Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

January 10, 2008

New Ohio State Logo

[Hat tip: Iron Chef Turducken]


Anonymous said...

You know, we played Kent State in 98. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

We tagged 7 TDs on Kent State and beat LSU in Death Valley two weeks later.

That is the difference.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Joe, seriously?

Fine, if Kent State doesn't do it for you then just insert any one of these you choose:

Youngstown State

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure they have played Bowling Green a few times, also.

JasonC said...

Well done.

I was at one of those in Orlando when the Bulldogs beat the Buckeyes in the Citrus Bowl.

Hobnail_Boot said...

Mo Buck.. LMAO

Anonymous said...

Heard a funny on Rivals radio this week. If you lined up the helmets of the first four OSU opponents, it spells YAWN. A pretty accurate description of OSU's season.

Jason said...

If I recall correctly, I believe Ohio State's last win against an SEC opponent was in 1988 - against LSU.

I was 8.


Anonymous said...

Yeah and we would've beat tosu in '98 too. Maybe the NE media pundits will finally realize that Michigan, Notre Dame and Ohio State aren't the end all be all of college football. Nah it'll never happen. In the meantime we'll just keep playing the best football in America in the south and the apologists up there can live with their hollow 9 and 10 win seasons. I don't give a damn if we go 8-4 at least I know we earned it.

Scott said...

Anyone know what was the final rankings for strength of schedule are?

Smitty said...

Great stuff there. The Big 10 or 11 is down the tubes. Finally the rest of the country is realizing it except in the midwest.

Anonymous said...

LSU- 11
UGA- 6
USC, the BEST! TEAM! EVAR!- 64 (heh)
tOSU- 34
mizzou- 12
WVU- 29
kansas- 60 (BETTER than USC's. heh)
VT- 5
OU- 24
BC- 36

texas a&M played the best schedule in the country. northern illinois played the worst (hawai'i's game against UGA pushed them out of the cellar).

hawai'i had the worst schedule by far in the top 25. USC, the BEST! TEAM! EVAR!, had the second-worst. heh.

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

According to Sagarin (these rankings include bowl games as well):

LSU: 11th
Georgia: 23d
Southern Cal: 29th
Suckeyes: 53d
Mizzou: 25th
WF'nVU: 40th
Kansas: 74th
VaTech: 36th
Oklahoma: 44th
Boston College: 45th

Sag says UCLA had the toughest schedule, and Hawaii's was still the easiest in D-IA -- though relative to all D-IA teams, Hawaii's SoS did get bumped up from 137th to a sizzling 132d by virtue of playing UGA.

And here are the SoS rankings for each of the SEC teams:

Florida: 3d
South Carolina: 8th
Tennessee: 9th
LSU: 11th
Ole Miss: 13th
Vanderbilt: 15th
Kentucky: 17th
Georgia: 23d
Alabama: 30th
Mississippi State: 33d
Auburn: 35th
Arkansas: 43d

So two-thirds of the conference played a tougher schedule than the mighty Trojans -- that oughta make Heismanpundit's head spin -- and even the biggest wusses in the SEC played a tougher sked than tOSU.

In fact, only two Big 10 schools, Michigan and Illinois, played schedules that were any tougher than what anybody in the SEC played. They were 37th and 42d, respectively.

Will said...

I think Herbie still holds a grudge against UGA for what happened to him in that Citrus bowl

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

Oh, and by the way, we dropped EIGHT touchdowns on Kent State in '98. I was there.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we played Kent State in '98.

We also got stomped by the likes of Tennessee (the eventual national champs) and we were soundly beaten by the gators yet again.

So we weren't prepared for the SEC, either. The only impressive win we had that year was the win at Auburn.

We won by one point at LSU, but they finished 4-7 that year. So it took a little of the luster off winning at Death Valley.

I went to and looked at the 1998 schedule again. Yes, we dropped 56 on Kent State, but did we really give up 38?!!? If so, that's embarrassing. I seem to remember UGA's defense being loaded with future pros.

Anonymous said...


The Kent State score was 56-3. There is a mistake on It also says the South Carolina score that year was 17-38 when it was actually 17-3.

W. Bull

Dubbayoo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dubbayoo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dubbayoo said...

2007 Final Strength of Schedule Ratings

1 Mississippi
2 Texas A&M
3 South Carolina
4 Oklahoma State
5 Nebraska
6 Florida
7 Georgia
8 Kentucky
9 Alabama
10 Washington
11 Auburn
12 Virginia Tech
4 Mississippi St.
15 South Florida
16 Arizona
17 Tennessee
19 Vanderbilt
20 Iowa State

Notice 11 of the top 20 teams are SEC. Only Arkansas at 33 is below that.

Anonymous said...

W. Bull...

Thanks. I knew something had to be wrong. It also reads incorrectly that the Tennessee score was 22-38. I remember that game well because Gameday was there. During ESPN's pregame, Bill Goldberg (who was a star wrestler at the time) delcared to Tennessee "YOUR NEXT!!"

Then we promptly got humiliated 22-3.

I guess they are playing Crazy 8's over at Georgiadogs because three different scores have 8's added to the final score. (Kent State, USC, UT)

Anonymous said...

So put aside the Big Ten contract with the MAC, LSU definitely had a concrete schedule. Tulane, Miss St, Middle Tennessee St, LA Tech and Ole Miss are all top tier programs.

Anonymous said...

You'll always be rednecks and hillbillys who think NASCAR is a sport . . .

NYC Buckeye

Holly said...

I think I love you.

Anonymous said...

to 10:42:

LSU, like most of the teams in the SEC, played a better schedule than Ohio State. Hands down.

Cherry-picking won't solve this.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't really matter who LSU played. They kicked the ever-loving shit out of OSU.

So that is that.

Will OSU make the National Championship game next year after USC beats them by 42 in the regular season?

Anonymous said...

Do you ever get the feeling while watching an SEC game that you are actually watching the sequel to "Deliverance"? Everytime the cameras pan over the stands I get that idea . . .

Another thought: I wonder if the results would be the same if SEC-Big 10 bowl games were played in Big 10 weather? I doubt it. The Sugar, Outback, Gator and Citrus Bowls all are basically home games for the SEC . . .

Anonymous said...

Since the BCS started, the Big Ten and SEC play two bowl games against each other every year, in Orlando and Tampa. This is where the conferences send their top two non-BCS teams. If the SEC is really so much deeper, then that conference should dominate those two games.

Yet in the BCS era, the Big Ten has won 11 of those games, the SEC nine.

No doubt the SEC was a better conference this year, but we're only talking about 1 year. Ohio State may be 0-9, but Michigan is 5-2 against SEC teams. I'm just saying...

Anonymous said...

The WEATHER? You're blaming the WEATHER?

Pal - Michigan hasn't played an SEC team on the Road since 1922. Their only trips into SEC or ACC country were in the early 80s vs. a door mat South Carolina team (who was then an independent).

If you want to talk about the weather, how about you send the Big 10's best and brightest down here in late Aug/early Sept and see how the blood flows.

I mean get serious.

As for UGA...we haven't lost to a Big 10 team since 1955.

The closest thing would be a loss to PSU in '82 when they were an independent.

Anonymous said...

i like that picture better.

Anonymous said...

Since 2000, NFL teams have drafted 59 Ohio State players. Twenty-eight were first-day picks -- guys drafted in the first three rounds.

No SEC team can match that. Not one.

few questions: When was the last time Georgia won a National Championship? A. 1980. (Ohio State won in 2002...)

When did someone from Georgia last win the Heisman? A. 1982. (Ohio State -- 2006). How many total Heisman winners in Georgia history? A. 2. (Ohio State -- seven)

My Big Brown Opinion said...

Making a bowl for a Big Ten team is like adding another road game. Think about it:

Ohio State vs. LSU, in New Orleans

Michigan vs. Florida, in Orlando

Penn State vs. Texas A&M, in San Antonio

Illinois vs. USC, in Los Angeles

Purdue vs. Central Michigan, in Detroit (OK, this one really doesn't count)

5 of 8 Big Ten teams had to play in their opponent's home state.

I, for one, would like to see some of these fair-weather teams travel to Big Ten country and play in our stadiums. It may not change the outcomes, but I'd like to see it happen!

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

Anonymous @ 5:30:

Do you ever get the feeling while watching an SEC game that you are actually watching the sequel to "Deliverance"?

What, you mean because LSU bent Ohio State over and made them squeal like a pig?

Yeah, now that you mention it, I did kind of get that impression.

Anonymous said...

everyone wants to talk down about ohio state this year but they did loose there 4 best offensive players. this was supposed to be a rebuilding year the buckeyes and they still made it to the national title game.

Scott said...

I guess that shows how bad the Big 10-should-be-11 really is. And those wins over Akron are *very* impressive. I guess they had the pollsters snowed!!

