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May 21, 2007

SEC Teams Ranked by Wins over the last 10 years

Image: Jim Hipple

A few weeks ago, looked at the overall wins per SEC team from 1997-2006, and then ranked the teams based exclusively on that criteria.

The Georgia Bulldogs came in first with 96 overall wins. You read that right.

Consider where we were the prior 10 years. In 1996, Georgia finished 5-6 under new head coach Jim Donnan. The season included losses to Southern Miss (home), South Carolina (road), Kentucky (road), Ole Miss (home) and brutal thrashings at the hands of Tennessee and Florida. Things very looked bleak.

There was no hint that 10 years later, we would shockingly be sitting atop the SEC in terms of overall wins.
    1. Georgia 98
    2. Florida 96
    2. Tennessee 96
    4. LSU 86
    5. Auburn 84
    6. Arkansas 71
    7. Alabama 66
    8. Ole Miss 65
    9. South Carolina 54
    10. Miss State 50
    11. Kentucky 46
    12. Vandy 30
But here we are. In our case, it's really more of a reflection of solid consistency than domination, but I'll take it. Especially, in light of where we were the prior 10 years. We only posted 69 wins from '87-96). The complete ranking with brief commentary are available on

Some additional info over the past 10 years ('97-'06)....
    National Titles:
      1 - UF ('06)
      1 - UT ('98)
      1 - LSU ('03)

    SEC Titles:
      2 - UT ('97 and '98)
      2 - LSU ('01 and '03)
      2 - UGA ('02 and '05)
      2 - UF ('00 and '06)
      1 - AU ('04)
      1 - Bama ('99)

    Appearances in SEC Title Game:
      4 - UT ('97, '98, '01 and '04) 2-2 record
      3 - UF ('99, 00 and '06) 2-1 record
      3 - UGA ('02, '03 and '05) 2-1 record
      3 - LSU ('01, '03 and '05) 2-1 record
      3 - AU ('97, '00, '04) 1-2 record
      2 - ARK ('02 and '06) 0-2 record
      1 - Alabama ('99) 1-0 record
      1 - MSU ('97) 0-1 record
See Also:PWD


Anonymous said...

You've got us listed as 98 and the tie for second at 96. I think we have 96 and the tie for second is a 94.

Anonymous said...

Kind of off the subject, but I don't like the new kickoff rule (from the 30 I think). From my seats, the kickoff coverage team looks like one of UGA's biggest weaknesses, and backing up 5 yards before we kick every time this year does not sound attractive to me. Does anyone know who will be charging down the field, between the hashes and "Bustin' the Wedge" this year??? Lots of work to be done, boys; and it starts up fast. Go DAWGS!

Anonymous said...

What is Georgia Tech's record over the past 10 years

Dan said...

GT won 79 games in that span which actually a marked improvement since from '97 - '06 they had not a single losing season and won no fewer than 7 games in any of those years. When one considers how truly putrid the teams after the MNC year then it's not as horrific a ten year span as I would have imagine.

The big ouch is the 4 consecutive 7 win seasons from the Chaninator until this previous season.

Anonymous said...

Interesting, the top 3 teams and bottom 2 teams are from the east with the west pretty much in the middle.

Anonymous said...

This perfectly illustrates how badly the dawgs need to win another national title. For the past 10 years we have been the best team in the best conference which should logically make us one of.. if not .. the best teams in the nation. However, that lack of a national title just places us behind the Texas, Ohio State, USC, group of top programs in the minds of 95% of the country.

Anonymous said...

"This perfectly illustrates how badly the dawgs need to win another national title."

A National Title is 1/3 ability, 1/3 scheduling, and 1/3 luck. LSU got to the national title game doing the exact same thing Georgia did the year before (10-1 with 1 loss to Florida). Florida had to go undefeated to get it's shot at the title game but Auburn went undefeated before that and still got left out. Texas' national title invite had a lot more to do with Oklahoma falling apart than it did with Texas improving. I would be so stoked to see Georgia win a national title but Georgia could end up doing everything right and still not make it to the big game. Fortunately, Georgia is taking some interest in scheduling enough big name out-of-conference teams to keep us from being another Auburn so we have the second 1/3. Unfortunately, I don't think that first 1/3 has quite come back to them yet.

peacedog said...

Florida didn't go undefeated.

Anonymous said...

Good call. I forgot about that. So Florida also got a shot as a 1-loss team while undefeated Auburn sat at and similarly 1-loss Georgia sat out in previous years. Didn't Florida lose to LSU?

Anonymous said...

It's a heap more than 1/3 luck.

Unless you've got Southern Cal's talent, winning the national title is WAY more luck than you're making out.

Trey said...

Florida lost to Auburn, and I agree with PWD. It is way more luck, like say, UCLA beating USC in the Coliseum + Arkansas winning the West out from under Auburn or LSU, who would have matched up much, much better against Florida in the SEC title game.

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