Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

December 9, 2008

Aaron Murray may play in the Florida Playoffs

Image: ESPN

If you listed things that terrify me related to high school football, this would be at the top of the list. Really, it's not much of a list so it would also be near the bottom. But that's neither here nor there.

Anyway, Aaron Murray's rehab work on his broken leg is healing well, and he's testing it in practice this week. There's an outside shot that they will let him play in the Florida state semi-finals on Friday. I admire his guts. That's something that bodes well for his future at Georgia. However, I would prefer to have him wrapped in bubble wrap from head to toe til Mat Drills start. (ht - jimfromduluth)

See Also:
- Murray returns to practice -



Anonymous said...

While it is annoying, I don't mind a little taunting. However, Boogers is starting to become down right incoherent.

Ladies and gentlemen, your Florida Gator fanbase! You are a credit to your University.

Anonymous said...

Why?? He's not going to see the field untill maybe his R.FR year.

You folks forget we got 2 very good QBs behind stafford in Cox and Grey. Heck, nobody has even seen Grey play much and folks already have Murry starting in 2010. Folks forget Grey was an Elite 11 QB and UF's prime target at QB for their 2007 class.

Anonymous said...

ALL the talk here in Vol-ville (TN) is how Kiffin is going after Murray hard. Kiffin is trying to tempt Murray with the immediate playing time carrot. How firm of a commitment is this kid?

the tri guy said...

Once again, it just baffles me why everyone thinks Florida fans are assholes...what could it be?

Anonymous said...

I think there is immediate playing time available in Athens for this recruit. If he really pushes hard.

Anonymous said...

Only 3 things scare me.

Thermonuclear war
Carnies that smell like cabbage.
Losing 5 star recruits to injury.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:15: Another thing: Boogers reproducing.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:14:

From what I have heard and seen on Rivals and other recruiting sites is that he has pretty much settled at UGA. He committed back in April. The fact that he broke his leg means that he most likely will be redshirted wherever he goes. I dont think he will make the move and de-commit. You also have to look at the coaching the kid is going to receive from one of the best QB coaches in the country in CMR. But stranger things have happened. Also, Bryce Petty has already committed to UT.

Anonymous said...

Let the kid are only young once. I hope he does well.

If you're scared of him playing, you're probably following the wrong sport for all the wrong reasons.

Anonymous said...

He will have to work hard to be named starter in 2010 with Logan challenging him. I believe that is much better for our team. No one should promise Murray anything in regards to playing time, you have have to prove yourself worthy first.

A-PISS?? The creativity of gator fans is astonishing.

UGAfanINclemson said...

A-Phiz 10:59:

UFags are pretty darn creative, just look at Jorts (*TM) (which they coincidently stole from girls at UT) and Gatorade (*TM) (which they coincidently stole from FSU: Firewater?)…

Murray is not going anywhere; he is something that Stafford has never been: A UGA fan. But I can say that I agree with others here in that Logan Grey is most likely taking over after Stafford leaves…

Sidenote: Stafford leaving may not be something to be worried about. Rumor has it that he noticed how close he was to David Greene’s season yardage and season TD’s #’s, he wants to build a “legacy” more than a “career”. He wants to set records in college that no one can touch until he retires. I should mention that I see no reason for him to stay for his own benefit, but I will not argue if he does.

UGA’s QB situation is fine; with any of the candidates and CMR we have a winning combination. Can’t anyone please come up with some good news about the defense? Like maybe they are starving the players for a week before the bowl, and beating them everyday at 1pm with a bamboo stick with Michigan State colors on…

Andrew said...

I don't care about season yardage and season TD's... I care about wins. Greene has Stafford in that arena.

UGAfanINclemson said...

Um... Yeah; Greene has everyone in that arena...

Anonymous said...

Maybe Kiffin will play a pro-style system, but I know if I was a QB with NFL aspirations I'd be running away from most of the schools in the SEC because of the garbage offenses like that thing in Florida.

i can't wait til Tebow gets his block knocked off in the pros.

Anonymous said...

Re: what Stafford cares would not surprise me at all that a chance to set individual records could sway him. He seems a little taken with his own ability.

Too bad he wouldn't stay because he wants an SEC title or a national championship.

Anonymous said...

Why are people painting Stafford as a selfish person? You people must know Stafford on a personal level. He seems like he gives his all for the team to me. I hope he comes back but I can understand if he doesn't.

