Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

December 4, 2007

Boycotting the Sugar Bowl? Are you kidding me?

No. Not her. I'm boycotting her.

I can't believe some of the people on message boards and even in the comments here that are talking about "dreading" this game with Hawaii. In particular...

I'm sick to death of hearing these absurd
"Boycott the BCS" comments.

If you want to boycott something, then don't buy All State insurance, Tostidos Chips or use FedEx. And then send them a note telling why.

But do NOT turn your back on the Dawgs or withhold your support. The Sugar Bowl didn't want Hawaii, and the Rose Bowl *by rule* wasn't allowed to select UGA.
From the Official BCS Rules: When two bowls lose host teams, then the bowl losing the number one team may not select a replacement team from the same Conference as the number two team, unless the bowl losing the number two team consents.
As Dawgnoxious said today, the Sugar wanted us. They need us. Don't you want to go where you are wanted? What were we supposed to do? Just sit at home and pout?

UGA knew the situation coming into the season:
    1. If you are from a big conference and don't lose a game, you will play for the national title. This has been true 38 of the last 40 years.

    2. If you lose once, you are at the mercy of Pollsters and men in funny suits. So don't lose. This is the system, and they aren't implementing a playoff mid-year no matter how much we/you think the system is broken. This has been true 40 of the past 40 years.

    3. If you lose twice, you are out. This has been true 39 of the past 40 years. LSU is the first exception to the rule. So don't lose twice.
We didn't get "screwed" by the process. The process worked *exactly* like everyone thought it would pre-season. It's a lousy process, but everyone knew what would happen and it happened. Why the shock?

Did ESPN campaigning against us piss me off?
BUT, never in the history of sports
has ANY school won a national title in a year
in which they lost to the Gamecocks.

The Dawgs need our support. It will take a lot to overcome the natural hangover and disappointment that comes with playing a team like Hawaii. We need to be there and be proud because whether you want to admit it or not....those lei wearing goof balls can beat us.

The Sugar Bowl has been an exceptional Bowl Partner for the SEC for 50+ years. There isn't a finer host city in America. Furthermore, there's not a bowl city that embraces UGA fans more than the Big Easy.

There is no such thing as a bad season
that ends in New Orleans at the Sugar Bowl.

If we wanted the National Title, we shouldn't have pissed ourselves vs. South Carolina, played dead vs. the Vols, or ignored offensive line recruiting for three years. This is the best Consolation prize in Football History.

Are you kidding me? Boycott the Sugar?
That's like saying that you'd boycott sex
with Jennifer Aniston because Jessica Alba
turned you down. It's about half a step
below retarded.

I mean really.

See also
-- Richt appeals to Dawg Fans - AJC
-- Time for a Blackout on Whining - AJC
-- Let's beat the Pineapple off them - DawgSports



Anonymous said...

has any team that lost to kentucky won the nat'l title?

Anonymous said...

In basketball yes.

See...Kentucky doesn't suck at everything.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Tickets are cheap as hell too. I mean you can get tickets off of ebay for under $50 a ticket (you usually have to buy 2).

Anonymous said...

sorry about the profanity. Just I have never seen tickets being sold online for this cheap to a BCS bowl. Also, you probably can go down there and pick up decent tickets before the game. Something tells me hawaii will not travel well. Cheap tickets to see the dawgs win a BCS game, and you get to hit burboun street on NYE. Celebrate this year, don't mourn it.

Anonymous said...

wow, too bad i've already dished out $125 for a student ticket

i hope i at least get a good seat

Anonymous said...

Yes! Awesome post!

Anonymous said...

Well said PWD. As someone who grew up in the Goff era I learned to appreciate good seasons when we have them. For the boycotters- life is too short folks. Our run of good fortune won't last forever.

Paige said...

Yep, totally agree. If I could get my happy ass there I would definitely be in NO. Under no circumstance would I ever boycott a game my boys play. EVER.

Unknown said...

Didn't know where else to post this and ditto on your sentiments PW:

Does anyone know what the chances are of having a split national title at the end of the bowl season? I'm not even referring to UGA getting the split, maybe Oklahoma or VT. Sure the BCS was created to prevent this, but the past has proven this to not always be the case i.e. USC & LSU in 03'. Based on how this wacky season has unfolded I think anything is possible . . .

