Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

November 11, 2007

Evil Richt Rocks the House

After the Florida game, Orson Swindle told me that Georgia brought Evil Richt to the Cocktail Party. Well, it looks like Kathryn sent Evil Richt to his second game of the season. (Image:

Evil Richt knows how to party. Evil Richt would drink you under a table. Evil Richt shot a man in Reno just to watch him die. Evil Richt stares down officials and eats them for breakfast. Evil Richt fell into a burning ring of fire and laughed about it. Evil Richt once spent a night in the Starkville City jail for picking flowers. Evil Richt wears black.

I heart Evil Richt. Frankly, I'd like to roll with Evil Richt, but I'm not man enough. Plus, I just said, "I heart..." That's a good way to get your ass kicked when riding with the Coach in Black.

The AJC has the story of the uniform change. Actually, they have two stories on the making of the Blackout. Apparently, the seniors knew, but no one else new for sure.

Someone tell Mark to grow a goatee. It's the only thing missing from the Evil Richt look. More on the game later.

See Also:
-- Officially outrageous -
-- Audio from Richt - AJC
-- Game pics - AJC
-- Blackout a success - AJC
-- Richt wears the black hat - DawgPost
-- Stafford Shines - Mark Bradley
-- Kelin Johnson directs the Band - ABH
-- Best streak since 1942 - AJC
-- Blackout becomes Wipeout - ABH
-- Devotion to senior class pays off - ABH
-- Worst kept secret in UGA history - Ching
-- Richt victory watch - DawgSports
-- Notes from the blackout - Get the Picture

Related Merchandise and Items:
-- T-Shirt: Blackout Auburn - Footballfanatics
-- Tickets: Kentucky vs. Georgia - Stubhub



Paige said...

I heart Evil Richt too. I'm loving this new energy and sense of fun. We've been missing this for awhile now. It's good to see it back.

Cousin Pat said...

He kept the black jerseys under lock and key, and had this planned for how long without anyone knowing.

Evil Richt's first name must be "Markiavelli."

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Evil Richt will put in a call to SEC office. Alot of Bullshit calls by the refs. I usually don't play that card but two or three were horrible calls.

ANy chance Georgia breaks out the Black jersey's for the Tele-Techies?

Someone with photo-shop skills should photo shop a navy blue GT on that yellow Tele-tubby.

Anonymous said...

Watching on TV, I got the sense that the fans were just waiting for something bad to happen. After Stafford's pick, the crowd went dead. However, Richt wouldn't let this happen much longer. We beat some real demons today and maybe we can get our homefield advantage back for good in this rivalry.

As for Evil Richt's next step: Get a voodoo doll of Penn Wagers and start doing some serious needlepoint. The SEC is too fast for that crew. What a bunch of pinheads.

C. Paul said...

I watched the game with my Auburn buddy and was going to celebrate our victory, but Penn Wagers flagged me for 15 for taunting.

Go Dawgs!!

blackertai said...

There was the unfortunate "Illegal Invisible Defender" Penalty in the 3rd quarter. I really think we should get onto Martinez about those, since they're just unacceptable.

But seriously, we were joking in the student section they were going to start calling things like "illegally slippery grass, 15 yards." They were working overtime to give Auburn the game for about 2 quarters there.

Anonymous said...

"Markiavelli." - LMAO

We can't wear black to the North Ave 'hood unless they wear white, and I doubt that they plan to do that. Besides, we shouldn't need them for this game.

SlawDawg said...

when the team came out in black, the stadium was electric! easly louder than any SEC stadium i have ever been to. and I've been to the swamp.

Anonymous said...

in about 100 games I've been to at Sanford, that may have been the loudest i have ever heard it. What an awesome night.

Anonymous said...

it was loud, but i still think it got louder when Mikey took that punt back last year against UT.

Either way, it was AWESOME!

I wish Brandon Cox had another year left!

JasonC said...

While a lot of the penalties were complete BS, as Scott Howard pointed out during the Troy game, the refs are probably scrutanizing UGA even more because of the Florida stunt. I'm not saying the refs are correct, but it is a probably that we might have to deal with.

I love the new excitement, I really do, but I would love it even more if we did a little less dancing on the field and acted like we expected to make sacks, big tackles, TDs, great runs, etc. Let's play with controlled excitement and passion during the game and then we can celebrate after the game... sans penalties.

That said, it's great to be a GEORGIA BULLDOG!

Anonymous said...