Anonymous said...

"Since 2000, NFL teams have drafted 59 Ohio State players. Twenty-eight were first-day picks -- guys drafted in the first three rounds.

No SEC team can match that. Not one."

Then why do you keep losing to the SEC, Frank?

Anonymous said...

Hey Frank, the REAL Frank Sinkwich was quoted as saying "if I had known what it was like down South earlier, I would have crawled here on my hands and knees". Says a lot for Ohio, doesn't it?

GoBlueBeattheBucks said...

SEC is a great college football conference, I have no beef with that. My beef is with the fact that the average SEC fan makes no attempt at a balanced perspective. If you look back to the 90's and early on this decade other conferences (particularly big 10) stand up pretty well against the SEC.

Michigan by the way was 6-2 against the SEC during Lloyd Carr's tenure, including 5 bowl wins (all against top tier SEC teams Florida (2 wins), Auburn, Bama, Ar-Kansas)

Anonymous said...

Western Carolina and Troy...but you're right, Ohio State is the ONLY team in America that schedules cupcakes.

I can defend one of their games: Youngstown State. Tressel's former school; he tried to play Ohio State every year when he was there, and was turned down. Tress vowed not to do the same, and scheduled the Penguins as a thank you for all those years. He's still a God in Youngstown, and would rather give them the 450 grand than somebody else.

Easy win? Yup. Right thing to do? You decide.

Anonymous said...

Hello idiots-

Here are some numbers that you're probably not interested in:

As of opening day, 2007, the NFL rosters showed 264 SEC players and 236 Big Ten players. Last year, the SEC had nine first round draft choices; and the Big Ten had 7. Wow, the chasm is staggering.

Since 1998, head to head (prior to this bowl season):

• Overall? The SEC has won 17 and the Big Ten has won…16

• When SEC was the home team? SEC - 4; Big Ten – 0

• When the Big Ten was the home team? Big Ten – 3; SEC – 2

• In bowl games? Big Ten – 13; SEC – 11

• When the Big Ten is the higher ranked team? 6-6

• When the SEC is the higher ranked team? Big Ten – 5; SEC - 4

Wow, you're right. I guess The Ohio State Buckeyes and the rest of the Big 10 should pack their bags, padlock their huge stadiums and give up football.

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

Oh, don't be so dramatic. You don't have to do anything that drastic.

All you have to do is stop accepting invites to the BCS title game. Trust me, we'll all be happier.

Anonymous said...

"Fine, if Kent State doesn't do it for you then just insert any one of these you choose:

Youngstown State

by the way, Northwestern &
Minnesota are in the Big ten so we should'nt play our own confrence cause it's too easy?

Georgia fans dont even have the right to trash OSU leave that too the teams that we played in the title games. How many BCS championships games have you been too again?

stop riding the coat tails of FL and LSU.

Anonymous said...

The Union 1..The South 0

State of Ohio 1-0 when it truly counts.(Ohio had the most people per capita serve in the Civil War,thus the name Blue Jackets for the NHL Team)

Anonymous said...

That is awesome....

Anonymous said...

Chachi - The Civil War was not a football game. And if it had been, you'd have lost. Cheers. =)

Anonymous said...

I guess they fail to teach people in the SEC that in the War Between the States that the South lost..unless they still have free labor in SEC country??

Anonymous said...

Maybe if your sorry ass georgia team could beat UT you could have played in the NC game, instead you have to tear down LSU's opponent. UG sucks and always will can't wait to see you lose 2 more games in the SEC next year and complain when you don't deserve to play for the championship again!

Anonymous said...


UG sucks there a non contender in the SEC and always will be. maybe you crybabies shoud go and form your own confrence, where you can play for the woulda, coulda, shoulda trophy!!!!

The 31st Floor said...

Anonymous 8:46 & 9:32:

Who is this UG you speak of?

Anonymous said...

Nice historical fact and necessary it was, chach. I've been crying over the loss in the "War between the States" entirely way too much that I have been unable to cope with life. Woe is this world. Oh well at least I get to see Ohio State get pummeled in back-to-back title games. I also enjoy ragging on many of my friends whom are Ohio State fans that live the South.

Scott said...

I noticed that the most vitriolic posts from Ohio Sucks fans are posted by "anonymous." I guess they do not have the gonads to not hide behind the skirt strings of their mamas. Man-up boys. Stop hiding and take a public stand. Or are yer yella!

Anonymous said...

the sec is the best conference right now, but in 3 years everyone will be talking about how the sec is down and should quit playing football

Anonymous said...


You're bringing up the Civil War?!!? northerners are really desperate.

That's like modern day Italians sailing to North Africa and giving them hell about Carthage losing to the Romans.

Ancient history, you freaking moron.

But...there is good news for you, Chachi.

There is a group of people who are waiting to welcome you with open arms. Just get to Atlanta, hail a cab, and tell him to take you straight to North Avenue. Heaven awaits.

Anonymous said...

Ohio State has two straight losses to the Gamecocks, which is rather sad. It's easy to win in the Big Televen when you have Michigan State, Purdue, Indiana, Northwestern, and Minnesota to pad your winning percentage. Wisconsin and Penn State are average at best.
In the SEC, no game is ever a given except if you were playing an Ed Orgeron coached Ole Miss team, but they don't roll over and die like a Big 10 team.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I forgot the most overrated coach in the country Kirk Ferentz and that awful Iowa program.

Anonymous said...

Strength of schedule

1 Texas (2005) 1924.3 2 Florida (2006) 1900.9 3 Auburn (2004) 1874.7 4 USC (2004) 1831.1 5 LSU (2003) 1809.0 6 Oklahoma (2004) 1754.0 7 Louisville (2006) 1746.2 8 USC (2005) 1745.1 9 USC (2003) 1733.0 10 Texas (2004) 1710.7 11 Boise State (2006) 1709.7 12 Penn State (2005) 1700.5 13 Miami (OHIO) (2003) 1699.0 14 Ohio State (2006) 1677.3 15 USC (2006) 1660.8 16 LSU (2007) 1647.5 17 Oklahoma (2003) 1643.0 18 Ohio State (2003) 1631.0 19 Georgia (2007) 1628.1 20 West Virginia (2005) 1625.2

Top 20 strength of schedule teams since 2003. USC does try and schedule strong opponents outside of the weak as* PAC-10 to help them out and usually get a couple of good PAC-10 games a year. California, ASU but this year was pretty weak. It seems like 80% of the PAC-10 is in a rebuilding program. I live in Ohio and this state has a high opinion of its football team. I can not wait for OSU to head to the Colisieum next year. I like to watch good games and the SEC does provide that every week, but I will still root for USC.

Anonymous said...

Maybe next year, LSU can play the bowl game in Baton Rouge. Give me a break. The last two bowl games are right down the road from them. Go play tOSU in Cincinatti /Indianapolis /Cleveland - the outcome would be different. Big win for Georgia over Hawaii this year - and of course at home in the Georgia Dome.

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

The Georgia game against Hawaii was in the Superdome in New Orleans.

You Buckeye fans sure do know your football.

Will said...

Call me crazy, but when each school is given an EQUAL ALLOTMENT OF TICKETS for their bowl game, it probably doesn't matter where the game is. Unless the Suckeye fans are whining because they got to NOLA 4-5 days early and got used to having a run of the place until a day before the game when the LSU fans leisurely drove into town, drank them under the table, mocked the huskiness of their women, and then wiped their ass with the OSU football team

Anonymous said...

Being called a freakin' Moron from UGA fans....when was the last time UGA was relevant on a national scale in Football? Oh Yeah I remember when your coach was crying to the media that his 2 loss team deserves a shot at the BCS Title game without even winning his own conference. When people diss OSU they bring up ancient history the fact that our coach from 30 years ago lost to SEC teams. I'll give you props for the '93 win against the genius John Cooper but don't be riding UF or LSU's coat tails.

I'd love to come down to the ATL..have they rebuilt it since we burned it to the ground? I mean clearly LA and FLA have been rebuilt and have solid football programs but not sure about Georgia..oh wait..even Georgia Tech has a title since the last time UGA was nationally relevant!!!

Anonymous said...

and one last long as Southerns continue to fly the Confederate Flag it is not ancient history. They call it Southern Pride..we see it as the Flag of the Losing Side. If the BCS continues to send OSU to the Title Game maybe you guys can leave the Union for good this time. We will make sure not to let you back in..don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

Anonymous said...

Talk about riding coattails! UGA has no room to talk whatsoever. Beat Tennessee, who can't win a big game....ever, and you have a legitimate argument.

