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April 17, 2009

Matt Stafford on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

Here's the video of Stafford's appearance April 9th on the Jimmy Fallon show.


rbubp said...

Funny and impressive. Go Matthew!

JasonC said...

On the next show Fallon has the GPOOE run through plates and then surgical put them back together, while Corch Urban Meyers sheds a single tear.

mitch said...

Lol, he should of thrown the first one and nailed him.

Anonymous said...

He did good, although if it were me, I would have made a public play for the recently single Rachel McAdams.

Dude needs to learn how to strike when the iron is hot on a larger stage.

Hopefully he took care of business behind closed doors.

Anonymous said...

I caught that last night, and was darned impressed. I knew elite QB's could throw well, but to have the timing to hit 3 out of 4 plates in midair was quite impressive.

mitch said...

I think stafford is going to do well in detroit. He is a special QB. He kind of has that peyton manning personality.

Hunkering Hank said...

Oh my Goodness, Mitch. What a back-handed compliment. Peyton? That guy sucks.

The Watch Dawg said...

I thought it was pretty damned impressive. On a sidenote, that was a sharp looking suit he wore.

Anonymous said...

Stafford isn't a complete dork the way Peyton is (And yes, I know he won a Super Bowl and has more money than I will ever see in a 100lifetimes. A dork is a dork).

Crane said...

One of my buddies mentioned said..

"Instead of plates, he should have just thrown Tripp Chandler in the air 4 times"

dave clark said...

I will say this: Stafford remains one of the most boring interviewees in recent memories. Not necessarily a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

ESPN may work with cable networks to swap ESPN Classic for ESPNU. That may be part of a compromise to get Comcast and other carriers to bring the network online in 2009.

Carter said...

I predict "Late Night w/ Jim Fallon" will achieve about the same amount of success as "The Chevy Chase Show" and "The Magic Hour."

Anonymous said...

Matt sucks!!!

Crane said...

Nice Zinger Anonymous. You must write jokes for Dane Cook.

Anonymous said...

Three out of four with a suit on in front of an audience. Lot of pressure there also. What if the preceived number 1 pick comes out and misses 4 or 5 plates in a row. Very impressive.

Mr. Bulldawg said...

Can someone explain to me, how the hell Jimmy Fallon got to host a show?

the tri guy said...

Two quick observations: 1) Stafford is really starting to look like John Elway in the face, and 2) it is truly amazing how the ball just explodes out of his hand.

Anonymous said...

Is what he did really that impressive? This is an honest question, because I there is no way to really qualify the act.

I watched Drew Brees on Sports Science yesterday hit 10 4" diameter bullseye's in-a-row from 20 yards.

The targets were stationary and Brees was in sweats, but it was outdoors. I was in shock watching him do it.

I wonder what the average NFL QB would do to those plates?

Anonymous said...

impressive? who cares...its entertainment. Believe it or not, hitting plates that Jimmy Fallon throws in the air is not a drill at the combine.

Stafford is going #1, we should all support him

Anonymous said...

Hey anon at 10:44..the freaking plates were moving dumb ass..lot different than a stationary target.

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