Anonymous said...

This has all the legs of the Axe Adams wheelbarrow. We've already sold out our (first) allotment of tickets and there are about three guys who will be "boycotting" the Sugar Bowl.

mdr1013 said...

clap clap clap. Couldn't agree more.

Anyway, the people on the vent who are "boycotting" the bowl, were never going in the first place.

Go Dawgs!

Anonymous said...

Yawn, another Sugar Bowl. Just shows how far we've come in the Richt era for one thing. Then, nobody wants to play Hawaii, it's lose lose. Combine that with that turd of a run down town, hmmm... what can I say, you talked me into it. Pft. I'm boycotting it, mainly because I wouldn't be going in the first place. 2002? Yeah. 2007? Nah bruh. No Thanks. I'm betting our players feel the same way. Smart money's on Hawaii to cover, especially looking at their monster receiving corp matching up with Prince Miller and Bryan Evans. Prince Miller and Bryan Evans in a game they probably don't want to be at in the first place. Yippie! I'm stoked, Yay Paul, Yay!!! Sunshine and Kittens forever, lol. Props on the Herbstreit video though, that deserves to be all over the net right about now. He's more of a douchebag than I could ever hope to become which is really saying something. CYA luckeye tool, CYA. Miles to Michigan!!!

Anonymous said...

Since the game is played in New Orleans, maybe it's Jennifer Anniston with Herpes.

Scott said...

I would do Jennifer Aniston any time, any where. If I had a choice between Jennifer Aniston and Jessica Alba, I'm going with Jennifer!

To those of you who complain about going to the sUGAr Bowl, let me bring you back to reality: Ray Goff, Jim Donnan. How many sUGAr Bowls did we go under those chuckleheads!

Meet me at Pat O'Brian's. I'll be there before going next door to Preservation Hall. Then the 2am sober-up at Cafe du Monde with cafe au lait and bignets!

I'm ready to show the Warriors how we play football in the SEC!

C. Paul said...

Thank you as always PWD. I felt the Dawg fans where like Johnny Dangerously's Mom when she said "oh shut up and stop acting like such a *** choir boy."

We're in the Sugar Bowl - period. Everything else is crap.

Go Dawgs!!

Anonymous said...

It's below a half step, way below. The Dawgs are going to a bowl, and not the "Bubba and Earl's Bait Shop Bowl" but a real bowl. That's a hell of a lot better than what I thought they would do after the South Carolina loss. I got two great tix on ebay for $250. I'm booking my airline and hotel today. People that want to "boycott" because we didn't get into the national championship are clueless and not true fans.

Anonymous said...

If you want to boycott something, boycott Fox's announcers for the game. Thom Brennaman and Charles Davis will be calling the Sugar Bowl. Charles Davis is so bad the old Jefferson Pilot only used him as a sideline guy during halftime-then they fired him, I think. I have no idea who Thom Brennaman is.

Oh, they'll also be doing the MNC game.

Anonymous said...

PWD, to more thoroughly evaluate this item, I feel we need a pic of Jessica Alba so that we can all make an informed decision ... ;-)

By the way, my bride and I will be in the Crescent City ringing in the New Year and we are way more thrilled about going there than Greater Miami-Dade County Correctional Facility & Stadium that even the Thugs from South Beach recently vacated.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? Boycott the Sugar? It's about half a step below retarded.

I agree with every word in the post except that statement. It is more like 5 giant steps below stupid as hell.

We need to make sure that we make Hawaii sorry they ever climbed on a plane and came to New Orleans.

In Hawaii the fans hold up signs saying "Undefeated Lives Here!"

We need tens of thousands of signs saying "Undefeated Dies Here!"

The only people threatening to boycott the Sugar Bowl are myrmidons of Dink NeSmith.


Anonymous said...

The BCS is facing something a lot worse than a boycott this year: apathy. I'll watch UGA this year just like every other. I won't be watching the other BCS bowls because quite frankly I don't care. I have a feeling that a lot of sports fans are going to follow their team's (or maybe conference's) BCS game(s) and few if any others. The Sugar Bowl has a sort of freak show quality to it so that will help. The Fiesta will get people watching to see if Oklahoma chokes again. That's about it as far as compelling football goes.