Re: our OOC schedule, I don't see any USC, Miami, Oklahoma, Texas on your schedule. Heck even when Washington was scheduled this year, they were coming off a Rose Bowl game. You can't blame us that the rest of the Big Ten is down. What are we supposed to do, just decied we aren't going to play any conference games? We didn't deserve to be in the nat'l title game this year, but no one else stepped up and grabbed the spot either, so we 'defaulted' in (not backed in). We weren't lobbying anyone (a la pipsqueak Meyer), there just wasn't anyone else deserving. USC-lost to Stanford, UGA-lost to UT and SCar & couldn't win their DIVISIONAL conference crown, OU (who may be the biggest BCS fraud of all)- lost to Colorado & TTech.

What do you want us to do, say we're sorry for playing in the nat'l title game against LOUSIANA St, in N'awlins and with about 5 ticky-tack personal foul calls that kept drives alive for them? Fine we're sorry for making it to the nat'l title game during our rebuilding year. We'll try and lose a couple of games next year to teams we aren't supposed to lose to, just so Georgia (the 3rd or 4th best team in their CONFERENCE) can play instead of us.

Anonymous said...

Last time UGA won a National Title they needed a U.S. President from Georgia to be in Office. Carter's one victory while in Office.

Scott said...

Still... the Ohio Sucks commenters are hiding behind "anonymous" or stupid user names. I guess these pussies cannot MAN-UP!

Anonymous said...

SEC talking about cupcakes. How funny.

SEC SOS is better because they play a bunch of non-conference cupcakes every single year. Also, they're afraid of playing outside their own stadiums where they are not as good. Please SEC fans, give me a few AWAY games from SEC teams against good opponents in the last few years (in which the won)?

LSU scheduled teams for 2008:
North Texas, Troy, TBD, Tulane. All at home. (8-4 home-away games)

So give me a break and don't come with your usual "We have a very tough conference schedule that's why we don't go and play against the best teams in the country."

Good teams can't do anything about their own conference strength; however, they can do something about their non-conference schedule. That's where you separate the really confident programs from the wannabes.


Anonymous said...

"Methinks the lady doth protest too much" - William Shakespeare

tOSU fans posting on this board, let someone from University of Michigan explain what this means.

Anonymous said...

Okay Chachi, just because Joanie doesn't love you anymore and the state of tOhio's economy is faltering doesn't mean you have repectable grounds to talk about anything other than how much you suck as a person. Face it, you do if you have to bring up the civil war to make a point about anything.

P.S. sorry Scott I haven't the time to choose an identity, I'm in a rush.

Anonymous said...

What are the UGA fans going to do send their big brothers who have actually won a BCS title after me? Must suck to be a UGA fan when the Vols,Tigers and Gators all have a BCS Title Trophy in their display case. You guys sound like 5 year big brother is going to beat you up because we aren't capable of it. Win your own conference than start to talk shit. We got a BCS about YOU? Nope all you got is a lot of shit talking. We made 3 BCS Title Games and you can't take that away from us.

I can talk about other things besides the Civil how it took till 1967 for the SEC to allow blacks to play football on their teams. Bill Willis..1941 1st black player at OSU, 1945 1st black player in the NFL. But I forget the SEC was a bastion of civil rights. Miss St. U Basketball coach defies order of the Governor in 1961 and plays against a racially intergrated team.

I guess if OSU are such losers we would fit right in to the South. I wonder if you treat the Atlanta Braves this way..One WS title in 95and 4 WS losses in the same decade. 1st team in 6 deades to lose 4 WS in one Decade.

Got to run..I found a new place to place bets on Dog Fighting since Vick got pinched.

Anonymous said...

you know sec stands for southerners eating cocks, right?

The 31st Floor said...

People mocking the South has always amused me. When is the last time you heard someone say, "Hell yes honey!! They're transferring me to Akron".

Oh yeah, it doesn't happen.

Population growth: GA - 26.4%; OH - 4.7%

Face it, people enjoy a place that has seasons, women who don't look like pale linebackers, and beauty.

Anonymous said...

Oh Yes I forgot Southerns love intelligent women as well. Have they helped Ms. South Carolina and her charity to get more globes to the people of America and Iraq so they can find themselves on a map?

You must be proud of all those Trophy Wives. Blonde hair with Brown roots really is a good look in the South.

7 Presidents from Ohio...One from Georgia..I guess when the Country is seeking change they really take Georgia politicians seriously. Heck of a job with that gas crisis and Iranian Hostage crisis there Jimmy.

So when UGA fans want to see a title won in the last 20 years do they drive to LSU,UF,UT and Georgia Tech to have a look at the Trophy?

1967 till the SEC allowed blacks to play football. Son you can go die in Vietnam but even think about suiting up for our Football teams!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Dear Chachi,

Lets finish this by saying that tOSU is better than UGA at everything. The state of Ohio is the best. There is nothing better than the Buckeyes. You have the best presidents. You have the best women. You are smarter. You beat us in everything including war. You stand head and shoulders above all. You are the masters of the universe. OH HAIL, the buckeye state.

Let us lowly southerners join hands and lift high praises to the might which illuminates all. Let us gather our quivering manhood as the glorious potentate of Columbus, Ohio speaks and offers retribution to all of us.

Oh, masters of all, we beseech thee to show mercy upon us who are squashed by thy magnificence.

Chachi, do you feel better? Are more of a man now than you were a few minutes ago? Is it not amazing what massaging your ego will do? Seriously, is this what you want? Do you want the SEC to simply admit that you are better? Okay, you are better. But let me ask you in what way does our submission to your greatness have to do with your argument? Nothing. Please make a point and stick with it. Submit at least two supporting arguments and leave your ad hominem, question begging, and straw man attacks at home. In a phrase; Logic its fundamental.

Anonymous said...

God these northerners are pathetic. And they wonder why people mock them daily.....

Josh M. said...

Just read all the pro-Buckeye comments, and the last time I had this feeling was when I volunteered at a home for retards.

Ok, I've never actually volunteered anywhere, but this must be what it would feel like.

Ben said...


I think Chachi's comments are pretty funny, logic notwithstanding. Of course, we're not dealing with deductive arguments anyway, so none of the conclusions necessarily have to follow from the premises. I'd actually suggest this whole thing is a string of non-sequitur shit-talking where nobody will change their mind. Use whatever stats you want and you can justify whatever you want to say.

With all that being said, I'm pretty sure this whole "Ohio State sucks" is just a little thing called hating.
But unfortunately, the Buckeyes aren't the problem. The SYSTEM is the problem, but of course nobody takes time to understand that the system produced the result of OSU going to the NC. I mean, after that last weekend of the regular season, didn't Georgia actually fall in the standings? The coaches, including SEC coaches, voted them LOWER. The media, including SEC media, voted them LOWER. The fact is the next team (who? VT?) would've been a choice everyone hated (especially since VT got crushed LSU earlier) and Oklahoma (who had been tagged with 2 losses, too) would've had Georgia fans going crazy, too.

Yeah, the Bucks are 0-9 in bowl games against the SEC. None of those games were played concurrently or even back-to-back, and teams that played in each of those games were different. Those 9 games are all singular, isolated events with no real connection. Say what you will about the record and how terrible the Buckeyes are, but OSU has enough historical and current prominence to laugh that off.
Besides, accusations without justifications don't count as refutations.

And Scott, here I am. I'm a Buckeye.

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

I'm loath to get drawn into this poop-flinging fight any more than I already have, but I'd just like to go on record as declaring that trying to win a football argument with "Oh, yeah, well how many presidents came from YOUR state?!?" is the gayest thing I've ever heard in my life. And I've been to many a Georgia Tech game, so I've heard some pretty gay shit.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Ben for your comments. If the coaches thought the Buckeyes sucked than why did they vote us #1 and give us a ticket to the title game...while lowering UGA in the polls?

if UGA had actually beaten OSU in anything the last 2 seasons I would pay them props....but instead UGA fans are riding the coat tails of the titles won not by UGA but their own hated rivals..UT,UF and LSU. You know your more highly successful older brothers who kick the shit out of you each year.

UF and LSU beat us..and they are SEC teams but neither of them had the UGA logo on their helmets..So UGA fans mock the Buckeyes but as the immortal Patrick Roy once said and I paraphrase..Can't Hear you With our BCS title ring in our ear.

'Nuff Said now go win a title UGA

Anonymous said...

oh and one last thing..Mock Northerns all day long? Funny so you mock those who have conquested your ass in the past..thus why you mock a better program then your own.

I know Georgia started as a Penial Colony so I quote from Goodfellas..Maybe they didn't tell you I was made while you where away...Now go get your Shine Box!!!

and win a BCS UGA..stop praising UT,LSU and UF's success and have some of your own!!

Anonymous said...

General Sherman was from my home town in Ohio. Maybe we should just burn their sorry state down again. Georgia is a second rate program and always will be!

Anonymous said...

poor chachi. Tries to insult us, but only proves us right with his poor grammar and misspellings. When will he ever learn?