UGAfanINclemson said...

Well, Stafford has quite a few SEC records that are not incermountable too…

Greene has 11,270 career passing yards which is the current SEC record, Stafford has 7,481 (not counting the CO bowl game of course) to this point. That leaves 3,789 minus whatever he gets in the CO bowl, not impossible at all for next year as a senior. One that he probably wont get close to: 214 consecutive pass attempts without an interception… David Greene had 72 career TD’s, Stafford currently has 48, so again, he only lacks 24 TD’s minus anything he gets in the bowl.

Ok, am I saying that 3,700 yards and 24 TD’s in a season in the SEC is easy? No, of course not. But is it possible for a senior Stafford with a returning Sturdivant, and more experienced O line. Very much yes – especially with the “human fly paper” AJ Green gravitating anything within 10 yards of his hands.

And nobody talks about Mettenberger; this kid is a 6’5 223 rifle, watch video of this kid if you haven’t. I think when CMR gets him in the training room, he will be molded into a 6’5 208 beast that breaks all of Stafford new records. Grey may start next year if Stafford leaves, but Mettenberger will take over after that. My opinion anyway….

Anonymous said...

I, for one, love our QB situation. (Especially when I imagine how much better our offensive line will be next season.)

It's the RB situation that concerns me most. King's got Moreno's vision and finesse, but all sorts of other problems. Samuel's got Moreno's power and intensity, but again, all sorts of other problems. And the other guys that were redshirted, ... well, we don't have any idea what they're capable of.

UGAfanINclemson said...

Moreno won’t leave; he knows that Walker stayed and won the Heisman his junior year. Moreno wants an SEC championship, possbile national championship, a Heisman, etc...

I’m not his personal advisor or anything, but I just cannot see him leaving this year - he has too much to gain by staying.

And hasn't Moreno said a couple of times in interviews on the CMR Show that he is "afraid one day they will MAKE him leave UGA"? I don't think that he will stay for a senior year, though; the SEC is just too rough on great RB's.

With a better line, Samuel will be hard to stop too. His problem is that he takes an extra second to gain momentum, but once he does… ouch.

Anonymous said...

Yeah ouch... after he gains steam, Samuel runs right into the backs of his offensive line. The kid's a great athlete, but I'm not sold on him as a RB yet.

Cox starts for sure, and there won't be that much of a drop off in the QB's production next year as compared with that of Stafford's this year. I'm not saying Cox has the arm or can make all the throws that Matt does, but he's a pocket passer with a solid arm that makes good decisions. I really don't know if Logan Gray ever starts for us... although I'd love to see what would happen if he did.

Anonymous said...

I love the optimism of a Stafford and/or Moreno return. I just don't see it happening.

Anonymous said...

Acting as if you know Stafford on a personal level is idiotic. He is a good qb and gives great effort. Doing what he did with this o-line is pretty impressive.

He doesn't just start because of reputation, he starts because he is simply better than the guys on our bench.

Anonymous said...

Knowshon has too much to gain by staying?! He has too much to lose by staying.

One word: injury. That's all it would take to derail NFL dreams. Furthermore, running backs are different than almost any other position because of the pounding they take. Every injury-free year he plays in college is another injury-free year of not making millions in the NFL. This is true for all players, but especially running backs. That's why Mendenhall was smart to get out of Illinois early. The more tread left on the tires, the better. As soon as you're good enough to get drafted with guaranteed money, DO IT.

As a fan, I'd love for him to stay. If I were his coach/advisor/friend/parents, I'd tell him to get drafted into the League.

Anonymous said...

Seriously yall.... what's up with all these people dogging Staff, saying he thinks he's too good for Georgia and was never a bulldog fan. I give you one example that speaks volumes about his dedication to giving his full effort despite it not having any affect on the outcome of a game.

See 2008 Alabama. We are down by three scores with hardly any time left and Matthew puts his shoulder down and runs through the Tide LB's on two separate occasions. Instead of throwing the ball away, conceding defeat, and waiting for greener pastures that lie ahead in the NFL, he risked injury and played with pride because he refused to let his Georgia Bulldogs go down without a fight.

Yall need to appreciate him while you still can. He's a great QB, a great teammate, and a good kid.

dstarnes said...

Anyone who thinks either of them are staying is living in fantasy land.
If they haven't said "I'm staying" by now, they are headed on. Good luck to them.