I will say this though. I don't care about prestige. I care about football. This Sugar Bowl matchup stinks. If it were being played during the season it gets aired on ESPN2 at best and depending on what week it's played might even wind up on pay per view. I just hope UGA shows up and beats the snot out of Hawaii so something this stupid never ever happens again. I'll still watch it and I'm still proud of UGA this season and wouldn't dream of not supporting them.

Smitty said...

I'll be at the Sugar Bowl. Too bad the best teams not in the title game (DAWGS, Oklahoma, VT and Southern Cal) are not playing each other. I think Mizzou got the shaft too.

BeachGaBulldog said...

I think boycotting is stupid. As for what you said about the BCS process, don't lose your games, ESPNs campaigning, I totally disagree with you.
I have never recognized the BCS, because it doesn't work. It never has, and it never will. When I saw all the coaches that voted, I was pissed. #1 and #2 lost, and COMMON SENSE says that #3 and #4 move up.
We are playing for the national championship.
Boise State won the national title last year. They went undefeated and beat Oklahoma. That is also common sense.
Georgia wins and they are #1 and national champions. I don't care what anyone says. End of story.

Hassan said...

This is West Virginia all over again. Give Hawaii some credit. Yes they play in weak conference, but if we don't take them seriously they will jump all over us fast. I do not want to be down 28-0 five minutes into the first quarter. If you haven't seen Hawaii play this year, they are incredibly fast. Colt Brennan is very accurate and the WR's are amazing. We should still beat them soundly b/c we will be more physical and we should control the clock with our running game. But don't make the mistake in thinking that we are playing a cupcake team.

The Sugar Bowl is a great bowl and our team needs our support. Hate the game, not playah....or in this case, hate the BCS and not the Dawgs.

Let's focus on the positives. Hawaii is undefeated...we can end that. Boise State made a statement that the WAC can compete with the big boys last year...we can end that notion this year.

Anonymous said...

While Hawaii COULD beat us, I do not like the comparisons to WVA. WVA's conference is tougher (maybe not by much) and Pat White and Slaton were unknowns. Hawaii is NOT an unknown. They only beat TWO teams with a winning record (BSU and Fresno) and played TWO 1-AA teams. They are a joke. Yes they can throw, but that's about it. How in the heck will the Rainbows stop UGA's offense???? I am certain that we will run all over those jokers...

Joel said...

The events of December 31st 2002 are a bit hazy for me, so what is the deal with bars in the French Quarter on NYE? Do they all have ridiculous cover charges like they do in ATL?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget --- In some ways we are fortunate to be going to the Sugar Bowl. We were #5 in the final BCS standings (not in the top 4, so not an automatic choice), and so the Sugar Bowl was not obligated to pick us. They could have picked Florida, Kansas, or any other team in the top 14. They chose Georgia, and we should be thankful.

dean said...

Couldn't agree more with your post. Any fan even thinking of boycotting the Sugar Bowl is not a true fan or have only been fans since '02. Previous posts mention the Goff and Donnan years but even the late Dooley years were mediocre at best. So we need to enjoy the success while we have it because it can be gone in an instant (see FSU, Miami, Nebraska).
To put the situation in perspective, how many of us thought it was right when Oklahoma or Nebraska played for the NC when they didn't win their conference? Furthermore how would you feel if the DAWGS won the conference but LSU went to the NC game without even playing for the conference championship? You'd be rightfully P.O.'d.
If you want to boycott something then boycott Kirk Herbstreet's double standardizing ass. I use to respect his opinions. However after Sunday I have no use for the MFer.

Hassan said...


I'm not comparing WVU to Hawaii as programs. I am comparing the air of overconfidence that preceded the game.

"Hawaii is nothing, we'll destroy them - the WAC sucks" sounds a lot like "West Virginia is nothing, we'll destroy them - the Big East sucks".

UGA, as I pointed out in my last posting, has all the tools to out gun Hawaii. You asked how in the heck the rainbows will stop us??? If we don't show up. That's how.

