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February 14, 2009

Fashion and Rule Changes

The NCAA is considering numerous rule adjustments with the biggest being a modification of punishment related to celebrations DURING a play. Per
Currently, "taunting, baiting or ridiculing an opponent verbally" is considered a dead-ball foul. Penalty yardage is assessed on the next kickoff. If the rule is changed, penalty yardage would be marked off from the spot of the foul and the touchdown would be nullified.
The move wouldn't have any bearing on things like the UGA vs. UF '07 Celebration. It would have an impact on showboat dives into the end zone or Deion Sanders-esque high step down the sideline.

The other rule change that interested me would allow for both teams to wear their colored "home" jerseys assuming both teams and their conference approve. Normally, one team wears white (usually the homevisiting team except LSU and sometimes GT) and the other team wears their colored jersey.

Obviously, this isn't something that would work when UGA plays Bama, Arkansas or probably South Carolina. However, it would work for the Florida, UT and Auburn games. The increase in household penetration of HDTVs makes more vivid, splashy use of on field color more impactful. I definitely thought it looked slick when USC and USCUCLA played with the blue and red unis both on the field this year.


(geez. I was on fire with the typos, huh?)


Anonymous said...

If they continue to call BS ticky tack celebration penalties, this will be very bad for CFB.

Will said...

Don't you mean the visiting team wears white? I'm pretty sure that's why LSU and GT's 'home whites' are supposedly so important.

Anonymous said...

I want to see the gator chomp banned on the field, even when the gators players do it. Yes they called a penalty on Tebow in the bowl but that is the only time they ever called it. When someone from another team does it, they call a penalty.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the Gator chomp is kind of like the N word. We do it and it's a terrible thing but they do it to each other all the time and it's no big deal.

Anonymous said...

This probably means there may never be another touchdown allowed anytime Penn Wagers calls a game.

JasonC said...

Profreader on aisle 4.
Also, "when USC and USC played with the blue and red unis"

Trey said...

That wasn't a mistake, JasonC. Did you see UCLA play in that game? I didn't.

Anonymous said...

might want to proofread that post again...

but as for the the gator chomp being like the N word... couldn't have thought of a better way to describe the double standard.

Anonymous said...

William is right, that's what he gets for posting at 1:30 in the am.

the tri guy said...

I'll bet the house payment that the Gator-chomp double standard continues to live forever. Florida is so in the heads of SEC officials it's sickening.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting.
I would like to see more consistency in what unsportsmanlike conduct is first. Jake Locker's ball toss was a prime example where similar plays had not been called. (Everyone seems to forget that the rule does specifically address what should be done with the ball after the whistle blows so in a way the officials were interpreting the rule correctly).

There will still be some subjectivity as you cannot detail every single potential issue--remember the "throat slashing" move? Who saw that one coming?

I must be getting old as I still think that the best celebration after a play is to hand the ball to the official and walk off the field (maybe hug a teammate and then walk off).

It might also help if ESPN stopped showing the dives into the endzone. Of course I am just waiting for some kid to dislocate a shoulder diving into the endzone.

As for the uni's, if the officials are okay with it, then fine. Obviously two red teams could not both wear their red jersies. Note: I gotta give credit to Neuheisel for burning a time out to even things out in the UCLA-USC game--classy move from a guy I thought had no class. Would Lane Kiffin or Urban Meyer make such a move against UGA?

As for the Gator Chomp, I hate it, but it is a great thing that UF fans like to do. I think the penalty in the bowl game came because Tebow did it right into the face of an opposing player. Whereas in most cases, the player does it to the crowd.

I found it interesting reading the comments. One person with "UGA" in his screen name went off on socialism and such and the federal government. The NCAA is more of a dictatorship just for the record, but college football was exciting before players started making Heisman poses in the endzone (did that start this whole thing? Do we blame Desmond Howard?). If you need a player strutting and posing for it to be exciting, then stick with Xbox.

Grumpy old man mode off...

Smitty said...

I like our road jerseys.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but the current rule is bad enough. The officials are already too much in the game. I can just see Mr. Wagers calling back a game winner because someone holds the football over their head before they cross the plane...

Let 'em play.

Unknown said...

