See...we've filled it before.
Getting to know Mark Fox and understanding his plans for the program starts with establishing his narrative. When you understand what makes the guy tick, it makes it easier to understand or visualize how he might address our basketball challenges.
I mostly enjoyed the initial press conference because Fox presented himself as a confident yet humble guy who said the magic words...he knows how to develop off the radar talent into NBA players.
However, the press conference didn't really get into issues like...how is he going to turn us around? Some of that may be attributable to the hastily arranged marriage between UGA and Fox, and some of it is due to the weak sauce series of questions about flight schedules, interview processes, etc. I'd rather have heard more about his approach and vision.
Anyway, the getting to know you process went into full gear Saturday:
- Driven to Excel - Steve Hummer of the AJC should write more about the UGA program. His feature story on Fox's entry into the profession and work ethic is solid.
- Fox's strengths could change the program - David Ching talks about the coach's established record of attracting and developing talent.
- Whirlwind Opportunity - David Hale talks about the hire.
- DawgPost.com's Video Interview - Good stuff from the press conference and more by Dean Legge. Not sure if that's subscriber content or not.
- Mark Fox as Pitchman - This is an article from last month about Mark Fox's evolution into more of an ambassador / front man for the Nevada program. Our program desperately needs a face, and it's going to have to be the coach until recruiting picks up. (ht - hot dawg)
- Tidbit on Mark's Wife - Cindy was actually born in Athens
To clarify...establishing his narrative is the job of UGA and Fox. Not the reporters.
I was simply saying that I didn't get why a few reporters just kept coming back to the process stuff.
I know what they were looking for, but it seemed like a pointless exercise to go for it.
I guess that's where the story was Friday.
We can only look forward to the day when the story is how this guy came in and turned this raging battleship around in great time. I'm pumped!
Good collection of narrative. I hadn't read Hummer's yet due to the hypercritical crap in the AJC the past few days. Needed a break. Just glad Mark Fox had better taste than I did when I was 18.
I woulda taken the slim jim and a coke.
I really hope when we renovate "The Fox Den" that we put a scoreboard like UT or Arkansas hanging down over center court instead of those stupid SEC banners. That alone would make the inside look 100% better and more modern.
mitch - It's "The Fox Hole"
pwd - do you have a larger version of that picture?
I'm with Hobnail. We need to call the student section "The Fox Hole." UK can have it's stupid "Cal-zone." I prefer a name with a little more intimidation factor than a wad of dough stuffed with cheese and meatballs.
Actually, PWD, UGA has filled it on numerous occasions recently, but mainly for the Gym Dogs.
The SEC Banners hanging over the court in that picture haven't been there for years. They were taken down when the new scoreboard went in and all the banners were changed.
The banners are still hanging over center court with the stupid disco ball. I have been to many games this year, it looks terrible.
Maybe this is a good hire. Time will tell. It could look like Damon Evans is doing for basketball what Joel Eaves did for football when he hired Vince Dooley. As a Dawg alum, I certainly hope that comparison is true!!
Mitch, if you'll scroll down to the next post, you'll see the photo of the splash page from georgiadogs.com. The light system in the center of stegeman looks like that now. The banners aren't there and haven't been for awhile.
Regarding CMF's "...it's not like it's Georgia" comment, does he have any prior UGA ties through his wife's family and her being born in Athens? Also, if that comment is true, then it would seem he has had the UGA job in his sights for a few years now. Why would he compare a job to Georgia and turn it down? This sounds like he has his mind right and will put the team in a good position in the coming years.
The stupid Georgia banner is at center court now with the dumb ass disco ball hanging down. Its looks terrible. Get rid of the stupid disco ball and put a scoreboard over center court.
I distinctly remember that there was a scoreboard in the center when I was in school 15 or so years ago...why did they get rid of it, I wonder?
They got rid of the old scoreboard over center court 10 years ago. It looked like ass.
The scoreboard is the least of our problems. It wouldn't make it look 100% better. It would make it look 1% better.
The problem is the concourses, facade, restrooms and concessions.
RE: the pic
It's at least 4 years old. Minimum.
It would make it look better than 1% if we got a scoreboard over center court like UT, Arkansas or Auburn has with their new arena. I agree the outside is ugly as hell and needs a lot of work too.
I think he is going to put a team on the court that will make people stop looking at the disco ball.
I say keep the disco ball, bring back Enter Sandman, and ship Zombie Nation back to Penn State.
The scoreboard will look great as long as UGA has more points than our opponent
The disco ball is for gymnastics, the banners that hang down are not SEC banners, they're the G on each of the four sides. If you want to complain, complain about the fact that the "G" isn't the right G.
Let's hope Fox is more concerned about the Championships and Tourney apperance banners.
I don't understand why we can't have a scoreboard over center court. Then again, I don't see why we still have a plywood stage over top of seats for TV cameras and the metal skywalk junk hanging above everything. It's not like we've cleaned or painted the ceiling since Stegeman opened or plan to do so anytime soon. At a bare minimum we need to remodel the bathrooms and clean up the metal clutter by Fox's second year. The disco balls should be removable and temporary.
I think we can sum this thread up with a few words: Stegman is an inadequate facility.
Our first priority should be the jerseys though. If Fox changes our uni's to look something like Arkansas's, than I will be his biggest fan. Our current threads are childlike.
Totally agree with the above post. Our uniforms are an embarrassment.
Perhaps I was blinded by the craptastic display of basketball this year, but I don't get the uniform hate.
What are people's issues with the uniforms specifically?
Fox's wife Cindy is from Augusta not Athens.
I totally agree with the comments about the uniforms and the Colliseum. Some cosmetic changes can make a huge difference in perception.
This was an amusing set of postings. People cannot even decide what the gym looks like and yet all of you know whether or not this is a good hire. The comments section is always entertaining.
A person can be born in one place and "from" another place. I had several friends who were born in Atlanta but from Rome. They were born in Atlanta because of difficult pregnancies back in the day when Rome had less advanced medical care.
Seriously...what the hizzity is going on here?
Uniforms? Scoreboards? Rafters? Disco Balls? Birthplaces vs. Hometowns?
What a sloppy turd fest of comments.
Here is the simple solution...
1. Black out the lighting in the stands during games, Staples Center style
2. Whenever we are on d-fense, turn on a bunch of black lights over the student section for a raving, jumping mass of glowing basketball lunatics in a sea of utter blackness.
3.Leave the disco ball
You have got to be effin' kidding me about the jerseys. Not only is Arkansas sponsored by Adidas (UGA is Nike), but their uniforms are re-donk-ulously ugly. They would've been questionable in the '70s. Changing to their uniform style would actually make our program 100% worse. I'll take UGA's unis very day of the week.
Now on to lesser important topics.... I like the Fox hire. He recruited some great players to Nevada. I bet 50% of the people on here couldn't find Nevada on a map, much less recruit quality players there. Let's give him a chance. It's not the 'big splash' we were hoping for, but I think DE got this one right. Go Dawgs!
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