I do take comfort knowing that CMR is responsible for getting the team ready and not the fans. Most fans are ready to phone this game in.

Jmac said...

OK, I'm one of the nefarious guys who talked boycott, and though I've opted against it since it doesn't accomplish anything except deny me a chance to watch Georgia play in a BCS bowl, let me address two things.

First this statement ...

Couldn't agree more with your post. Any fan even thinking of boycotting the Sugar Bowl is not a true fan or have only been fans since '02.

... is silly. I've been a fan since long before I could walk, and each Saturday in the fall I have made sure my four-month old daughter has on one of her three Georgia shirts (including having her wear one on Sunday for good luck). Talk of a boycott stemmed from the legitimate, albeit emotional, reaction to getting screwed by the system. I think most folks have calmed down by now, and I know I have.

Am I going to the bowl game? Well, no, but then again, despite attending home games on a regular basis and the occasional road contest, I've never gone to a bowl game (which is why the Rose Bowl or the Orange Bowl was so appealing, because it was so rare).

But, to play Devil's Advocate, why would you oppose a boycott? Think of it in terms of a strike. Do you think striking workers hate earning a living? That they hate their jobs?

Hardly. Instead they are upset over unfair conditions and are taking an extreme action to make their discontent by known.

Jmac said...

Kudos for a Jennifer Aniston picture though.

Oliver said...

New Orleans on New Year's Eve in 2002 is one of the most fun times I've ever had. Two words: Rick's Cabaret

Hobnail_Boot said...

If anyone complains about 'having to go to the sUGAr Bowl', then their Dawg card should be revoked immediately.

Jen said...

My bags are packed, am ready to go!

Go Dawgs!!

Anonymous said...

I also think the idea of boycotting the Sugar Bowl is ill-conceived. How would it benefit the Dawgs at all?

I will say, however, that for the first time in a long time, I have no interest in watching any of the other BCS bowls. The match-ups, with the possible exception of OU-WVU, are inane. What does it say about the system when MANY of the lower-tier bowl match-ups are more interesting than the "marquee" BCS games? Just a couple of weeks ago, people were talking about UGA-USC and UF-Illinois. Now, meh.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't let the sour grapes of a few folks( who are probably the same folks that anually call for someone's head on the chopping block when we lose) make too much of an impression. They wouldn't be happy if they were in a tickle pile with Jennifer Aniston and Jessica Alba anyway.
The Rainbows will be probably the toughest team in the BCS this year to figure out and beat. They are going to be a tough team to beat. It can't help that they have nothing to lose and everything to gain in the eyes of the nation too.

Anonymous said...

Well said, PWD.

Yes I would have loved to see the Dawgs play for a Nat'l title, but let's all be honest. The bottom line here is that the SEC Champion should always be thought of as an automatic contender for a Nat'l Title game. Won't we want that same attitude next year after that bear of a schedule we face?
By putting the champion in the NGC, over Big XII & ACc's, the SEC is getting the respect we've always demanded. Yes, it sucks that it screws us out of what was always an outside shot; but if it us winning a SECCG & another SEC team got in ahead of us with the same record - wouldn't that be way worse than where we are now??

Anonymous said...

Clayton, the chance for a split national title is there, although considering the crap competition being faced by the other contenders (UGA has Hawaii, Oklahoma has West Virginia and the best chance to make a statement, and does anyone expect Illinois to stay within 30 of Southern Cal?) it's not as likely as it would be if say Oklahoma and Virginia Tech squared off and Georgia/Southern Cal was in the Rose.

Reddawg, the Jennifer Anniston with herpes I thought WAS Jessica Alba, thanks to Derek Jeter. At least thats the rumor.

And finally Paul, you are wrong about the Gamecock thing. Just two years ago, the NIT champion South Carolina men's basketball team sweeped both regular season games against the NCAA champin Florida Gators. SO a Gamecock can beat a national champion team, in men's basketball.

strick9 said...

I have lost alot of respect for Herbie and ESPN (not that they care). The bias that is shown weekly for the Big 11 is getting old. Herbie is the clear leader. If the executives @ ESPN had any balls they would put a stop to such biased opinions. I thought I would never say this, but old Lou made more sense then any of the other clowns.

