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November 10, 2008

Auburn's Lester Predicts AU to beat UGA and Bama

Brad Lester says:
“It’s a disappointing season, but we feel like we can make up for our season by winning these last two,” Lester said. “If we win these last two games, it won’t be as bad.”

And Lester wasn’t lacking confidence. The Tigers, he said, should win both games.

“I have no doubt in my mind,” Lester said. “We should beat both teams by a good amount of points. I feel real good about it.” (emphasis added)
So there's that. Talks a lot for a team that's 5-5, and on a two game losing streak against the Bulldogs. (Image: Jim Hipple)

See Also:
-- Tickets: Georgia vs. Auburn - Starting at $69 (as of this post)



Anonymous said...

Did he watch how our D played against KY and then make his comments?

walter geiger said...

he'll probably hang 200 yards on willie and the poorboys.

Anonymous said...

They may just do both. I love the Dawgs, but our D is hurtin' & Bama is overrated. Just not as much as we were.

Anonymous said...

Am I crazy but I think our "D" will play better this week against a more traditional type offense?

Hobnail_Boot said...

Rennie Curran was born to tackle Brad Lester.

I'm just sad to see Brandon "sold my soul on 4th and a mile" Cox gone.

Anonymous said...

Traditional offense? We have no idea what kind of offense Auburn will throw at us other than Kodi Burns is a mobile quarterback. Historically we have struggled with running QBs. Auburn is a cornered animal right now and they are going to leave everything on the field to beat us. They will play their best game of the year. Wille may let 'em roll up half a hundred.

Anonymous said...

UGA "fans" that are rooting for Auburn are trash, plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

I guess lester said hmm what is the dumbest comment I can make to attempt to try and motivate a terrible struggling defense... well he succeded but hard to say if our defense will come out and play, hard to say if we have a defesnse capable of coming out and playing.

looks like another scoring affair like we had in baton rouge

Anonymous said...

at least we aren't these guys:

area said...

Is this guy serious?

I'll take the win over Auburn, thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

First, off i think you are an auburn fan just trying to stir the pot. But if you are a georgia fan i simply say GFY and you can KMA. You are not a dawg fan.

Anonymous said...

If we beat Auburn, we play in the Capital One Bowl, with an OUTSIDE chance at playing in a BCS game as long we we're top 10 in the BCS.

Get your facts straight, and stop making out with Auburn dudes.

Eric said...

Hey War Willie....there's plenty of room on the Notre Dame bandwagon. Get the hell off of mine and never come back.

Anonymous said...

Re: anon 1:45 PM

What guys? It's been removed.

Anonymous said...

Oh, good grief willie.

Please don't mention the friggin' O name again here.

Anonymous said...

Takes a lot of balls to guarantee wins over the #1 and #10 teams in the country, when you have done nothing good all year.

Oh well, Stafford and Moreno will light up Auburn for 40+, and it won't matter what Brad moLester does.

Brett Lacy said...

@ 1:54 Anon-

Georgia will suffer the same fate as Missouri last year. Even if we win out, Florida or Bama would need to lose 2 games in order for us to reach a BCS.

The BCS rules state that only 2 teams per conference can play in a BCS bowl. If the SEC Champ goes to the National Champ. Game, the loser will probably not fall far enough for us to pass them. And considering both beat us by sizable margins, the bowl committees will most likely not pass on either team for an at-large bid.

Even ranked in the BCS top 10, should we win out, we should have a Jan 1 bowl in Florida not named Orange.

Hobnail_Boot said...

War Willie-

I'm going to set aside for a second my belief that you are not a Georgia fan, and try to address you as if you are.

Willie, have you ever heard of the 'lunatic fringe'? You are it.

Anonymous said...

War Willie, the only reason you were asked to sit down is because you were dropping a deuce while standing at the urinal.

Please stop clogging up our internet with your jackassery, you festering sheep's dong.

the tri guy said...

War Willie-

A couple of things here. First off, I agree that we've been soft this year. I might even agree that the national perception of UGA's program is that it is soft. I think schedule more out of conference games and getting more national exposure will help change that perception.

Let's not forget that 2 years ago, Alabama was considered soft. I went to the game in 2002, and their fans were the softest of any opposing stadium I've been in so far. Now the attitude of the team has changed, the style of play has changed, and the perception is that they are a tough bunch.

