Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

September 23, 2008

Why Bama Coaches Think UGA is Wearing Black

"They're wearing black because
they are going to a mother f-ing funeral."
-- Bama Assistant Coach
Source: 1:04 mark in the video linked above

Turn your speakers up if you want to hear it from the horse's mouth. Turn your speakers down if you don't. I guess we'll see who buries who on Saturday.

I'm pretty sure Saban will force the Tuscaloosa News to take the video off pretty quickly. If you know how to capture the video, please send me a copy. (Let me know you're going to send it first so that I don't get multiple copies).

See Also:
-- Georgia vs. Alabama Tickets - Stubhub
-- Black Nike Coaches Sideline Polo - GSB Fan Store



Anonymous said...

I thought Farmer Fran was just a character made up for "The Waterboy." Didn't realize he was coaching at Bama now.

Anonymous said...

I live in Montgomery, Farmer Frans are EVERYWHERE! A couple other Dawg families are coming over Sat night as well as several bamers, it is gonna be a war. I love this clip, thank you SO MUCH PWD for this. I hope it lights a fire like "most overated top 5 team ever" did. Go DAWGS!!!

Anonymous said...

Those bammers are SOOOO beaten...Thats right,I said it.

Ben in Georgia said...

Someone email this to Mark Richt. Quick!

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see Ed Orgeron back to coaching and might I say congrats on the weight loss.

Wait. Nevermind.

Anonymous said...

My Auburn brother-in-law said the same thing last year...

Anonymous said...

I could be wrong, but that coach sure looked alot like Kirby Smart, former UGA safety and current Bama DC/DB coach. You know he would have been an All-American had he been playing flag football.

Anonymous said...

Black is for more than just funerals....surely they have been invited to a black-tie event before?

C. Paul said...

The game really can't set up better for us. Bama thinks it is over before it starts and that we'll just lay down for them as they progress back up the Football food chain.

CMR doesn't need any of this to fire the team up.

This could get good......


Anonymous said...

Last time I checked, it's the guys in black who are burying the dead.

Evan said...

ripped and uploaded to youtube here

I have the .flv file on my HD. if you want it email me at

that coach sounds like yucko the clown

more of my take can on this can be found here

Anonymous said...

Someone wrote in on ESPiN's college live saying something to the effect that we're donning black, because we're scared of Bama.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else concerned about Brian Evans getting constantly picked on this season! The guy CANNOT cover... I'm not sure why we continue to play him! Tripp and Evans are clearly our weakest link. When is Q Banks getting healthy? Evans is playing 10 yards off the other teams best receivers! I just don't understand why he's in the game...

Anonymous said...

I am waiting for the 1st real shot across the bow. John Parker Wilson has talked a lot of shit for being a 2nd rate QB, but none of their guys have quite given us "the quote" yet. Hope it comes soon.

Bama is in for a serious comeuppance.

Anonymous said...

Kirby Smart All-American at flag football? Not so fast my friend. Granted, I've played a lot of flag football and been quite successful, yet in a tournament at Valdosta State one year, me an my buds beat the snot out of Smart's team in the Championship Game. He was slow at UGA and slower then. And he wasn't a good coach at VSU, I don't understand why he has moved up the coaching ranks like he's done.

Anonymous said...

Not sure why some folks feel the need to put down Kirby Smart. Played on two surgically repaired shoulders while making alot of plays at UGA. I suppose Searels, Garner, Dooley and scores of other quality UGA coaches who came from other other SEC programs are Benedict Arnolds as well.

Anonymous said...

In case you haven't seen it yet, you're going to be confused. Why? Because the folks over at have edited out the comments.

Anonymous said...

C-Town Dawg said...

I agree with the FACT that Bryan Evans is aweful. He couldn't cover my 83 year old grandmother. I can't believe with the talent we have at UGA that he is one of our 2 best cornerbacks. Vance Cuff or Prince Miller would do a much better job. I assume they play him because of his size- that doesn't matter much when you get beat every play though. AS far as the statement for the inbred redneck Alabama coach-your coffin is awaiting you. It didn't take Saban long at all to get that video feed cut and spliced to remove that idiots remark.--Go DAWGS!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish you guys would take a deep breath and show some restraint before thrashing one of our OWN players on an UNDEFEATED team that has given up only 2 TDs over the past 2 weeks.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Evan, for preserving the video in its original form. The Bammer weasels have already edited the linked video.

Trey said...

"Saban is the devil" sucks. "C-Town Dawg," likewise, sucks.

Why do they suck? Because I said so, and my opinion on who sucks is entirely relevant to all of you who thought they would read comments even loosely related to the actual post.

Anonymous said...

Hoping this is the most decent place to ask this, but what are the chances of starting a post that only involves tickets, and things like that. I'm sure a lot, or maybe its just me, would love advice on the best places to get tickets, and things like that. I haven't found anything less than 250 dollars a ticket, and trying to find 4 of them together is nearly impossible. Hopefully someone can help.

Anonymous said...