Having said that, the sUGAr is awesome. Everyone needs to remember what they were thinking after the UT loss. All the disappointment on this site is very selfish. I know I spend alot of money on donations, tickets and traveling expenses, but we need to remember that the program is about the UGA players and not how we fans feel. Our job is to SUPPORT our players and coaches under any circumstances. To boycott this game is the same as boycotting our team when they need us the most. If you feel bad about this process, just imagine how the players feel. This is when we find out who truly loves UGA and those who just like football.

Anonymous said...

"Won't we want that same attitude next year after that bear of a schedule we face?"

Yes, but I think it's pretty obvious they're going to use whatever rationalization convenient at the time. Maybe could start a Richt leaving rumor next year and get ESPN to falsely report on it so that they put on a 3 hour infomercial on how Georgia should go to the national title game during another conference's championship game.

Speaking of next year, with a schedule like ours, we stand a good chance of getting a GameDay either on campus or at the opposing campus. Georgia fans need to be ready to show ESPN exactly what we think of them if that should happen.

Anonymous said...


Maybe we should be thankful, but I don't see why they should be applauded for simply doing the right thing.

Georgia finished ahead of both Kansas (who didn't play anyone) and Florida (who finished ***THIRD*** in the SEC East and who were soundly beaten by...Georgia). Picking those teams would have registered very high on the bogus-o-meter.

2007 Florida screams "January non-BCS bowl," and has done as such ever since the half-way point of the year. Heck, after the Auburn game, even. Urban running up the score on flailing competition to wrap up the year has upped Tebow's stock but shouldn't change your mind on these guys. They are who they are: Very talented, great QB, non-existent running game, lousy D.

Had they gone to the sUGAr, it would have spoken more to Foley's backroom shenanigans than actual merit.

hoodawg said...

A thousand times, yes. Sad that this had to be said, but glad it was. Thanks PWD.

Anonymous said...

Would you rather be going to Boise to play sticky finger with Rosie O'donnel?

Anonymous said...

If you boycott the Sugar then you are boycotting the DAWGS.

I hope these jackasses will finally go back to cheering for Tennessee, Auburn, Florida, or whoever else they were cheering for back before Richt came to Athens.

PS--since when did everyone become so gung-ho on boycotting stuff anyway? That seems to be the answer to everything for some people these days.

dean said...

If my comment offended your fanhood then that should tell you something. It's great you're raising your child to be a DAWG but what does dressing them in DAWG apparel prove? I know plenty of people who dress their children in their teams apparel but don't even know who or if their team is playing.
Furthermore you call my comment silly yet you compare boycotting a football game to a strike. Are you serious? Do you also compare losing a football game to Pearl Harbor or 9/11?
Why I oppose a boycott is because our players don't deserve it. They need and deserve our support. They would be the ones hurt most by a boycott. Moreover if our fans don't show up for this game we'll have a hard time selling the program next time we're up for a major bowl. You've got to look at the bigger picture. It's idiotic not to support my team because the flawed system did not send them to the bowl I wanted. It's rather childish really.You must have forgotten about our annual trips to bowls such as the Aloha, Peach, Holiday, Blue Bonnet, and Citrus (to name few)in the late 80's and 90's.

Anonymous said...

Very well put! I'm as mad as anyone when it comes to getting dumped on by the media year after year....BUT we need to put that behind us for now and support our DAWGS! Afterall, we need to finish this season strong if we have any hopes of contending for the national title next year. GO DAWGS!!!!

Dawgfan said...

BeachGaBulldog- no offense but you're nuts. Coming from a huge UGA fan we do not deserve to play for a National Champ THIS year. I agree with Dean " Furthermore how would you feel if the DAWGS won the conference but LSU went to the NC game without even playing for the conference championship? You'd be rightfully P.O.'d." I also agree that we better take Hawaii seriously or it could be ugly!

Russ Fortson said...

Great post, Paul. I 100% agree. I'll be in New Orleans. I never thought we'd have to "settle" for the Sugar Bowl!