Chachi, unless you are seriously older than your 12 year old handle and grammar skills, please refrain from the further use of the word WE when referring to the War Between the States. I'm fairly certain you were not there fighting.

We have tried in the past to schedule Big10 opponents. They would have none of it. Go figure.

Yes. We get it. You are great. Your conference is the best. The north is great. The weather is awesome. We in the south "just don't get it". The Fonz IS NOT cooler than you. You will impose your awesomeness on our boards "anytime, anywhere". We can run but we can't hide.

Did I forget any? Will this help you to go away now? You are starting to become a real boor. If you don't know what that means, look it up. I am sure someone from the north invented dictionaries. Because, like, the north is the bomb.

Anonymous said...

I only came to this board because some UGA fool wanted to think he was cool with his 0-9 against the SEC and I pointed out that Ohio is 1-0 when it counts. People in the North don't take leaving the Union lightly.

So go win a BCS title game and stop thinking UGA is so awesome because UT,UF and LSU have won BCS Titles.Go rest on your own laurels, which we are not sure of since you are neither a football powerhouse nor a basketball powerhouse. From this board I see UGA fans are just good at talking shit..BCS titleless shit talking.

Congrats on that awesome allows you to go visit UGA and see that they have no BCS titles.

and OSU has scheduled USC,Virginia Tech,Miami,Oklahoma in the next decade because we wanted to play Football Powerhouses and not flash in the pan UGA team that crumbles when they play superior SEC talent like LSU. Without a BCS title how long will UF and LSU actually want UGA in the SEC in the future?

I guess you can be our Wisconsin..a decent school with a decent football team.

as I said..go get your shine box!!!

Anonymous said...

"Maybe we should just burn their sorry state down again."

Dude, are you serious? Do you seriously think no one from Georgia has ever been to Ohio? For the uninitiated, I'll spell out the differences:

1. More Trees in Georgia
2. More Rust in Ohio
3. MUCH less hot women in Ohio
4. More snow in Ohio

Toss up: Number of rednecks is about the same in both states.

Do not try to refute this. You know it, I know it, the American people know it. Now I know why the Michigan grads I know laugh at you all year long. And don't come back with that "we own their asses" garbage. We'll just say the same about you until you beat someone from the south.

BTW - way to associate yourself with a human one step up from Hitler. He was a real role model that Sherman.

Anonymous said...

chachi (loser)

We own LSU. Last 2 meetings were both 40+ to Under 15 beatdowns. Try again.

Miami? VA Tech? Powers? Again, you show your ignorance. BTW - who beat Va Tech last year? Yeah, us. 0-2 there son.

USC I will give you. Impressive. Enjoy your beating next year.

If you really think you guys are that good, start a petition with your AD to play us. From the sound of it, should be an easy win for you guys. You should be begging for a win over an SEC team. Doubt you'll get much support on that one though. We all know how you guys wilt in the south. Hell, I'd petition Damon to give you a 2 for 1 just so I could laugh at you 3 times instead of 2.

And chachi, my shine box is attached to my right wrist. When you feel the need for a shine, let me know, and I'll send your pansy ass back to columbus with a fresh one.

Anonymous said...

I am sure as LSU shines their two BCS Trophies they think about how superior you guys are to them in football. I just find it funny when others think they are better than Southerns how the Southerns react. Not fun being thought of as inferior huh?

I think Va Tech has actually played for a Title the last 10 years and Miami has a BCS Title and 2 BCS Title games under their wings the last 7 years and i believe 3 other titles since you UGA won in 1980

What has UGA done on a national level of late?? UT,LSU and UF have a right to talk shit not UGA fans.

I was in NO and the LSU, who could gloat and brag, where actually very nice and enjoyed partying with us after the game. They did not talk shit and I still wonder why UGA fans think they can talk shit

As for Sherman being a rung above Hitler.Had Lee and his band of Rebels won the War, I am sure they would have burned the North to the ground given the chance. The South was a foreign entity attacking the U.S. What should Sherman have done? Shaken their hands and welcome them back to the Union with open arms? He certainly made his point,doubt the South leaves the Union again.

One reason we don't come down to play is the small stadiums the SEC plays in. We travel with 40-50K people when we play a big game like in 2002,2007,2008.

My shine box is right next to our BCS Title Trophy. Again, please explain to me just how great UGA football is..titleless since 1980...but better than a team with 3 BCS Title games in 6 years.

Anonymous said...

Sorry that is Hot Blonde Trophy wife with fake boobs from Georgia doesn't know how to use spell check too well. But I forgive her since she has such a golden tan and will be dead in 20 years from skin cancer.

Anonymous said...

You are such a douche. Too stupid to realize you are being baiting, too big an idiot to quit posting. Typical yankee. Have fun shining "your" trophy, douche.

BTW - we have 2 crystal balls, one at your expense. You have a stolen gift. Yeah I said it. You know that interference penalty was BS. Hell, everyone in the country knows it. tosu's last REAL MNC was 1968. Pretty sure your weren't around for that one sparky. But have fun shining that crystal ball janitor boy. You won't see a newer one in your lifetime - unless you come south.

Anonymous said...

Bullgator they did not hand out crystal hardware in 1980.Back then it was a Mythical NC.

Let us rebel against the North. We are too stupid to lead ourselves, so let us hire a West Point Grad to lead us. We can't count past ten so we will need a Jew to be the Treasurer too.

I have re-watched the game and in the 4th quarter Chris Gamble did catch that ball inbounds. Besides a win is a win and the history books still say we are NC for the 2002 season.

Being baited? I love talking shit to UGA fans because they truly can't claim shit. We have gone to 3BCS Title games in 6 years...what have you done besides hire a crybaby coach?

Our honor defend WE will fight to the end for O-HI-O...and not surrender to a drunkard like Grant. We finish what we start.

See you in Miami!! Finally,that is a Proud Yankee..the kind that beat the Braves ass in '96 and '99!!!

Anonymous said...


2 Questions:

Where was that team from the Braves beat to win the '95 WS?

Do you know Commandant Wayne?

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

Ah, now we see who "chachi" really is -- a bandwagoneer who'll jump on any team that happens to be hot at any given moment. Yeah, I'll just bet you've been a Yankees fan for all your life, haven't you? What's next, an extended treatise on how the Patriots are soooo much better than any of those pansy-ass NFL teams south of the Mason-Dixon?

Anonymous said...

See I am Yankee by birth, I don't jump off a team's bandwagon to fit my personal needs. Unlike the South, who left the Union to fit their need to keep free labor.

I have seen 6 World Series Wins and 9 World Series appearances by the Yankees. I am a 20 year season ticket holder to the NY Jets. Alhtough I missed their SB win by a few years they are still a better franchise than the Falcons. Funny how you guys reacted when Petrino jumped ship. I like when you guys question loyalty.

I have seen 4 Stanley Cups by the NY Islanders while you guys are on your second NHL team the last 30 years. I have seen the Nets win an ABA title and appear in 2 NBA finals. Does Atlanta even have an NBA franchise anymore?

Actually, although I despise the NE Patriots I believe they did beat 2 teams south of the mason-dixon line. Considering the Falcons are in shambles why even bring that up?

Yup 13 years ago the mighty Braves did win a WS and made them 1-4 for the 90's. Even a broken clock strikes right twice a day.

The fact is this started as some UGA fan talking shit while his team has not won since 1980 and the Buckeyes have played in 3 NC Games in 6 years. That is a simple fact. UGA should have some success on a National level before they talk smack.

To be fair and honest the South does have one redeeming thing..the Allman Brothers.

Anonymous said...

"After the war, Wayne returned to Pennsylvania and served in the state legislature for a year in 1784. He then moved to Georgia and settled upon the tract of land granted him by that state for his military service. He was a delegate to the state convention which ratified the Constitution in 1788.

In 1791, he served a year in the Second United States Congress as a U.S. Representative of Georgia but lost his seat during a debate over his residency qualifications and declined running for re-election in 1792"

why bring this up since once they left the Union they no longer wanted to live by the US Constitution? Secession made his signature null and void!!

Your point must have been that he helped to establish Ohio for the Americans. How can one establish something that had already been settled by the French and inhabited by Native Americans centuries before that?

Anonymous said...

I like how the fact that the Braves went to several World Series lately (but only won one) is a bad thing and is to be considered as evidence that the Braves (and Georgia and - one would presume - all southerners) suck.

However, the fact that tOSU has gone to numerous BCS title games lately (but has only won one) is a marvelous thing and is to be considered as evidence that tOSU (and Ohio and - one would presume - all northerners) don't suck.

I also marvel at how this thread has devolved...

Anonymous said...

Today on VH1:

"Scott Baio is 46...and posting on Georgia Sports Blogs."

(Amen, Anon 10:02)

Anonymous said...