Attention Soft UGA fans:

We cannot continue to win games when Bryan Evans cannot cover! It was clear that both Spurrier and Erickson watched tape of the CM game and knew they could throw on him all day. Watch the reply of the ASU game and you we see why he had 7 tackles! He CANNOT cover... you can play "nice UGA fan" all day, but cannot deny that somebody will beat us if we don't replace him at corner! I don't understand why he is in the game (as well as Chandler). We are Georgia. We have had top 5 recruiting classes for years, yet we still play Evans at corner. Before you go playing "good cop" Westerdawg, how about answering the question...when will Q Banks be back so Evans can take his slow, rasta butt to the sidelines where it belongs!

Anonymous said...

Dude - if you think Banks can play corner, you don't know much about football.

You're essentially saying that there's a better player on the sideline that Martinez won't play?



Banks is a safety with a bad wheel. Julio Jones would beat him like a rented mule. Miller, Cuff, etc...none of them are elite.

Evans is in there because he's the least problematic of the options right now.

What do you want Willie to Evans and a future draft pick for someone else's DBs?

You can have an opinion without being a douche and saying "so and so sucks."

Anonymous said...

If we have no better option than Evans at corner then we will lose games this year. Thanks for the post. I saw Cuff light up the AZ receiver on 4th down. I would play him over Evans. Glad to see I finally got some folks talking about Evans being an issue... thanks for your reply. You are ALL_DAWG and I respect you for that, but you are sadly mistaken if you don't think Evans shouldn't be thrown under my bus.

Anonymous said...

Did Evans get beat on anything over the top last week? Willie asked him to keep the WRs in front of him, which he did, and 7 tackles is a sign he was doing his job.

Evan said...

The vid has been edited now....with a butcher knife I might ad.

The original is here:

Anonymous said...

FWIW, I thought Evans played well from the stands and confirmed that watching the replay last night. He and CJ Byrd both missed a tackle, but other than that, I thought he was very solid.

Also, Smelley, Carpenter and LeFevour are MUCH better QB's than the one we will see on Saturday. The fact is, we have a CB on the other side who is damn-near dominant in AA, and we just need the other CB to play a solid cover 2 and keep the guys in front of the sticks.

Anonymous said...

I actually thought Bryan Evans played much better once Coach Martinez decided we needed to press their receivers on the line of scrimmage. I thought our corners looked MUCH improved against the short passes when we didn't give them a 8-10 yard pad. I hope we continue to play aggressive this weekend... I absolutely LOVED the sack Rennie had last weekend on the cross LB blitz. It was a thing of beauty that seemed to be missing in the first three games. I'm so fired up about this weekend that I'm about to run tackling drills on the fax machine... Get loud this weekend Dawg Fans and be positive about our guys! GO DAWGS!!!

Hobnail_Boot said...

We have a bunch of idiot fans.

Teams are throwing at Evans not because he sucks, but because Asher Allen on the other side is getting a ton of respect.

And yeah Bama, we're wearing black for your funeral.

Anonymous said...

This discussion of Evans sounds like it belongs on the AJC blogs - "you suck" "no you suck". I come to these for some rational discussion.

If you are worried about Evans on Julio, can't do much. Unless it's changed from the past, CM's scheme is a wide and boundary corner. AA and Evans line up on one side of the field or another based on which hash the ball is on, not always putting the best cover corner on the best receiver.

I agree that Evans is no AA, but those people calling for Evans to be benched, you sound like the delusional Bammer and AJC nuts. As many have pointed out, you think Martinez is sandbagging and keeping the better corner on the bench? Yeah, that makes sense...

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

Arizona State threw almost exclusively in the second half because they knew they couldn't run the ball for squat, yet we still held Rudy Carpenter nearly 50 yards below his '07 average. Of all the things to blow a gasket complaining about, I don't see why pass coverage would be it.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that the Alabama coaches and fans are so concerned with what Georgia is wearing.

If nothing else, it gives just a little something small for our guys to be excited about while preparing this week, and something small for Alabama to be thinking about besides x's and o's.

I love it. Brilliant move. But don't discount UT and Vandy, please, UGA!

[Also, the in-fighting is lame. We're not UF.]

Anonymous said...


Dude! According to the Arizona paper, you're 36 years old.

Isn't that a little old to, like, call people DUDE and stuff, like?

Will said...

Even if we can't cover Julio, I'm not convinced JPW can get him the ball.

John Parker Wilson is Reggie Ball with bangs.

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I need to eat my words about Evans. Maybe the Cock and Devil fans screaming in my ear the last two weekends about how "number 3 can't cover!!!" or "it's going to be tough being national champs with #3 starting on defense!!!" were just bad dreams I had or something. I'm not sure what game you people are watching, but hopefully when JPW throws his first 5 passes right at Evans CMR will pull him for Cuff or Prince. Sack up Dawg fans and make some noise. It's sad to see other teams stadiums so much louder. It's okay to stand up before third down! WAKE UP UGA FANS...YOU ARE #3 IN THE LAND!!! MAKE SOME NOISE!!! BLACKOUT!!!!

Trey said...

It takes a pair of balls to post anonymously.