Is anyone surprised that the NCAA would create a rule specifically to accommodate USC? I'm not saying its a bad change, but there's no way they would have made this change if UGA or some other school had been penalized for this last season.

Anonymous said...

I've always understood that the reason for white vs. color uniforms was because of color-blindness, most teams just preferred color for thier home unis. Do you really want your color-blind quarterback rolling out and seeing everyone in similar shades of uniform? Also, what if one of the refs is colorblind, think of how that may effect a call.

Anonymous said...

As for the "home" colored jersey reference in the post, Paul's right and the proofreaders need to check theyself.

And as for the "NCAA only made this change because USC complained" comment. Give it a rest. Carrol was right, and he brought a cool tradition back to their rivalry and made way for some cool matchups in the future. These tired old shots at anything related to USC are getting more and more embarassing. Give the program it's due for God's sake.

I'll get off my soapbox now.

The Watch Dawg said...

They could make the Gator chomp an unsportsmanlike call, and they still wouldn't penalize Tebow for doing it.

Anonymous said...

"Do you really want your color-blind quarterback rolling out and seeing everyone in similar shades of uniform? Also, what if one of the refs is colorblind, think of how that may effect a call."

The teams and the conference [who I assume would represent the colorblind ref] would have to OK the move. It would be on the coach to know that his player would be impaired and act accordingly.

Anonymous said...


no need to wait, adrian peterson already broke his collar bone diving into the endzone. and don't forget ted ginn's injury when his teammates celebrated with him.

Anonymous said...

Don't kid yourself ,penn(pos) wagers would call a UGA winning score back in a second.The sec has great football,too bad the refs haven't caught up.

Anonymous said...

If my qb is colorblind, we got way more problems.

If a ref is colorblind, he ceases to be a ref if I'm in charge of it.

Anonymous said...

Guys, that's not really how colorblindness works. Trust me. I've got more than a little expertise on the topic.

Color blind folks can most certainly tell the difference between red and blue. Or red and yellow.

Now....UGA red vs. Clemson orange at twilight with really severe colorblind QB....yeah. It could be an issue. Or UGA vs. Notre Dame in the Green jerseys....maybe.

But it's not like colorblind people see the world in black and white or shades of gray.

I think the real reason for home colors and road whites was probably due to old black and white TVs. But that's just a guess.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I said easy victory this weekend....sweet, sweet victory.

Anonymous said...

Any victory over uf is sweet in any sport...

Mr. Bulldawg said...

Hoop Dawgs beat Florida!!!!!

Will said...

Man, on national television, as well! Woodbury went off!

Anonymous said...

Even if the team only wins one SEC game this year, I'm glad it was this one! Suck it Florida.

Anonymous said...

They won!!! They won!!!
This team looked nothing like the team that we have seen over the past month or so. Way to dig deep!!!

Anonymous said...

Not sure why the NCAA changed the jersey rule.

By the way, Georgia is 31-6 wearing the white jerseys with Coach Richt and have won 11 out of the last 12.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS DAWGS!! What a great performance!! Nothing is sweeter than kicking Gator ass to end a losing streak!!!!

(Mr. Woodbury was the MAN!)

(Except for that great shot at the end by Mr. Howard Trey Tompkins!)

(Sorry for the swearing, PWD. The emotions of the moment could not be withheld!)

Anonymous said...

I feel like Lewis Grizzard leaving the Gator Bowl before Buck Belue threw to Lindsay Scott. I failed to watch the game today only to have my father (who played basketball at Georgia) call me and scream into the phone: DID YOU SEE THAT!?! I said: See what? As you can imagine, he informed me as to "what."

F*** Florida. Tebow's big-tittied girlfriend can do the Gator Chomp buck naked with her legs for all I care and it'll still look like shit.


Will said...

I like Hunkering Hanks's sentiment, if not his actual description. GO DAWGS!

Anonymous said...

You just got to love Bulldog fans and their foul mouths and gutter thinking minds......they truly show class.....NOT!

Anonymous said...

Regarding the dark jerseys vs. white jerseys issue -it is all about CONTRAST. Clemson and UGA should never wear the dark jerseys on the same field. The team that needs to be looked at is UCF. When they wear their very light O'Leary Gold jerseys and the other team wears white, there is virtually no CONTRAST between the teams - and that is ridiculous.

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