Also, we need to get the fans and team focused on Hawaii. They can lay a whipping on anybody that doesn't take them seriously. They will score points, so we need to play our "A" game and make sure we win like everyone expects us to.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the BCS voters knocked us down because we were blown out by Tennessee, only beat GT because our officials gave us phantom calls to insure that we win, and we could only beat Bama in overtime and they later lost to LA Monroe!

If the BCS only could see things clearly the way all of us do, we would be a top ranked team every year regardless of the record or how bad we look on the field!

I agree, this whole thing is very unfair. I just Hawaii reads all of our posts and understands how good we are.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to this game. Do you want to see Stafford and our receivers jacked up to outdo the Hula QB and receivers? I'm sure our offense is going to be the Brown and Moreno show with a few throws over the top. Don't you think our DL's will be tired about hearing about HI's QB?

Hobnail_Boot said...

Funny how the out-of-left-field posts are almost always signed anonymous.. regardless of the original post.

Anonymous said... from Augusta are heading to New Orleans. WE have over 20 making the trip.
Boycotting this game, No true Dawgs would consider this.

Anonymous said...


There is no better time than NOLA on New Years - none. Best bowl, best host city, best atmosphere. If you have never been you don't know what you are missing. Do yourselves a favor - mortgage the house, max out the credit cards, sell your kids - get to this game once before you die.

BTW - I was just kidding about the kids.

Jmac said...

If my comment offended your fanhood then that should tell you something. It's great you're raising your child to be a DAWG but what does dressing them in DAWG apparel prove? I know plenty of people who dress their children in their teams apparel but don't even know who or if their team is playing.

Um, your comment didn't offend me at all. I was merely trying to make a point that you were displaying faulty logic by suggesting fans who were talking about a boycott weren't 'true' fans (whatever that means). If you notice, though apparently you didn't, I said much of the boycott talk stemmed from an emotional place of the team being hosed out of the BCS Championship Game and the Rose Bowl (which I think we can all concede yet still be happy and excited about the Sugar Bowl), and that those emotional feelings were rooted in support of Georgia.

And, also, that those emotional feelings were misguided and the more appropriate and supportive thing is to not boycott the game because that too is silly.

I don't know how to prove my fandom to you. Question it if you want ... believe me, there are bigger things to worry about.

Furthermore you call my comment silly yet you compare boycotting a football game to a strike. Are you serious? Do you also compare losing a football game to Pearl Harbor or 9/11?

Since my first name isn't 'Nick' and my last name isn't 'Saban' ... no. That's a huge leap. All I was doing was putting forth a hypothetical explanation for a boycott, one that I didn't even completely accept (again, as I noted).

Why I oppose a boycott is because our players don't deserve it. They need and deserve our support. They would be the ones hurt most by a boycott.

Agreed. Which is why I don't support a boycott.

You must have forgotten about our annual trips to bowls such as the Aloha, Peach, Holiday, Blue Bonnet, and Citrus (to name few)in the late 80's and 90's.

Technically the Bulldogs played in the Bluebonnet Bowl in 1978, losing to Stanford 25-22, and have never played in the Holiday Bowl, but why nitpick ...

No, I haven't forgotten those at all, and the fact that a lot of Georgia fans, myself included at the outset, were disappointed with a Sugar Bowl bid tells you how far Mark Richt has taken this program in such a short time.

dean said...

You don't have to prove anything to me. I don't care if you pull for the DAWGS or not. But don't make some pointless statement about dressing your child in UGA cloths as a testament of your support.

You'll have to forgive me for not going through a media guide(as you obviously did)and naming exact bowls we played in back in the day. I was simply trying to illustrate the point of not taking our current success for granted.

If you think it's a stretch that I compared your asinine comment about a strike to Saban's then you need to do some research on what has to happen for workers to strike. Workers don't just come in to work one day and decide they are going to strike. There is a process, a protocol if you will. They take their demands to their employer,usually through a union rep, and give a deadline for meeting the demands. If the demands are not met by the deadline then they strike. It's not an emotional decision as this whole boycott crap was.
Anyway I'm glad you had a change of heart about the boycott. Best of luck to ya.

Jmac said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jmac said...