Guys, relax. While I don't think everything you say or think about your team has to be sunshine and rainbows, let's keep the criticism to the professional level. The coaches are responsible for deciding which players see playing time and the plays they run when they are on the field. If the players or the plays aren't working out, it is the responsibility of the coaches to remedy the problem. If you have a problem with a decision they have made, air out that grievance. But, let's support the players who are playing at the behest of those on the sidelines that are paid.

So, in summary, unless you've strapped on the pads 'tween the hedges and know the dedication it takes to perform at such a high level, perhaps you should keep to armchair coaching and keep the player bashings to yourself.

Anonymous said...

We're wearing black to their funeral out of respect.

Bama is kind of like Bruce Willis's character in the 6th sense...they don't realize their already dead.

Go Dawgs!

Anonymous said...

Bring on Bama and their 1200 national championships...We're going to go hobnail on their butts this Saturday!

Go Dawgs!

Anonymous said...

for all you fans bashing Kirby Smart, I would like to let you know that he is the one who landed you guys Knowshon instead of settling for C.J. Spiller like Bobo wanted. He may not have been of the All-America calliber that Champ Bailey was, bet he is one hell of a recuiter and coach.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:30,

I'm in my mid-30s, and I spend *thousands* of dollars on UGA related travel, donations and tickets while I run a Dawg Blog that gets 5 million hits.

I've got bigger issues than call you "dude" when it comes to being 36.

Anonymous said...

U damn skippy we going to a funeral. We are also gunna bring flowers for their headstone. Georgia rolls tide!!!!

Anonymous said...

Agreed - Evans sucks. But if he is the starter, what does that say about Miller or Cuff that they can't crack the lineup?

Bottom line, when there is a nickel or dime package, Miller and Cuff are in there. And if they started over Evans, he's still gonna be one of the first off the bench anyways in the nickel or dime package.

Anonymous said...

Um......doesn't this guy realize that you wear black to someone ELSE's funeral. Typical......must be some sort of 37 year old Grad Assistant still working on his Recreational Studies degree.

Anonymous said...

When did Brennan Carroll go to work in Tuscaloosa?

brandon said...

Is it just me? I can't here that said. I'm pretty sure its not said by the coach shouting out stretch drills. listened 5 times

Anonymous said...

They throw at Evans because they don't want to take their chances with Allen. No team we have faced has had a receiver who could beat Allen, so their coaches have done the obvious and thrown away from him. Quit whining that our 2nd best CB has it thrown at him 30 times in 2 games and gave up a couple of TD's. Its not like he was being abused the same way that AJ was abusing AZ State's CB's.

Anonymous said...

That's not Kirby Smart, ya bunch of 'tards. That's Coach Cochran, the strength and conditioning coach whose job it is to get the team fired up.

Anonymous said...

Don't know what it is about this post, but the comments (or at least a disproportionately high number of them) have descended to AJC-like status, as one commenter said earlier. Fellas, if we want juvenile rants and shouting matches, we'll go elsewhere. This blog has always managed to stay classy as long as I've been following it, and I'd like to keep it that way. So, in the name of good taste and civil discussion, you are hereby discouraged from doing the following:

1. Trashing Kirby Smart on the basis of your flag football exploits.

2. Saying Bryan Evans "sucks" in sophomoric fashion. See the able replies to this below.

3. Criticizing PWD for using the word "dude." I mean, really. Is that even worth bringing up?

brandon said...

Hey dawgs, Mr. Moreno has rushed for 455 yds. on 69 atts.. Thats 6.6 yds. per.
Alabama's leading rusher Mr. Coffee has rushed for 404 yds. on 47 atts.. Thats 8.6 yds. per.
Mr. Moreno has all the moves of a star, but does Alabama have the O-line of a champion????? What do ya think?

Anonymous said...

If that is Kirby, you boys might want to rethink who you're bashing. Not only is he a great Dawg of all-SEC caliber, but he also came from Bainbridge GEORGIA HS down south. If you're gonna trash the man for his accent, you got three fingers pointing right back at you, Pard.

Kirby gave us a great year as backs coach and recruiting, and I for one hope he winds up back in the fold someday. He and Bobo grew up playing against each other and are great friends and former teammates--their dads were both HS coaches near each other and tailgate partners. He's also managed to become Saban's asst. head coach at the tender age of 32, so he's probably forgotten more about defense than you'll ever know.

I'm just saying......the man is anything but dumb. Though we are going to kick the shit out of Bama on Saturday, so fuck those rednecks :).....GO DAWGS!!

Anonymous said...

i just listened to the whole video clip but i didn't hear that quote. wasn't it supposed to be in the video? or did the link change?

Eric said...

These anons are obviously Bama fans just stirring it up. A real Dawg fan would never trash one of his own like this. Once and for all, if a DB has 80% of the passes thrown in his direction, he's not going to be 100% perfect. Not AA, not Champ, not Hoage, nor anyone else. For the task he was given at ASU, he did a great job. And seriously...if you're concerned about little John "Bangs" Parker, you REALLY haven't followed UA for very long.

Anonymous said...

With syntax like that, Brandon, you sound like the only redneck in here! Brains, baby, pure brains!

Pipe down, little lady, the grownups are talking.....

Anonymous said...

-snorts- yeah I guess we did see. Roll Tide baby!

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