By the way, I can't help but think of Andy Kaufman while reading this thread.

Anonymous said...


I am a West Point Grad. I certianly take offense to the crap you are talk about West Point. Almost every single general on BOTH sides of the war was from West Point. These generals were friends with one another, many were roommates. It certainly is a situation where you do not know your history.

Lee sided with the Confederacy because of the his love for the State of Virginia rather than his love of the Confederacy.

Deductive argumentation aside, any position needs to be supported by evidence. Logic is not limited to deductive reasoning. As a matter of fact inductive reasoning uses it too. It is funny how people want to criticize without thinking. Ad hominem, question begging, and straw man building occur in everyday situations sans deductive reasoning.

Please consider the fallacious arguments of politicians and lawyers as standards of inductive fallacies.

I agree the system is the problem. However, the system is a Big-10(11) system. ESPN, or Big-10 network II, seems to think that if they petitiion loud enough and criticize harshly enough then they get their way. This has been true at least the last two years.

Herbstreit petitioned for Michigan to be in the BCS title game of 2006 even though they did not win their conference but he claimed that UGA should not be in the BCS title game solely because they had not won their conference.

This is a logical fallacy. We commonly refer to it as having you cake and eating it too. When it comes to the Big-10(11) then we push them into the spotlight but when it is not the belle of the ball then we shove them back out on the street, i.e. UGA.

Additionally, the commentators on ESPN, or Big-10 network II, are generally from Big-10 schools. C. Fowler hates SEC. Ask a UT fan about his efforts to block Peyton Manning from winning the Heisman in favor of whom...Charles Woodson, a Big-10 guy. Corso coached for the Big-10. These are the guys that carry the most weight and influence.

The logical fallacies abound when it comes to the magnificence of the Big-10.

Anonymous said...

The argument has become so convoluted.

FACT: Ohio State is 0-9 vs. the SEC.

FACT: UGA hasn't lost to the Big 10 since 1955.

Therefore, UGA is > Big 10. And Ohio State is < than SEC.

The rest of this is just one buckeye fan with a tiny pee pee who's using the Civil War to try and rankle Georgia fans.

What a waste of effort Chachi is putting into this. It's not as if we're EVER going to change our minds about tOverrated.

Anonymous said...

I'm Gay

-Scott (the 42 year old guy that complains about Anonymous bloggers that lives in his Mother's Basement)

"snack time Scott"

your mother is calling

Anonymous said...

How Many SEC championships does UGA Have?

Anonymous said...

UGA has 12 SEC titles.

1. Bama = 21
2. UT = 13
3. UGA = 12
4. LSU = 10
5. UF = 7

As for the inevitable idiot who will come on here and say "Ohio State has 32 Big 10 titles."

I would remind you that the Big 10 is 36 years older than the SEC.

Anonymous said...

I almost forgot about Scott, Funny. yeah were in dire need of a man up comment!!!!

Sad thing is your probally Dead on.

Anonymous said...

PWD - This comment section has got be a friggin' record for you, no?

If no, don't worry. The yankee douchebags can't help themselves.

Scott said...

Hey ctldawg, be careful, I am a Yankee and a very proud UGA alum! Not all yankees make insipid comments like the oh-for-bowl Ohioans!

Anonymous said...

Sorry bro. Guilt by association. Kinda like not all southerners are inbred hicks. Funny, being in Charlotte, all my friends from back home in Middle GA consider me a yankee now. Not sure how they rationalize that one.

Well, at least you were smart enough to come south. If your forecast is close to ours, enjoy your weekend of wonderful northern weather.

Anonymous said...

This has devolved into one of the most illogical threads I have ever seen. I can't exactly figure out what Ohio State and the SEC have to do with the Civil War. Something that happened 146 FREAKIN YEARS AGO!
Remember folks that rational discourse is often ignored on Al Gore's greatest invention. Have fun with your Big Ten championships. And I suggest that you place them gingerly in your rectal area.

Anonymous said...

paul westerdawg

if you look at the rate UGa and OSU win conference titles. UGA 1 title every 6.25 years OSU every 2.9 years

Anonymous said...

Anon - If you look at the rate at which Ohio State wins the Big 10, and then you divide that by a big bucket of I don't give a shit, you get the square root of blow it out your ass.

Anonymous said...


If you dont care about that rate at which titles are won why should anyone care that UGA has won 12 SEC titles.

Also OHIO STATE 7 National Titles UGa 2

The math here in Ohio says 7 is bigger than 2. Is that the same math as Georgia?

Anonymous said...

Apparently we are dealing with complete morons here, that can’t realize they are a sub par program equivalent to Penn State or Wisconsin in the big Ten. When you can legitimately say you’re a better program than FL or LSU bring it on, but till then shut it! Leave your smack talking to Georgia Tech, your not even on the same level as OSU, not even close!

Scott, you have got to be the biggest moron of them all “oh-for-bowl Ohioans” OSU has 18 bowl wins. before you open your mouth it might help to know what you are talking about. “UGA Alum” I didn’t know you could get a degree in landscaping?

Scott said...

Excuse me, ball-less anon who cannot stand up and identify itself, how about oh-for-bowl-versus-SEC.

And my degree doesn't matter. At least I have the integrity to stand up for my words.

Interesting, the Ohio Buckeye is a tree whose fruit is used as the head of its mascot. So why don't you fruits go back to your chest beating elsewhere and MAN-UP!

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

Anonymous, if it's already been made clear that nobody on this site thinks the Big 10 is all that great a conference -- and it has -- why would you come on here bragging about how many Big 10 titles tOSU has won? That would be like me walking into a meeting of the Ferrari Club of North America and expecting everybody to ooh and ahh over the sweet VW Jetta I pulled up in.

Anonymous said...

In case you have missed anything I will summarize Scotts last few post for eveyone;

Blah blah blah blah, Man up!! Georgia could beat the patriots, Blah blah blah blah, Man up!! Georgia is the best, Blah blah blah blah, Man up!! Georgia could have beat LSU, Blah blah blah blah, Man up!! Im a huge Homo, Blah blah blah blah, Man up!! Go Dawg’s, Blah blah blah blah, Man up!! “Squeal like a pig boy” Blah blah blah blah, Man up!! Blah blah blah blah, Man up!!

Scott, a buckeye is not a fruit dumbass great education you got there retard.

Anonymous said...

Doug, I’m not bragging about Big Ten Titles never did, UGA is a sub par program win the SEC and talk all the smack you want until then don’t trash the Buckeye’s. stop living through LSU & FL's Accomplishments

Anonymous said...

Over the past 11 years, UGA has won more overall games than ANY other SEC team including LSU, UF and UT.

In fact, from '97-'06 we had 1 fewer overall win than Ohio State.

I only listed the # of SEC titles because someone on here asked.

Anonymous said...

Paul, If UGA is SO GREAT then where is your National Championship trophy? the teams in SEC you were refering to all have at least one?

Anonymous said...

Asshat @ 2:42

Our national championship TROPHIES are in our heritage hall. They're on display in our heritage hall. Kind of like where you're '07 and '08 titles were supposed to be. Oh thats right. You LOST. Get over it. Oh and by the way UGA 21 Bucknuts 14 1-1-93. Until we meet again I really don't give a damn about you beating Northwestern and Iowa and Indiana. Have fun in the great white north.

Anonymous said...

Hey dumbass, I was refering to in the past century(that's 10 years for you GA folk) that is the stats paul was quoting 1 NC to your 0, 3 appearences to your 0, getthere and then talk shit. Let's talk about the 80's cause that real realavant, see how stupid you are

Anonymous said...

Ok I know decade

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I didn't know a century was 10 years long. I guess thats Ohio math.
I'm also not familiar with the term "realavant" that you speak of. Perhaps when you call someone stupid you should, I don't know, READ YOUR FREAKIN' POST FIRST. Dumbass.

Anonymous said...

Ok I misspelled a word, you got me.your the best speller ever.I'm just not over our 3 NC appearences. In 6 years. By the way you get there by winning your confrence even if it is the Big 10. Suck it GA

Anonymous said...

Uh, I beleive the only thing I've gotten out of reading these comments is...
Ohio fans are insecure

and not just about football.

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

I'm just not over our 3 NC appearences. In 6 years.

That's a shame. Everyone else appears to be.

Scott said...

Hey guys, everything else is history. In the present Ohio State LOST and was ranked FIFTH in the last poll that counted. In that same poll LSU is #1 and Georgia is #2. The SEC takes the top 2 spots in the polls and Ohio State is not.

Those are the facts. Anything else is drivel by losers trying to justify their presence.

On that note... I'm done. If Ohio State can get its act together to meet them DAWGS in Miami next year, I would be more than happy to continue this conversation on South Beach. Until then, you lost... GET OVER IT!