You don't have to prove anything to me. I don't care if you pull for the DAWGS or not. But don't make some pointless statement about dressing your child in UGA cloths as a testament of your support.

Again, I don't think it's pointless based on the context, but whatever dude. It's damn near impossible to prove one's allegiance to a team (or cause for that matter), so it seems equally as fruitless for you to attempt to disprove it.

I will say, however, that I consulted no media guide or reference guide of the like when I put out my bowl facts. I just knew 'em ... but, then again, apparently I'm not a real fan because I don't put 'Dawgs' in all capital letters.

If you think it's a stretch that I compared your asinine comment about a strike to Saban's then you need to do some research on what has to happen for workers to strike. Workers don't just come in to work one day and decide they are going to strike. There is a process, a protocol if you will. They take their demands to their employer,usually through a union rep, and give a deadline for meeting the demands. If the demands are not met by the deadline then they strike. It's not an emotional decision as this whole boycott crap was.

It begins with emotional outrage over, say, working conditions or wages and, through this process you speak of the pros and cons are weighed, negotiations are held and, if necessary, a strike is conducted.

Isn't that what happened here? An emotional reaction resulted in more thoughtful evaluation that produced the appropriate response (that is, not boycotting)?

dean said...

I haven't tried to disprove your fanhood you did that all by yourself,"dude". Face it, you got called out and your trying to justify your "emotional" decision.
Have you even read anybody else's post? If so then you'll see I'm in the majority here. Funny how you're the only one to find my post "silly".

You said: I will say, however, that I consulted no media guide or reference guide of the like when I put out my bowl facts. I just knew 'em ...
My response: get a life. If you know that by heart then you have way too much time on your hands.

You said: but, then again, apparently I'm not a real fan because I don't put 'Dawgs' in all capital letters.

My response: Admitting it is the first step to recovery.

I'm done with this topic and am moving on. I have travel plans to finalize with other true DAWG fans.

Anonymous said...

I hate to say it because I expect I will get blasted, but I still think that this article misses the point. Until fans take a stand against the BCS, we deserve exactly what it gives us: in my opinion that is a rigged system that props up big name teams even when they are not deserving, based less on athletic ability and more on the Clinton-esque, whatever way the wind is blowing (aka whatever direction ESPN is fanning it). The premise of my statement here is that this is fundamentally unfair and needs to be changed. If you have no problem with that, or if you are content with the BCS as is, then I will spare you the time and suggest you read nio farther. If you are convinced that I simply have sour grapes that UGA (or any other school for that matter) is not in the national championship game this year, then I need to correct you. While I would love to have seen Georgia in the National Champioship and I hate the way they got turned away, the problem in my opinion is that we rode a wave of irrational exuberance and overreaction to losses into the number 4 spot the week prior. I simply do not think we were number 4 in the nation, and while I hate to have that cotrrected they way it was, this is ot unlike waking up with an errant $2 million bank deposit in my account. I would hate it when it was corrected, even though it was the right result. To me UGA was easily top 10, but a less-than-stellar performance at Ga Tech (three fumble recoveries in our own endzone that could have otherwise changed the direction of that game dramatically) didn't help our cause and probably should not have been the lynchpin of a jump to fourth in the polls. Sixth or seventh would have been about right in my opinion.

That clarified, my support of a boycott is premised on my fundamental disagreement with the BCS. Those arguments have been beaten to death for years, so I won't reiterate why the BCS stinks. Instead, it becomes a matter of do I complain about it when that obviously has done nothing to rectify the situation, or do I do something about it? If I don't then I certainly have no right to complain nor do I have a logical expectation that further complaining is anything but a waste of time.

The only way I see to try to get rid of or otherwise repair the BCS, if it is even possible at all, is to hit the BCS where it matters: in the wallett. And the only way to do that is to refuse to travel, to refuse to give tv ratings, and to refuse to spend my money in favor of the BCS.

If you continue to patronize a restaurant that serves you terrible food, you offer it no incentive to improve its menu. If people had continued to buy New Coke (or Coke 2 or whatever name they finally settled on), we would still have two products that tasted exactly like Pepsi. In case you were wondering, ribs soaked in Pepsi just don't taste the same.