Not sure about the fans acting like they were waiting for something bad to happen. Where I was, even when the tide was turning away from us in the third quarter, the feeling was that, given the solidarity between the fans and the team, the massive excitement, and the larger-than-just-one-game attitude, there was no way it would last long. I mean, we knew the student fans and younger graduates would get the word out with Facebook and everything, but seeing the entire alumni side going all black as well? More tangible support and commitment flowing between team and fans than I've ever seen here.

The calls against us seemed rough--but I guess if that's the worst we can say after a blowout win against an allegely 18th-ranked Auburn team, that some calls seemed exaggerated against us, possibly for the wrong reasons, then we're doing alright.

I had two friends visiting for this game from out of town: one from St. Louis, the other from Ireland whose first American football game was Troy last week. I'm immeasurably glad that this was the game they saw.

One lingering question: any chance of a black-jersey hangover if (and, I think, when) we go back to the reds against UK? Or are we so jacked up as a team by now that we go huge again regardless?

Go Dawgs!

Anonymous said...

Anyone know where to get those "If you don't Knowshon, you don't Knowshit" shirts?

Anonymous said...

My six year old son at the game, "I wish the refs would go to the devil". I didn't know quite how to respond to that one! lol

anonymous said...

Well, I was wrong about the black jerseys. They looked pretty badass, and Georgia certainly earned 'em -- especially since we were playing 11-on-17 for most of the second half.

I can't even tell you how much I'm enjoying not having to take any crap off the Auburn OR Alabama people I'm surrounded by for the next 12 months. GO DAWGS!

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine the conversation that would take place if Casey Claussen, Reggie BaLLLL and Brandon Cox all went out for a beer?

talk about your Battered QB Support Groups. It'd be like the old TV show "Dear John," only with less sympathetic charecters. Too bad the writers in Hollywood are out on strike. This would be comedy GOLD, Jerry!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can never imagine Richt chilling with James Brown like in the pic of JB and Dooley, but the last couple of weeks have been the Richt equivalent. If the team and fans can't get up for the KY that would give them a chance at a SEC east title and guarantee that UF gets nothing this year, then well, maybe they haven't learned their lesson yet. However, this is just as much on the fans. Let the students get to the game early and fill the student section for warm-ups, get the alumni back up for a rollicking good time. Believe me, the team will follow the fans excitement whether they are wearing red, black, or pink. Besides, the coolest sight I had at that game was watching the RBs do a nifty circle dance in warm-ups. It was definitely worth leaving the tailgate early.

Anonymous said...

Let's see...victories over Alabama, Troy, and Auburn...

Where's our "2007 Alabama state champs" shirts? steal from the Chuck Norris lines...

"Trains stop at Evil Richt crossings..."

"Tim Tebow wears Evil Richt underoos..."

"Evil Richt has chunks of SEC officials in his stool..."

Anonymous said...

That game was such a blast even Gary Danielson and Verne Lundquist were dancing in their booth. It was perhaps the most surreal sight of the season.

Anonymous said...

i would love to see the video highlights with the call from verne lundquist and gary danielson. I heard they were having a blast doing the game.

also, this is kind of off-topic, but does anyone know where i can get the scott howard audio from the florida game?

JasonC said...

Too soon...

They are coming out with "Best of Munson: The Richt Years" very soon, but maybe they should have waited another season.
If we win out (even without the SECCG), they should definitely make a highlight/season recap video of this season.

Anonymous said...

My oh my am I glad the first UGA home game I picked to go to in 2 years was that one! WHAT A GAME! You would have thought when the Dawgs ran out of the tunnel in black that we had won the national championship. I've been to some crazy football games in my life but that one topped them all. Go Dawgs!

Anonymous said...

I was at Evil Richt's birthday party.... he at the whole cake before we could tell him there was a stripper inside!

Excellent post.

Anonymous said...

Only Chuck Norris' tears can turn Evil Richt back into Good Richt. Fortunately for us, Chuck Norris doesn't cry... ever.

I'm very impressed that Richt managed to turn jersey color into such a big event. San Diego powder blue, Notre Dame whatever-color-it-is-they-think-is-special, Gamecock black, etc haven't even come close in overall wow factor. I've never seen a group of people get so excited about what combination of light reflects off the players' jerseys. It was pretty amazing.

houserion said...

thats all i could find of vern doing the soulja boy

Anonymous said...

David Ching has video on his blog of Gary and Verne gettin' down.

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