The fans of a team reflect the personality of a team. For instance, look at the LSU lunatic fringe under Saban vs. how well most of our fans said they were treated this year. Also, look at how smug and cocky UF fans were/are when they have Spurrier/Urban, but with Zook, I remember cocktail parties where their side didn't fill up until the 2nd quarter.

Anyone that played UGA from UF on last year did not think either the team or fans were soft. Likewise, Sanford was a very difficult place to play from 02-05--I think we lost 2 games during that time, one of them the AU '05 classic.

Last year, after Vandy, I'd agree with you that we needed change. I'd say Knowshon and Rennie gave us that change. You don't like Knowshon's flair? Fine. Would you rather have Caleb King as our feature back? Knowshon's impact on the team and the program when it was at a major crossroads probably won't be fully understood for a few more years.

You want Stafford to go pro? Ok, fine. You think we'll be a tougher team under Cox? That's your prerogative, but I disagree. David Greene's winning % as a starter was 80.8%, Stafford's is 80.7%.

I want a national championship too, but I'm rational enough to realize that ultimately it's a crapshoot. I think our 2002 and 2007 teams would have beaten the team that won the national championship if given the shot, but we didn't get the breaks. Our 2003 and 2006 teams lost to the national champions in the regular season by 7 points both years.

I think we're setting ourselves up for a long run where we'll have a shot, but ultimately it's going to take some luck, just like it does for every team. Right now, I'd compare us to where Texas was prior to 2005. Does anyone consider Texas soft now? What really changed? One dynamic player, a soft conference schedule, and some fortunate breaks in the championship game--but is the team under Mack Brown really any different than it ever was, or did the outside perception change?

The senior leadership hasn't come through like we're accustomed to. We never really developed the identity we were going to use to win. We had a lot of crucial injuries and someone in the SEC offices should be shot for having us play at LSU and Florida back to back. The results this year haven't met the expectations. It's disappointing, but it's ok. The results in 2002, 2003,2005, and 2007 probably didn't meet expectations either, but I don't hear anyone bitching about that.

In all honesty, the team that this bunch most reminds me of is Auburn in 2003. Picked #1 by a few publications, but then could never really put anything together the whole year. But, they knew they were talented, Campbell, Cadillac, and Brown decided to come back, and the finished undefeated. I'm not saying the same thing is going to happen to UGA, but I'll be shocked if this time next year we aren't 10-0 or 9-1 and hoping to get a few breaks.

Kevin said...

Has any one been watching UGA games all season? What seems to work one week, doesn't the next. And what plagues us for a few weeks, miraculously fixes itself. Our D will shut down Auburn for no explainable reason, and our special teams will have another bad game, but it will be the last for them. And the O will struggle in some capacity.. but something new, like 0-fer on 3rd downs or maybe lots of dropped passes-wait, that's not entirely new

Anonymous said...

Can anyone show me UGA's out of conference opponents for the next several years?

the tri guy said...

anon 4:14, has the tentative schedules. 2011 we get the weakest draw from the west. that looks like our easiest schedule for the foreseeable future.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:14...

Go here:

Anonymous said...

I thought Kenny Irons was the dumbest Auburn RB of all time, well anymore. Now its Brad Lester

Anonymous said...

That Brad Lester has a big future ahead of him..............oh wait, NFL Europe folded.

Anonymous said...

Georgia isn't very good against a scrambling quarterback.. Our defense shuts down (well almost) a pocket passer...

Hell, if our defense only allows 21 points we should win the game!

Anonymous said...

War Willie,

We get it man. You want us to lose. You think the team sucks. Tone it down a tad and let other folks comment.

Or, get a blog and post there. It's overbearing to see this many posts from you and Mitch just over and over and over again with the same stuff.

Anonymous said...

AZ State, OK STATE, Louisville, Oregon, GT, Clemson is coming up sometime...

Try google, it works wonders for future schedules.

Anonymous said...

War Wille,

Everyone knows how over-rated the Dawgs are.....even the Dawg nation.....even Buck Belue.....even Pat Dye.....even Urban Meyer.....even Jim Donnan.....even Colin Cowherd.....even Terrance Moore.....even Coach Lou.....even Coach Sabin.....even my Mom

Pee Wee Herman

Anonymous said...