It is hard to imagine not going to a sugar bowl game with Georgia in it, espcially now where I have been out of school long enough that I can afford to do it right, but the bottom line here is that doing so is just as distatseful to me as a condemned man offering to tie the hangman's noose or sharpening the blade on the guillotine by which my head will be chopped off. I truly hate the BCS that much (plus I have other options to keep up with the game that do not, to my knowledge, allow the BCS to monitor and pad its ratings nor line its fat pockets).

If you like the BCS, by all means, sell out the bowl game, buy t-shirts and pour money into it and New Orleans at unprecedented rates. That is exactly what I would do. If you are content with the system, are tolerant, or know of no better alternative, then the same applies. I, however, detest the BCS (and not only because of this year but even moreso because of the Auburn fiasco and the splitting of the prior LSU National title which will forever be also known as the year of the USC National Championship). I can only think of one way to get that message across to the powers that be, and that is by a boycott and by encouraging you to do the same.

To date, the BCS has survived every other method of protest. Every year the BCS endures endless public debate and horrendous publicity in the form of constant articles bashing the system by sportswriters who are much better at conveying their point than I. The consistent refusal to engage in a playoff system, and moreover the pathetic excuses offered for not doing so, tell me that the BCS simply doesn't give two sh*ts about what we think. So what do they care about? If it is not our hearts and minds, then I assume it must only be our money. And that, being the only weapon I have with which to fight, is what I will withhold.

You can wrap yourself in the flag and say that this is anit-bulldog or that it is not in the bulldogs best interest, and beleive me I am aware that it could look that way and hate that it does, but I say the only thing in the best interest of this and every future team is a fair system. If you aren't ready, aren't willing, or are able to accept the BCS and what I beleive has become a corrupt system to settle this by a popularity contest where coaches and pundits vote their self interest rather than who is really the best OR if you are happy with the system as it is, then you should support the system, go to New Orleans and spend your money freely. That is your way to show allegiance to the BCS. I do not support it, and therefore I will not support it financially.

Ultimately this is a matter of opinion and a question of whether something should be done or can be done. My opinion may not agree with yours. Still, I see ten times the articles decrying the BCS system as I do supporting it (probably even more than that), so I suspect I am far from alone in hating the BCS. Thus the question becomes what (if anything) can be done to stop ir?

I am open to arguments as to why the system isn't broken, though I must admit I would likely be difficult to convince. However, what I really would like is to see someone address this situation from the perspective of what is a better way to convey the message and get the BCS attention beyond a boycott? If there is some way to get that point across while also going to the game, then I am all for it.

Arguments that not traveling might hurt a team in the future, or not rooting for LSU might put a bad tatse in people's mouths in future years with respect to the conference don't convince me. Those makes sense if you either like the system or at least are willing to accept it, and therefore are trying to manipulate it to your advantage. Since I publicly decried OSU and the whiney Les Miles for this, I can hardly in good conscience look favorably upon it if it favors my team, at least without looking like a phoney.

I do not see an alternative to a boycott simply because reason and common sense and bad publicity have not made a dent. If someone has another realistic option, please share it. I simply have given up hope that common sense or bad publicity or well documented media criticism of the system will get the attention of the BCS and cause them to fix the flaws.

In a way, it makes perfect sense why none of these other methods have worked. In reality, the BCS loves the controvery not only because "bad publicity is still publicity," but also because every year there will be just as many people who benefit from the flaws in the BCS (and therefore vocally support the system or mock its detratcors) as there are teams with legitimate gripes. Most years it has been two team n the inside and only one on the outside, so traditionally the numbers of those benefit from the flaws actually outwiegh the vicitms.

Until I can either be convinced of the merit of the current system, develop some faith that the BCS will fix it on its own (which I suggest will never happen) or can be offered an alternative method that even MIGHT be effective, I will continue to advocate the boycott. I simply will not travel this year nor will I put my tv on the game and give them the allmighty ratings they so desire.

And in case you were wondering, I will still show my love and support of the dawgs. I will simply listen to it (if it is aired) on my new XM radio, where I am supporting the University's contract with XM, not the BCS contract with Fox.

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