Anonymous said...

I think I just threw up in my mouth reading these OSU idiot post. attack anything from the weather to the civil war in a sad attempt to defend a dying conference. The bottom line is THE BIG X ONLY BEAT 1 RANKED TEAM THE ENTIRE YEAR if you look at there non conference slate. (that sadly includes bowl games) In the BCS era the only conference to eclipse that level of patheticness is the BIG EAST in 2004. Every arguement OSU fans make is based on what happened in the past. It has to be, or else they would be forced to look at the present and admit that the BIG X is the worst of the BCS conference's and they get smoked when they play the SEC

Anonymous said...

“THE BIG X ONLY BEAT 1 RANKED TEAM THE ENTIRE YEAR” really because Michigan, Purdue, & Penn state were all ranked when we played them? & Wisconsin just fell out of the top 25 prior to us beating them? Huh you sure do have some great facts were do you all come up with this?

FYI Georgia only beat 4 ranked opponents. Thanks for pointing that out but also worth point out you lost to 2 unranked teams, vs OSU’s 1?

Yeah OSU’ has a cupcake schedule cause Western Carolina, Ole Miss and Troy are great Competition, oh yeah and you didn’t play LSU this past year either?

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:43...

Anon 12:17 was talking about non conference opponents - as was plainly spelled out in his post...

Anonymous said...

Michigan managed to beat Tennessee a team you couldn’t? So is the big Ten really that weak?

Anonymous said...

Michigan didn't play Tennessee.

They played UF.
UGA beat UF.

Ohio State did not beat UF. Wait....hang on....Percy Harvin just scored on the Buckeyes again.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:17, sorry then what is this Stat on the SEC?

Looking at UGA schedule you had the big goose egg

Anonymous said...

so the BCS has you as #2 In A system you all admit That is flawed, so are you really that proud of you BCS ranking? Scott, you’re the real #2.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:11
The BCS does not have UGA ranked second, as the last BCS poll came out the weekend of bowl selections. UGA finished second in the AP polls and 3rd in the Coaches Poll, in both cases higher than your precious buckeyes.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:07...

Oops. Wrong again. You really should read these posts a little more closely. Anon 12:17's stats included bowl games - as was plainly spelled out in his post...

UGA beat the ever-loving hell out of the Sooper Dooper Undefeated Hawaii Warriors in the Sugar Bowl, and they were ranked #10 at the time.

I'm not gonna take the time to dig through the the schedules of all 12 SEC teams in order to find out how many victories the SEC had over ranked non conference teams, but (just working from memory) I know LSU also beat the ever-loving hell out of a ranked VT team early in the season in addition to beating tOSU. So that is at least three SEC wins over ranked non conference teams - which is at least three times more than the Big T(elev)en had.

Anonymous said...

Big Scott, tell that to Scott then not me. he's the bragging about the #2 BCS ranking

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:55...

Nope. You're wrong too. I'm noticing a pattern here lately.

Here's the pertinent excerpt from Scott's post:

Hey guys, everything else is history. In the present Ohio State LOST and was ranked FIFTH in the last poll that counted. In that same poll LSU is #1 and Georgia is #2. The SEC takes the top 2 spots in the polls and Ohio State is not.

The letters "BCS" don't appear in his post. He was accurately describing the final AP poll...

Anonymous said...

Does it really matter to you? You know what I meant. you anal retentive jackass? Ok replace BCS with AP, again your good buddy Scotts words not mine

Did I strike a nerve big Scott? or is this really Big Gay Scott

Anonymous said...

Ok, your right the SEC is a stronger Conference than the Big Ten we all know that. And I am not disputing that. But what I have the problem with is all you lunatic Georgia fans on this blog that cant realize you are not a powerhouse program, Florida State, Nebraska, Miami, Tennessee, Nebraska, Texas, LSU, USC, Florida, Oklahoma, and yes Ohio State are considered POWERHOUSE programs in College Football, when you constantly win your conference and go to title games you can be put in that class and then talk all the smack you want. I know somebody is going to say it so I will, yes Nebraska, Florida State, and Miami? Powerhouse?, but yes they all have been to the big show recently, and won. It’s called rebuilding, ask FL, and I’m sure Georgia is never rebuilding they just always awesome!! The fact is that OSU had 2 senior starters this past year the majority of the teams starters were Sophomores, so we made it to the NC game by default oh well the system didn’t work as planned (that’s why you played Hawaii) none of you are complaining about Hawaii and there conference or schedule? No because it made you look good, the real question is are you?

Anonymous said...

The argumentative stylings of the anonymous Ohio State fans continue to amuse me. When deductive reasoning fails to work, begin calling names, because that is the sure sign of superior intellect.

Anonymous said...

You manage to talk all this smack about a team that you can’t comfortably say you could beat. OSU can’t beat the SEC so what? It’s the SEC not Georgia, last time we played was 93? (Not even worth discussing 15 years ago and separated by a touchdown) The SEC is superior at this time, could this change? Yes, and has throughout the history of College Football. What if you had to play OSU in this past years Bowl game? I’ll give you one thing it would have been a great game, I think we can both agree on that. Good luck this year I hope we meet in the NC, cause as much as you don’t want to see it, we have a great chance of returning, OSU is the best in the Big Ten right now. If the system doesn’t change it will be the champs of the Big Ten, SEC, Big 12 or Pac 10 in the NC game. Hope to see you in Miami!

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:13...

Easy big fella. You were the one who (incorrectly, at 2:11) slammed Scott for claiming UGA was ranked #2 in the BCS and went on and on about how the BCS is a flawed system therefore we shouldn't be proud of our ranking in it. If you want to similarly criticise the AP poll, then do so. But you were the one who latched onto false "BCS" claims and made a stink about it.

And then you (incorrectly, at 2:55) accused Scott of "bragging about the #2 BCS ranking".

You were the one who went out of your way to (incorrectly, twice) criticise Scott when he was right both times. If you don't like being wrong (twice), then you should be angry at yourself instead of those who correct you.

If you would have said "oops, my bad" instead of (typically) resorting to name-calling (twice) when you were clearly the one in error (twice), I wouldn't have responded to you at all.

In fact, I wouldn't have responded under any circumstances if I hadn't already had to correct another tOSU fan minutes earlier who had (incorrectly, twice - hence the pattern I mentioned) made claims about another commenter's post about the Big 10's and SEC's non conference records against ranked teams.

Anonymous said...

Question: Why all the blasting of OSU’s Schedule, by Georgia Fans? Who did Georgia play that was note worthy this year? You played 4 ranked teams You lost to two unranked teams your schedule is backfilled with cupcakes too, (already pointed out earlier). and beat Hawaii (real contender) in your bowl game. You want to make fun of OSU for Kent State? What about Troy? It appears to me not much difference in schedule I know the stats show otherwise but really look at it, too much bickering. You both have issues

Anonymous said...

Okay, Buckeye fans, since we're talking schedules, let's look at the 2008 schedules, shall we?

Ohio State:
August 30 - Youngstown State
September 6 - Ohio University
September 13 - USC
September 20 - Troy University
September 27 - Minnesota
October 4 - Wisconsin
October 11 - Purdue
October 18- Michigan State
October 25 - Penn State
November 8 - Northwestern
November 15 - Illinois
November 22 - Michigan

September 6 - Georgia Southern
September 13 - Central Michigan
September 20 - at South Carolina
September 27 - at Arizona State
October 4 - Alabama
October 11 - Tennessee
October 18 - Vanderbilt
October 25 - at LSU Tigers
November 1 - Florida(at Jacksonville, FL)
November 8 - at Kentucky
November 15 - at Auburn
November 29 - Georgia Tech

Okay...I'll give you USC on the road. That's tough for anyone.
Other than that...give me a break. One of you guys was giving us a hard time about playing Troy. Looks like it's just fine for Tressel to schedule them.

Now check our schedule. Nine of the opposing head coaches have college national championships on their resume. We play the past two national champions...neither at home. Georgia Southern beat Appalachian State (at Boone, NC!!)last year and they (GSU) were in a rebuilding year. Central Michigan won the MAC. Kentucky beat LSU last year (How'd you do against them, again?). Gee, I don't see any cupcakes here.

I could go on.

The point is...don't talk to us about schedules. Ohio State has it easy. Plus, your conference doesn't have a championship game which, in my opinion, makes you a second-tier conference.

Also, ask Florida and LSU how they fared the last time they played UGA.

And to the moron that stated that UGA hasn't been relevant the last few years:

We won the SEC in 2002 and 2005. You know, the SEC that contains teams YOU CAN'T BEAT.

I know why The Big Ten (Oh, sorry ELEVEN) doesn't want a playoff.


BTW...Youngstown State and Ohio University won't help you beat the SEC, either.

Anonymous said...