Anonymous said...

onced tebow leaves booger, florida will be an sec middle tier team, meanwhile tebow will be compeing for a forth string job in the arena league. Enjoy it now fla 3 yars from now you all will be wanting to fire urban. GO DAWGZ and let murray play

Anonymous said...

Stafford can break an all time SEC record next year ------------ signing bonus for the NFL. That's a pretty good record to break.

Anybody that thinks there won't be a QB let down next year is a fool.

Go Dawgs. Thanks to Staff and KM. Woof, woof, woof.

Anonymous said...

Not a chance Logan Gray is ever the starting quarterback at Georgia. One that's not our offense and never will be. Two, he cannot make the passes in practice at least thats per an offensive lineman.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I love the optimism of a Stafford and/or Moreno return. I just don't see it happening.

They are both gone. It's just not official. Yet.

Anonymous said...

I really do think that Moreno stays, Stafford, probably not. The reason I say this is Moreno's gmother and her influence on him. She really wants him to stay and develop himself further. We will see how it ends up though. They have both been great assets to the team and I would love to have both of them back next year to compete for a NC.

Unknown said...

How will we know when they leave? Do they post this sort of thing on the Internet?

Seriously, I know it's wrong to not be up about the coming bowl game, but I feel down, real down. Fine with that, but please, please for the love of God, don't you seniors get any black jersey, red pants, camouflage helmets thoughts in your heads. Beat the hell of MSU. And Aaron, beat the hell of that bubble wrap. That's cute. But not as cute as Kiffin's wife. Damn. Double damn.

Hassan said...

Staff and Moreno may leave for the simple fact that there may very well be a rookie salary cap in the NFL come 2010. You will see a glut of underclassmen bolt for that reason. The payday spread is too great and I cannot blame them.

As for the future of the QB never know how a kid will pan out, but things look bright for the Dawgs.

"Not a chance Logan Gray is ever the starting quarterback at Georgia. One that's not our offense and never will be... " - we did pretty good with a guy named DJ didn't we?

As for the rest of the highly touted guys...most of the country would kill to have three elite 11 guys on the roster at one time. Somebody will shine...

We have other concerns to armchair rather than the QB situation.

Oh...and per my first point about the rookie salary cap, Dr. Tebow Chief Amature Circumciser will go pro too this year.

Anonymous said...

Guys lighten the hell up on our own kids. I mean really. Calling out individual players over and over...damn.

We have plenty of rivals to aim our negativity towards. This bitching about our own is getting really old.

Anonymous said...

My comment about Stafford being in love with his own ability was based on the fact that he tries to show off the gun quite often, either by throwing deep into coverage or trying to throw through defenders--a lot. I think he's great; I also think he's immature, based solely on the way he plays, and I think he likes to read his own stats and watch his own highlights. But that's all my opinion.

Those of you who think Moreno will stay are crazy. He "has so much to gain" by staying??? What about what he would lose?

Anonymous said...

you are an absolute idiot. Yeah..he's in love with his own stats running down the field blocking on runs for Moreno and reverses for Green..where's that beautiful QB stat? Oh what about the checks he makes OUT of passes and INTO runs to get Moreno into running lanes he sees? Sounds totally selfish huh? Or how about Momoass fumbling twice and Stafford saying "no problem, Im coming right back to ya, be ready". Yeah that's totally the sign of a guy in love with his stats. You know why he tries to make plays? Because our defense and special teams SUCK and he probably thinks he HAS to. If he didn't have to carry the team with Moreno and the rest of the offense maybe he could slow down sometimes.

Anonymous said...


How do you go from watching him take a shot down the field to knowing that he cares solely about his stats and watching his own highlights.... You're an idiot. Of course he watches highlights, it's called game film. And what player in CFB doesn't know their stats. Stafford is an amazing QB and we're lucky to have him. End of story. Don't make assumptions about a player's personal character based on the way they play football.

If you knew anything about football, you'd realize that taking shots down the field, while often times unsuccessful, keeps a defense honest by helping to ensure dc's don't get greedy by over blitzing... therefore resulting in more called coverages with two safeties over top and subsequently opening up the running game. You'd be crazy to think that every time Staff throws down field, he's doing that all on his own. It's done by choice through a sophisticated and strategic game plan.

Anonymous said...

Andy said...
How will we know when they leave? Do they post this sort of thing on the Internet?

