Stafford leads the Georgia offense vs. UT

Mohamed Massaquoi's touchdown catch before the half.

Massaquoi and Moreno celebrate the TD.
All images by Jim Hipple.
UGA 45 Austin Peay 0
UGA 41 South Carolina 17
UGA 43 Mizzou 29
UGA 38 Tenn 12
UGA 41 Vandy 13
LSU 36 UGA 13
UGA 36 UF 17
UGA 34 UK 17
UGA 27 AU 10
UGA 66 UMass 27
UGA 45 Tech 21
could u post a pic of knowshon getting knocked the f%*k out by eric berry!!!!!
No, but I can post a pic of him pimp slapping your DE on the TD to end the half.
Or I can post one of him trucking your other CB in the first quarter if you like.
BTW -- I hope that big hit makes Vol fans happy while they are enjoying losing 6 of the last 9 to UGA.
lol, nice
Yea, this January when the Vols are sitting at home after missing a bowl again, I'm sure you will fondly remember Berry hitting Knowshon hard.
BTW-Tennessee must really be a basketball school now, I swear yall may have had 5k in Athens this weekend, pathetic.
Any pics that Jim or that you might have seen when UT player Gerald Williams punched Knowshon after Williams tackled him? That's pretty bush league by UT
Go to the ABH link above and they talk about it in the notes section at the bottom of the page
watson, I agree that was bush. The part I don't understand is why he wasn't ejected. The ref obviously saw it, he threw the flag. So how do you punch someone on the ground, get caught, and stay in the game? That being said, great game! We could have scored more but it's a win...over Tennessee. It just hit me....I don't care how bad they are, we beat Tennessee this week folks. Go Dawgs!!! Let's keep it rolling.
PWD, how about posting the pic of Fulmer standing in the unemployment line next to Tommy Bowden.
Or the one of that red-headed step-child QB getting beaten for 4 quarters.
Or the one of the scoreboard after the game...
What's the over/under on the crowd for MSU @ UT? I'm guessing 76,000.
Yes knowshon got hit hard and might have had a headache, but what does it feel like to be 0-3 in the conference anon? Im sure it must be a stomache churning, vomit inducing, fever cauasing, wana lay down and die kind of feeling. Out of the two Id take the headache and a trip to ATLANTA. One of our corners would have put a pop on foster or hardlessey but they never made it to our backfield. One yard, REALLY? WOW. On the bright side kentucky might lube up b4 they deman you!
I still recall sitting by some obnoxious UT fans in '98 as they continuously counted to eight - representing the 8th straight victory over us. My how things have changed.
Even then, I sensed we were clawing our way back. And now, I sense that we won't be here forever, but we'll be here for a good while.
So Tennessee football has been reduced to this? After being disemboweled by the dawgs over the weekend and dropping to 0-3 in the SEC, a Tennessee fan goes to a UGA blog and posts a snotty comment about one play.
I guess you have to take your encouragement wherever you can get it - especially if you are a Tennessee fan...
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