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November 12, 2008

ESPN Makes Bid for BCS

In news likely to excite anyone who sat through Thom Brennaman's five hour marathon torture session on New Year's Day, euphemistically called the Sugar Bowl broadcast, ESPN has made a giant bid to get the broadcasting rights to the BCS bowl games starting as soon as 2010. The Disney subsidiary is reportedly offering $125 million a year for the rights, while FOX is offering $100 million a year. 

Not that I want it to happen, but why can't FOX offer more?  The movie "Jumper" sponsored every tackle during last year's broadcasts and the commercial breaks seemed to be measured by glacial ice core samples, not minutes.  I'm surprised they didn't make me wear a corporate logo when I watched the broadcast.

Does anyone not want ESPN to win this bidding war?  I'll take three Brittney Spears references for every carry by "Nomar Moreno."

The best news for Georgia fans, according to the initial version of this story on's site, is that the Dawgs are apparently still on track for a BCS bowl appearance in the Capital One Bowl this year!  You can't complain about a season that ends with a BCS bowl bid.  Oh, wait ...



Anonymous said...

The bigger question is: why is ESPN bidding $25 million more than the competition? So my cable bill can go up?

And apparently the Capital One bowl this year is for the national championship.

Anonymous said...

One point of contention that I saw on Blutarsky's blog...

Basically, it seems nice, but this would essentially end debate about the BCS. ESPN brings up the playoff argument, not a lot, but at least some. Get ESPN tied to the BCS financially, with their level of influence on the sports world as it is now, and the topic of a college football playoff will all but cease to be.

Anonymous said...

The Capital One Bowl?! And who are we playing? Wisconsin...again?

Anonymous said...

I wish CBS could make a move like this. Fox and ESPN are terrible

Anonymous said...

"Does anyone not want ESPN to win this bidding war?"

I imagine most of us who don't want to get ripped off by paying a monthly fee for television and then putting up with commercials on top of that are in the against column. Not that there's many of us left. I'll take Nomar Moreno being beamed to me for free over paying a fee to hear about Brittney Spears.

Unknown said...

True, but if we're in the BCS National Championship next year, I could care less what channel it's on. If not, we'll figure out a way to watch, one way or another. Why doesn't Raycom step-up and throw some money down? I really, really like that Rascal Flats song - not.

Anonymous said...

Great Post! Thom Brennaman's call was the worst thing I heard all year. I bought the I tunes game and instead of watching us destroy Hawaii, I searched for the dumb ass comments from Thom. I would just like college footbal off Fox in general. I just hope this could get a playoff going between the NCAA, Presidents, and the Networks. I pray we will see that day, but It won't happen. I can only dream.

Anonymous said...

How bad is the BCS on Fox? I would rather have a booth of Brent Musberger and Dick Enberg handling a game than deal with the non football morons. You could even add Corso to the booth and it still wouldnt be as bad as who FOX uses.
I love how FOX uses guys who dont do CFB all year then bring em in and let them do the best games. The halftime shows where they use Switzer and Jimmy Johnson was so bad cause its obvious they dont watch college football anymore (unless its Texas/Oklahoma) and havent been involved in CFB for yeaaaaars. It is painful.

Mr. Bulldawg said...

The Capital One bowl is a BCS

A network run by idiots.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I was inebriated during last years Sugar Bowl, but I could swear I heard Thom Brennaman call our RB "Nissan Murano."

Anonymous said...

The games would air on ABC. I don't think there'd be a raise in subscription fees for ESPN, but I'm no exec. Anyway, even if they would air just on ESPN I'd be for the move. FOX's college broadcasts are terrible. The Rose Bowl--which airs on ABC--is the most watchable of those games anyway from a technical standpoint (maybe not necessarily the teams).

Anonymous said...

Where is Raycom when you need them? AJ Bryant was specatular last weekend.

Anonymous said...

Can we start a petition that if ESPN gets it, Lou Holtz will be banned from the network.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the games will air on ESPN, not ABC.

Matt Fairchild ( said...

Great, now we can hear how the BCS works on ESPN all year long because they have the rights to the games.
F ESPN and F the BCS

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