Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

December 27, 2008

Javon Ringer vs. the Bigger Boys

Javon Ringer's going to run all over Georgia? Here are his stats against quasi-quality opponents or better:
    vs. Penn State: 17 carries for 42 yards
    vs. Ohio State: 16 carries for 67 yards
    vs. Wisconsin: 21 carries for 54 yards
    vs. Cal: 27 carries for 81 yards
    vs. Iowa: 25 carries for 91 yards
But he did put up 282 yards against Florida Atlantic. So there's that.

This isn't like the Tech game. Tech had already run for 300-400 yards against Miami, FSU and UNC leading up to the Georgia game. (Image:



Anonymous said...

Glad to see a little swagger back in this blog. All the negativity was giving me a headache.

Anonymous said...

Penn State, Ohio State, and Cal have better defenses than we do. Much better. In case you weren't around this year PWD, we suck on D. We may win, but it won't be because of our Defense.

JasonC said...

My original post was not necessarily to be negative, but rather to me not getting my hopes up too much. I agree with the intentions of PWD's post that we should be able to put up a lot of points on MSU. However, at some point our defense has to make a stop.

I had wasn't aware of the stats that PWD included in this post when I made my comment. Without doing research I would guess that tOSU is the only defense that should be significantly better than ours.

Anonymous said...

Ringer, Ringer, he's my man he'll run all over Ga. and flaten them like a can!

Anonymous said...

Alright, at the risk of getting tagged as being a hater again, I'm going glass half-empty because we gave up big yards and points to BAD offenses. Rather than who did Ringer run past, I ask, who did we stop? Scott had his best game against us; Randall Cobb had his best rushing game of the year against us; Certainly not Tech or Florida.

So if MSU is as good as Tennessee, Auburn, Arizona State, Vanderbilt, and Central Michigan, we may stop them. That's hard to tell; they might be.

As for as MSU stopping us, forget it. Only if we aren't motivated--and then it will be us stopping us, not them stopping us.

Will said...

I'm not personally sure we'll do extremely well in stopping him unless they're fired up, but I'm sure we'll score alot of points! Both Green and MoMass are under 100 yards in the air each from 1,000 yard receiving seasons. We'll light them up.

Hobnail_Boot said...

There's no way in hell we can stop Ron Dayne. I mean Anthony Davis. I mean Javon Ringer.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, all of those defenses listed are mostly better than ours. Good try though. He'll have no problem putting up at least a 100.

Anonymous said...

Willie Martinez is the great equalizer.

Anonymous said...

We're gonna run all over 'em! First quarter:
TD for
Fumble for them
TD for us
INT for them
TD or us
Punt for them
Punt return for TD for us

Richt sits on the ball the rest of the game. We win 45-3.

Anonymous said...

Watching the Champs Sports Bowl in Orlando, it appears that we will probably get Griese and Paul Maguire as our announcing team next week. Maguire, one of the dumbest, least-football literate announcers in the game today, would continue our trend of idiot sportscasters calling our bowls, after Thom "Nomar Moreno" Brennaman last year; Griese will ensure that the Big 10 gets all the props it can, again likely following Brennaman in naked favoritism (though Thom's will be hard to top). What might be the chance of having Chris Spielman as Pro-Big-10 Sideline Moron to fully round out the ticket?

How can we inspire Uga to bite both these twits in the ass before the game?

Jarred said...

Not related to MSU, but according to Roger Goddell (NFL Commish) there will be no rookie wage scale until at least 2011.

Anonymous said...

Jarred, would you guys cite sources when you say things like that about the rookie wage scale? I'd like to read up on this so I can distinguish rumor from fact for myself, and any info is helpful.

Jarred said...

Sorry about that. ESPN..

walter geiger said...

our defense - and our defensive staff - are certainly capable of lapses that could allow ringer to light us up. we have not played four quarters of defense since arizona state. our pattern is one or two quarters featuring a lack of intensity/effort.

we shall see if it is cured but it is an undeniable pattern to this point.

go dogs!

Unknown said...

This is big:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jarred and Jeremy.

DawgWood said...

I know this is off the subject, ,and I always seem to do this, but how about some recruiting news. Aaron Murray came off his broken leg and led his team to a state championship. There is a video on their website and he looks really good coming off his injury. One thing I would like to know is why we don't recruit their TE Orson Charles. He looks like a total playmaker from the video, and Murray is pushing for him. Couldn't we use a big time TE? I haven't checked the blog recently to see if this has been talked about and I wanted to see what everyone thought.
Check out the video

Anonymous said...

Stafford talked to Tim Tucker about the Salary Cap tonight. In fact it looks like he broke the news locally. Sounds like he will be coming back. Moreno might be a different story. Would be nice to see them operate behind a deep, talented and experienced O Line.

Anonymous said...


As far as I understand, we're recruiting the hell out of TE Orson Charles. And Murray's said before that he talks to Charles about coming with him to Georgia almost every day. But last I heard, he's still leaning toward Miami.

Anonymous said...


Anon 1:19 am is right. We are recruiting the hell out of Orson Charles. And Aaron Murray is one of our best recruiters.

I do a little recruiting news, but not much. There are folks that do it way better (Scout and Rivals).


Dubbayoo said...

Without the salary cap I just don't see what Knowshon gains by leaving TWO years early. He's got such a unique style it won't really matter who else is in the draft with him.

Anonymous said...


Notice: Wisconsin: 21 carries for 54 yards

Wisconsin just gave up 40+ to a terrible FSU team.

MSU = Hawaii Part II

Trey said...

Yeah, but, Michigan State beat Northwestern by 17 on the road. Northwestern beat Duke by 4 on the road. Duke beat Virginia by 28 at home. Virginia beat Georgia Tech by 7 on the road. Georgia Tech beat Georgia by 3 on the road. When you take the 3-point home-field advantage, the transitive property states that Michigan State should beat Georgia by 65.

Looking at it another way...

Michigan State beat Eastern Michigan by 32. Eastern Michigan beat Bowling Green by 3 on the road. Bowling Green beat Wyoming on the road by 29. Wyoming beat Tennessee on the road by 6. Tennessee beat Vanderbilt by 10 on the road. Vandy beat Ole Miss by 6 on the road. Ole Miss beat Florida by 1 on the road. Florida beat Georgia by 39 at a neutral site. Therefore, Michigan State might be 144 points better than Georgia. So, basically, we're doomed. DOOMED!!!

*breaks down in tears, curls up in fetal position*

Of course, I keeed. Georgia should win this game handily. Of course, they should have won many games this year handily. They didn't. That is the only valid "woe is me" point because it is factually facty fact. They shoulda, but they di'n't. I'll still root my ass off, but I'm not expecting Hawai'i part II. I hope I am pleasantly surprised.

Anonymous said...

You should probably post what our boy Knowshon (Knowshow) did against Bama, Florida and the NERDS. Not that Mich St is anywhere near the level of those teams defensively, just wanted to point out that Knowshow didnt really show up against our toughest opponents.

Anonymous said...

We all know that the Bama game was so far out of hand so quickly that the running game was abandoned. Knowshon only had 9 carries...He DID score a TD btw...

As for Florida, the game also got out of hand, and the running game was abandoned in the third quarter. Knowshon did end up with around 80 total yards, but this WAS his worse performance of the year.

GT???? Really. I would like to think that averaging 5.5 yards per carry and having 168 total yards and a TD is not a no-show. Seriously? What are your standards? They must be pretty lofty...We all know the offense was not why this game was lost.

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