"But the South lost the Civil War!" Waa waa waa. Cry me a river SUCKEYES. Why don't you use your time wisely. How about getting Maurice Clarett out of his 20 year bid? Yeah he's harmless until you meet him in a dark alley way. And he's the reason you have your '03 championship. Now granted, had we beaten Florida (which I admit we crapped the bed, unlike you guys not admitting you've gotten your asses kicked twice in a row) we would have that '03 title. And you know what... that piece of hardware would make no difference to me. The SEC championship is what matters. To hell with voters and polls and biased ESPN announcers. Bring your sorry asses down south and play a season in the SEC. Would you guys be happy with 6-6? I can hear the whining and complaining no w.

Anonymous said...

when did anon 4:06 PM say 2008 schedule? read the post?

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:45...

Anon 4:06 didn't say anything about the 2008 schedule, nor did dawg19 accusing him of such. dawg19 merely had the audacity to bring up a new topic - a comparison of the 2008 schedules. In his words: "since we're talking schedules, let's look at the 2008 schedules, shall we?" It seemed like a clear transition to a new topic to me.

In your words: "read the post?"

Anonymous said...

I guess the 2007 UGA schedule is a sore spot.

point taken

Anonymous said...

here is what Anon 4:06 asked?

"Question: Why all the blasting of OSU’s Schedule, by Georgia Fans? Who did Georgia play that was note worthy this year?"

he didnt ask who is UGA going to play that is note worthy in 08?

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:25...

Nope. The 2007 UGA schedule is not a sore spot with me. It included eight SEC teams, one Big 12 team, one ACC team, and two so-called cupcakes - one of which appears on the 2008 tOSU schedule (even though I don't particularly consider Troy a cupcake). So if you add that up, that comes to ten games against teams from BCS conferences, one game against a decent Troy team, and one real cupcake. BTW, UGA soundly beat the defending BCS champion on the road ("neutral site" my a$$). You'll recall that team. They were the ones who embarrassed tOSU the year before and had the Heisman winner this year.

By comparison, tOSU's 2007 schedule featured eight Big T(elev)en teams, a pathetic PAC 10 team, and three (count 'em THREE) seriously bad cupcakes.

So, no, UGA's 2007 schedule wasn't a sore spot with me. I'll stack it up against virtually any Big T(elev)en schedule in virtually any year. And as dawg19 pointed out, UGA's 2008 schedule is even tougher.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:28...

dawg19 wasn't trying to answer the question from Anon 4:06. He was making his own separate, valid point - one which hasn't been refuted since he made it, by the way.

But if you would like, I will answer Anon 4:06's post in its entirety.

Question: Why all the blasting of OSU’s Schedule, by Georgia Fans?

Answer: Because UGA's 2007 schedule was clearly superior as I outlined in detail in my previous post.

Question: Who did Georgia play that was note worthy this year?

Answer: UGA played seven teams who were ranked at the time - four of which were ranked at the end of the season (beating three of those four). tOSU did not play seven teams that were ranked at the time. They played four teams which were ranked at the end of the season (beating two of those four).

False accusation: You lost to two unranked teams.

Rebuttal: Nope. Wrong again. UGA got killed by Tennessee on the road, and they lost a close game to South Carolina. Tennessee was ranked when UGA played them and at the end of the season. South Carolina was ranked when UGA played them. They eventually climbed well into the top ten before falling out of the rankings after about half the team got hurt.

Unsubstantiated accusation: Your schedule is backfilled with cupcakes too.

Rebuttal: As I detailed in my previous post, UGA only played one real cupcake - two if you count a decent Troy team. But tOSU is playing Troy next year, so be careful what you say about them. Either way, I fail to see how UGA's schedule was "backfilled with cupcakes", but it was nice of Anon 4:06 to admit that tOSU's schedule WAS "backfilled with cupcakes".

Another opinion: and beat Hawaii (real contender) in your bowl game.

Rebuttal: Nope. Wrong again. UGA didn't beat Hawaii. They destroyed them. It was ugly. People got hurt. And it could have been much worse. If you want to talk about Hawaii not being as good as they were billed, I agree with you. But they were still as good as (or better than) anyone tOSU played all year - except for the one SEC team you played. How'd that go?

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:30

"BTW, UGA soundly beat the defending BCS champion on the road ("neutral site" my a$$). You'll recall that team. They were the ones who embarrassed tOSU the year before and had the Heisman winner this year."

Is this the same team that, someone from the Big Ten Beat in Their Bowl Game? in Orlando (home field)

wait didn't OSU beat Michigan 14-3 in Ann Arbor?

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:26...

Yep. And Georgia Southern beat Appy State. So I guess that means Georgia Southern would beat Meesheegan and every single team that Meesheegan has ever played in its entire history...

If that is all you can pick on out of all the stuff I've typed in the last couple of days on this thread, then I consider my efforts a smashing success... :-)

I don't think you seriously want to start bringing up the bowl records of the Big T(elev)en and the SEC and the individual member teams. That's what started this whole ridiculous thread, remember?

Anonymous said...

uhhh... that was supposed to be a smile icon in my previous post, but it got strewn accross two lines...


No ill feelings here. There are just a lot of people on this thread who can't read and/or are playing fast and loose with the facts. I'm just trying to keep track of fact and fiction...

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:26...

One more thing. As you probably know, UGA has the pleasure of playing Florida in Florida every single year - you know, on a "neutral field". And Florida went through a decade+ of kicking UGA's butt. So no Big T(elev)en fan is gonna get any sympathy from me over having to play them in Florida once.

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize that the Fiesta Bowl was in Florida.

I also didn't realize that the Citrus Bowl was in Georgia.

Thank you Buckeye Fans for the geography lesson.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:09

dawg19 said "Kentucky beat LSU last year" referring to your win against KY? so if UM beating FL is an non factor why bring it up? Or is it only a factor when it involves SEC teams?

I do think it’s a non factor, any given Saturday a big team could fall and especially last year more than any, just wanted you to know not my point brought up by one of your own

Anonymous said...

anon 3:31 what are you refering to?

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:35...

I know that sort of thing goes on all the time. I also know it usually doesn't mean squat. My whole point (quote, in fact) was "If that is all you can pick on out of all the stuff I've typed in the last couple of days on this thread, then I consider my efforts a smashing success... :-)" And I stand by that point. If you can find some gross misstatement of fact in any of the many posts I've put on this thread, I'll be glad for you to point it out. Even though I post anonymously (too lazy to create an identity), my posts are pretty easy to spot.

I will correct your error, however. You wrote: "if UM beating FL is an non factor why bring it up?"

Uhhh...I don't know, because didn't bring it up. Anon 2:26 (which I assume is you) brought it up. My only mention of Meesheegan was in response to that post.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:37...

I'm not Anon 3:31, but I think I know what he was getting at.

I believe he was aiming that comment at the various Big T(elev)en fans who were complaining about having to play their bowl games in their opponents' back yard. It was a reference to the fact that they have to play all of their bowl games far from home - sometimes against teams from nearby the bowl host city.

Specifically, he was talking about how OSU got beat by Florida in the Fiesta Bowl two years ago - which is played about as far from Florida as it is Ohio.

The other reference was to the last time tOSU played UGA which was in the Citrus Bowl (1993, I think) which is not played in Georgia - although I freely admit it is played a lot closer to Georgia than Ohio. But both games were losses for tOSU, however...

Anonymous said...

Ol' Kirk Herbstreit has never forgiven UGA for spanking his little behind in that Citrus Bowl. It shows nearly every time he comments on UGA.

Anonymous said...

I'm Anon 3:31

I simply meant that the earlier b*tching about OSU having to play teams in the other team's back yard is absurd coming from a Buckeye.

A school who refuses to play SEC teams on the road since the 1930s with ONE exception.

What difference does bowl location matter? Do Buckeyes find the Weather in FLORIDA IN JANUARY UNCOMFORTABLE? I mean how on earth could anyone from Ohio bear the 68 degree temperatures. Wow. What a scorcher.

Location? PLEASE!

OSU has lost to Bama in NEW JERSEY, FLA and NOLA.

They've lost to UGA in FLA.

They've lost to AU in FLA.

They've lost to UF in Arizona.

They've lost to UT in FLA. Knoxville is only 30% further from Orlando than Columbus is.

The Suckeyes are 1-13-3 against SEC teams since 1936.

The Buckeyes ONLY win over an SEC team since then was in Columbus.

That 1-13-1 streak has about 3 games in a team's home state included. They have planes and cars in Ohio just like we have down here in the South.

Anonymous said...

What does Michigan have to do with any of this?

As I said earlier.

UGA hasn't lost to a Big 10 team since 1955. Therefore...

UGA > Big 10

Ohio State can't beat the SEC. Therefore....


That's all that matters to me. We'd KILL to play Ohio State or Michigan.