I believe they officially declare January 8. Believe me, Paul (and the rest of the internet) will let you know.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you guys are right. I am SOOO stupid that I can't tell that throwing deep has a purpose, or that Stafford does in fact try to win games. Gee, they do watch game film? Man, what a bozo I am! I don't know anything about football!

I'm also so stupid I can't tell when he's throwing into triple coverage--again. Granted, he did less of that this year.

My opinion is based on limited observation, but it's only an opinion and never meatt that Stafford is a bad player. So back the fuck off!

Anonymous said...

Nerds, relax.

Anonymous said...

Reading a few scouting reports about his strengths and weaknesses, too. Cuatro. I think Stafford, having watched him for three years, has a little of that dude who wants to shoot the three-pointer from everywhere on the court just because he can.

A little. Not a lot. Just enough to affect his performance on the field, leading to questions about his decision-making (scouts) and a lot of interceptions (stats--compare to Greene, Zeier, and Shockley).

I do have thoughts sometimes, I confess, along the lines of what happened with the basketball team the year after 'Nique left. Do we get a better team with players who are a little more team-oriented? I wouldn't be the first on THIS BLOG to suggest that Stafford in particular, let's see, "was never a Dawg fan" or "has no heart."

I like the guy, I think he has great talent, really. I do worry that there's too much Jeff George in him and not enough Elway.

Anonymous said...

Farve throws a lot of interceptions... seems to have worked out ok for him

Anonymous said...

Ah, that's a little weak. For every Favre there's gotta be dozens upon dozens of flameouts.

Anonymous said...

it took elway years to learn to control himself. he tried too much to carry the team until his legs started to give way and then he started to learn to manage the game and it came just in time, cause he was running low on the tank.

Anonymous said...

Stafford is in his third year and he's doing better stat wise than Greene did and no its not because he loves his stats that we are losing games. Its because David Greene had a defense that held people to about 16 pts a game, we win 2 more and are in the SECC this year if we have that defense. Just food for thought.

Anonymous said...

Stafford is not doing better, stat-wise, than Greene did. I'll admit that Greene's numbers are comparable only to Zeier in the program's history, but...

Just for the record, then, through three years:
Greene--57.2% completions, 9,020 yards, 52 TDs, 28 INT, 33-8 W-L, 1 SEC title, 2 SEC East titles, 2-1 bowl record.

Stafford--56.9% completions, 7,481 yards, 48 TD, 32 INT, 28-9 W-L, 0 SEC titles, 0 SEC East titles, 2-0 bowl record.

---just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

You can't judge it like that, its not fair to Matthew Stafford. Did he have a great defense? Did he get the chance to redshirt? No, okay, lets do this equally then.

David Greene's 3rd year, RS Sophomore
217/379 = 57%
22 td/ 8 Int

Mathew Stafford Third year
22td/ 9 ints

If Matt has two TD's in the last game, he beats David Greene's performance for his third year in the system. Throwing out team accomplishments doesn't prove anything, it proves David Greene also had Pollack, Davis, Thurman, Blue, Thompson, Jennings, etc on the defensive side of the team, who has Stafford had? You give Matthew Stafford David Greene's defenses and he win's more games this year. I know David Greene is held in high esteem by everyone and as well he should, but it takes a team to win championships and Mathew Stafford hasn't had a team built around him since he's been here. There have always been vital pieces missing every year.

Anonymous said...

I really hope both stay for another year. What I really hate is that both would most likely had stayed if this stupid POSSIBLE rookie cap wasn't an issue. I hope they don't let those $ signs get the better of them. Even if the salary cap goes into effect, they could both still make millions if they entered in 2010 or after. Is millions not enough to build a life on? Also, they could go for a SEC and NC at UGA and possibly win the Heisman and forever be football legends. And the rookie cap is not for sure yet so if they choose to leave just for that reaon pretty much and it doesn't happen I bet they r gonna feel like idiots. Since our offensive line is gonna be better next season there's no reason for UGA not to win the SEC, not to mention the NC. I REALLY hope Stafford and Moreno suprise the world and stay another year and show us they car about UGA. I bet a bunch of other colleges are hoping they both leave though.

I know the other QBs on the team are supposed to be good, but no matter which one is the starter if stafford leaves they don't have enough experience to get us to an SEC or NC. Cox hasn't played many, if at all, and neither has Gray or the newbies. Maybe they'd eventually get us their, but who knows. I really think Stafford could pull it through next year.

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