Please....there are two things that i feel strongly about, one is location isnt why we lose to florida and two is to enclose sanford. Other than that i dont post more than 2 comments about something so please, save it PWD.

Anonymous said...

I'll also add that folks like "war willie" are the reason folks get tired of boards like this, and ultimately shut them down.

Anonymous said...

2003 Auburn team lost 5 games. Georgia would have to lose every other game of the season to accomplish that when we have already beat Number 23 South Carolina who will end the season 9-4 unless they win today and Number 19 LSU who will end the season 10-3.

I see no similarity between Auburn 2003 and UGA 2008.

As for 1 poster having his post removed, and this blog shutting down because of 1 poster's comments, I am not into censorship.

As for what**Brad Lester, 5th year Auburn senior tailback who has rushed for 336 yards per season for 5 seasons now and who has 278 yards rushing this season despite having missed only the 14-12 win over the vols all his senior season, guarantees…“I have no doubt in my mind,” Lester said. “We should beat both teams by a good amount of points. I feel real good about it.** “

Tommy Tuberville beat Number 4 Florida at the swamp last season and beat Number 15 Clemson on the road last season, beat Number 6 LSU beat Number 2 Florida both at home and beat Number 22 Nebraska in the 2006 season, beat Number 9 Georgia on the road and beat Number 8 Alabama at home in the 2005 season, beat Number 5 LSU at home beat the Number 11 vols on the road beat Number 8 UGA at home and beat Number 15 vols on the road in the 2004 season, beat Number 7 vols at home beat Number 8 Arkansas on the road and beat Number 9 Virginia Tech on the road in the 2003 season.

**That is 14 Wins for Auburn’s Tommy Tuberville over ranked teams in just the last 5 years, an average of 2.8 wins a year beating ranked teams over the previous 5-year period, while this season Auburn has 5 wins over all absolute nobodies.**

Auburn is due 2 wins over ranked teams this season, as they always get.

Bowl game depends on Brad Lester being correct about 1 of the 2 to reach the magic 6 wins to be bowl eligible.

**But, guaranteeing blow-out wins in Auburn’s remaining 2 games, by a guy who hasn’t done Shiite in 5 years at Auburn averaging 278 rushing yards total per season, seems to me to be motivation for not himself or his teammates who will now have to carry the load for his loud mouth, but for Alabama and today Georgia.**

Of course, this nobody is guaranteeing not only wins over both BCS Top 10 Georgia and Alabama in his next 2 games, but blowout wins.

As for we came in here to discuss...

Brad Lester, 5th year Auburn senior tailback who has rushed for 336 yards per season for 5 seasons now and who has 278 yards rushing this season despite having missed only the 14-12 win over the vols all his senior season, guarantees blow-out wins“ he could be right but it will not be because of Brad Lester's 278 yards rushing a season.

Tommy Tuberville beat Number 4 Florida at the swamp last season and beat Number 15 Clemson on the road last season, beat Number 6 LSU beat Number 2 Florida both at home and beat Number 22 Nebraska in the 2006 season, beat Number 9 Georgia on the road and beat Number 8 Alabama at home in the 2005 season, beat Number 5 LSU at home beat the Number 11 vols on the road beat Number 8 UGA at home and beat Number 15 vols on the road in the 2004 season, beat Number 7 vols at home beat Number 8 Arkansas on the road and beat Number 9 Virginia Tech on the road in the 2003 season.

That is 14 Wins for Auburn’s Tommy Tuberville over ranked teams in just the last 5 years, an average of 2.8 wins a year beating ranked teams over the previous 5-year period, while this season Auburn has 5 wins over all absolute nobodies.

Auburn is due 2 wins over ranked teams this season, as they always get.

Bowl game depends on Brad Lester being correct about 1 of the 2 to reach the magic 6 wins to be bowl eligible.

But, guaranteeing blow-out wins in Auburn’s remaining 2 games, by a guy who hasn’t done Shiite in 5 years at Auburn averaging 278 rushing yards total per season, seems to me to be motivation for not himself or his teammates who will now have to carry the load for his loud mouth, but for Alabama and today Georgia.

Of course, this has-been 278 yards rushing a season Auburn running back is guaranteeing not only wins over both BCS Top 10 Georgia and Alabama in his next 2 games, but blowout wins.

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