PLEASE let us have a shot at your sun dial speed and flab. It's much easier than playing bullet fast West Virginia.

Anonymous said...

If I remember right, Damon Evans (our AD, for those who don't know) tried to schedule Michigan a few months ago when it looked like Michigan's contract with Notre Dame wasn't going to be renewed. But Michigan decided to renew the contract for another 20 years with the Irish.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:07
Your right you didn’t bring up Dawg19 did when talking about your 08 schedule

“Georgia Southern beat Appalachian State (at Boone, NC!!)last year and they (GSU) were in a rebuilding year. Central Michigan won the MAC. Kentucky beat LSU last year (How'd you do against them, again?). Gee, I don't see any cupcakes here.”

Sorry, thought you were dawg19, posting under Anon.
That is the only reason I brought it up because Dawg19 referenced the KY win

One thing I will challenge you on however

“UGA played seven teams who were ranked at the time - four of which were ranked at the end of the season (beating three of those four). tOSU did not play seven teams that were ranked at the time. They played four teams which were ranked at the end of the season (beating two of those four)”

Actually OSU played 5 ranked teams including LSU, and lost 1 of the 5 which was LSU, we beat Wisconsin, Penn State, Purdue, and Michigan. Illinois was unranked at the time.

On UGA you played 5 ranked team not 7 at the time you played Bama, FL, Auburn, KY, and Hawaii in the bowl. You won all of those. Tennessee was not ranked when you played them.

Look at your comparison again. Still I’ll give you the edge, just wanted to point out your error.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:58…

You are absolutely right. I was relying on my faulty memory when I made that claim about UGA playing seven teams who were ranked at the time. For someone who has been making a big deal about the factual errors of others, I shouldn’t have done that. In other words – my bad. But I still take issue with guy who said UGA lost to two unranked teams. That is misleading and disingenuous at best. The two teams who beat UGA were South Carolina and Tennessee. South Carolina was not ranked at the time UGA played them, but they were ranked the next eight weeks and peaked at #6. They only fell out of the rankings after they sustained a ton of injuries while playing one of the toughest schedules in the country. They just didn’t have enough SEC-quality depth to survive the back end of their schedule. The other team (Tennessee) wasn’t ranked at the time just because they had lost to the #12 and #5 teams on the road in their first four games. They were ranked after they beat UGA and (with the exception of one week) were ranked the rest of the season – peaking at #12. So forgive me for my error in fact. It was unintentional. But to say that UGA lost to two unranked teams is (as I said) quite misleading to say the least, because both teams were ranked the very next week after they beat UGA, and they were ranked for the majority of the season with impressive peak rankings.

While I was looking up the details surrounding my error concerning ranked teams, I took the time to look at some other stuff concerning the relative strength of the two conferences. I hope I got this stuff right. :-)

UGA plays in the SEC which sent nine teams to bowls (a record, I believe). Those nine teams won seven bowl games (another record, I believe). Georgia played eight bowl teams (two out of conference in the regular season) and went 7-1 against them. The seven teams that weren’t named Hawaii went 5-2 in their bowl games.

tOSU plays in the Big T(elev)en which sent eight teams to bowls. Those eight teams went 3-5 in bowl games (definitely not a record). tOSU played seven bowl teams (none out of conference in the regular season). And they went 5-2 against them, which is pretty good. But the six teams that weren’t named LSU only went 3-3 in their bowl games.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:02

Well since you brought up Tenn & SC then I will bring up that Illinois was ranked till they lost to Iowa, OSU lost to Illinois and stayed in the rankings, and eventually played USC in the Rose Bowl where they got spanked. I wasn’t going to bring it up figured I would get slammed. by all the Georgia fans.

OSU cannot help that the big Ten is down now. The point I was trying to make is this whole post is poking fun at OSU’s schedule, we play our own conference just like the SEC and yes we do play some cupcakes, out of conference but so does UGA. Before you point the finger at OSU & the Big Ten., point it in the mirror. Again you played 4 ranked opponents during the regular season all in conference and so did OSU. I know you’re going to say it’s misleading with not including Tennessee & SC, but I didn’t include Illinois in the #. Just trying to get you to think, Is our schedule really that much better?

So 10 years from now when the SEC is down, (it will happen you can’t always be on top) and lets say the Big 12 is on fire again like the early 90’s and the critics are saying your schedule is weak? What will you do? Will you stop playing the weak SEC, your own conference? And you’re mid contract with Division IAA schools? Think about that? Give us some credit, we scheduled Texas in 05-06 (we are 1-1 in that series, lost by a field goal remember) and now we got USC in 08-09 prior to this we never scheduled big games like this because the Big Ten was tough, (Look at the Bowl game winners 96-00) UGA is relying on the strength of its own conference just like OSU did in the past. Don’t let it bite you in the ass like it did us, the critics will be all over it. This is the point I’m trying to make. It’s something OSU can’t help but does make a great conversation piece on a UGA Blog?

Forgive the misstatement of other Buckeye lunatics, there is a lot of them out there and they managed to find this Blog obviously. They do mean well. All the weather, and home field garbage, and Not my doing

Anonymous said...


I’ll answer your questions,

“What does Michigan have to do with any of this?”

Then what does LSU & FL have to do with any of this? Were talking conferences SEC and Big 10, natural transition.

“As I said earlier.

UGA hasn't lost to a Big 10 team since 1955. Therefore...

UGA > Big 10

Ohio State can't beat the SEC. Therefore....


Good point but a misleading statement UGA lost to PSU in the 1983 Sugar Bowl, but Penn State didn’t join the Big 10 till 1990 true but misleading.

“That's all that matters to me. We'd KILL to play Ohio State or Michigan.”

I’d love to see that myself, no one is disputing it, that would be great match up.

It could defiantly be possible this year.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:02

“Just trying to get you to think, Is our schedule really that much better?”

I guess that could come across wrong so I’ll clarify

Is it that much better, that you go and post this Logo and trash OSU, and not expect some backlash for it, on your own non – conference schedule? I’m not challenging your conference schedule it’s a tough, no one is challenging that. I just don’t sit well with your critics giving OSU shit for playing our own conference games, like many past bloggers have.

Anonymous said...

I came across another stat that should be known

all-time the Big Ten is 94-87-7 vs. the SEC

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:47 through 4:02...

I assume you're the same guy. If not, forgive me. I've been on this topic too long...

I'm about to bail on this thread. I only have so much energy for this topic, but I will say that it was fun talking to you. You managed to make interesting points backed by facts - all while failing to call anyone a moron (or worse). For that, you are to be commended.

In summary, let me say that I realize the Big T(elev)en is a lot older than the SEC. And it has a much more storied history. I don't pretend to say that the SEC was clearly dominant many decades ago. It wasn't. What I and a lot of other UGA/SEC fans are trying to say is that the SEC is clearly dominant now, and it has been for the last decade or more.

Nobody is telling you not to play your conference schedule. But just don't get your nose out of joint when an SEC fan points out that an SEC schedule is a lot meaner than yours (at least in the last decade or so) and claims their two-loss SEC record might be a little more impressive than your one-loss record. I also realize that tOSU has played some high profile games against Texas recently, and now they have a USC coming up. That's a plus. Keep it up. But there is absolutely no doubt that tOSU played a crappy schedule this year. On top of the conference being soft, you played a pathetic PAC 10 team along with THREE really embarrassingly bad cupcakes. As a tOSU fan, you have to own up to that. In comparison, UGA played a superior conference schedule plus a Big 12 bowl team and an ACC bowl team. The last two teams on the schedule were Troy and Western Carolina. As I've said before, WC is a cupcake by any definition. Troy, however, is not. Look up their schedule and results from this year if you don't believe me.

In short, you have to play your conference schedule. But you have to take it when somebody like me correctly points out that this year's UGA schedule was light years harder than tOSU's. And UGA's 2008 schedule is insane. I dare any fan of any team in the country to say their team has a tougher 2008 schedule. I'm not sure I will ever stop laughing if some poor misguided soul did.

You are right. In five or ten or twenty years, the Big T(elev)en might be all the rage, and the SEC might be way down. But until then, we SEC fans expect the Big T(elev)en and PAC 10 apologists at ESPN, etc. to wake up and smell the butt-kickings being put on their teams by the SEC. And we expect a little more respect from them when they cast their poll votes.

And with that, I'm out of steam on this topic. It was nice talking to all of the reasonable tOSU fans. The others? Not so nice.

Unknown said...

How many national titles does Georgia have?

Just wondering, Go Bucks

Anonymous said...

How many national titles does Georgia have?

Just wondering, Go Bucks

Anonymous said...

How many national titles does georgia have?

Just wondering, GO BUCKS
(You don't capitalize georga)

Tony Waller said...

Only five. However, we do know how to spell all the state names properly.

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