision.

Anonymous said...

Not give Daniel Cobb, Nate Hybl and (Mike) Usry a legit shot to win the job? Carter was the best QB on campus by three miles in 1998. If Donnan made a mistake with Carter, it was only to recruit him in the first place, and most any coach in the nation would have gladly made the same mistake at the time.

The careers of the others prove out the point. Only Hybl did much, and that was after several years as an understudy. Please don't let hatred of or disillusionment with Carter lead you to any other conclusion except that Carter was legitimately the best quarterback we had until he left. If the others were "driven out of town", it's because they had a front row seat to the obvious.

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

I'm with Groo on this one. Even if Quincy hadn't been obviously more talented than the other three -- which I think pretty much everybody accepted that he was -- somebody had to be named #1. If the other three felt like they needed to leave in a huff after that, that's their problem. Nate Hybl might've been an improvement over Quincy in the long run, but would you have really wanted to see Daniel Cobb under center for the next thirty-seven years? (Trust me, it would've taken that long to get rid of him -- just look at how long he hung around at Auburn.)

All that said, of course, I don't think Donnan was nearly enough of a disciplinarian toward Carter (or any of the other players who displayed unethical tendencies during his tenure). Making Quincy the starter was a perfectly understandable decision, but allowing him to harm the rest of the team by degenerating into cannabis-fueled mediocrity, with what appeared to be a bare minimum of intervention, was not.

Anonymous said...

Geez - I beat up on Donnan for lots of things. But I'm not sure Usry never started at USF. Cobb was wretched and Hybl was steady but VERY young in 1998.

Quincy also had an AMAZING season in '98 by any FR QB standard.

The problem was 2000 when things jumped the shark. And yes...I think Cory Phillips OR Greene should've been in the game after the 3rd INT.

Or the 4th.

Or the 5th.

But the '98 stuff? That was what any coach would've done. QC *took* the job. He wasn't given it. He stone cold beat those jobbers out.

Anonymous said...

Doug said it better than I could. Donnan's flaw was handling Carter once he had the job, and he was painted into a corner by the time 2000 rolled around.

Phillips might have been a reasonable replacement for the end of the SC game, but he still was JT3 with a better arm and not a long-term solution if Carter were still available. We forget in the mess of the 2000 season that we still went into the Florida game with only one loss and the SEC East still very much in our grasp. And then things went very, very wrong.

I know Donnan has kicked himself over keeping the redshirt on Greene, and playing DG might have saved his job. That decision might have rippled through the program as long as 2005...we might have had a more experienced Greene in 2001, two years of Shock, who knows.

Anonymous said...

I hope Quincy saved some of Jerry's money. He should thank the lucky stars that Jerry picked him when he did.
I don't have a lot of sympathy from someone who doesn't learn from past mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Quincy was a very talented guy that blew it at UGA. A bud of mine saw him with his posse buying rolling papers in ATL the night before the AU game. How many players with that much potential get worse the longer they play? Pass the joint!

Anonymous said...

I take issue with the use of the phrase 'fall from grace.' It implies that Q was ever in an esteemed position.

Maybe 'fall from athletic heights'. Certainly not grace though.

Anonymous said...

I'm disappointed in Dawg nation that we let one of our own get this way. We once loved this guy, taunted the Nats over getting him even. He was going to lead us to glory. He loses a couple games to Yech, SC and we throw him under the bus? Very sad to say that I'm a dawg if this is the way we treat our own that need our help!

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