You can't imagine how ready I am to blow off the next few days at work, here, at home, etc. Don't worry, I won't be hiking the Appalachian Trail, visiting my Argentina mistress, or paying my respects to Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett or Ed McMahon.
Although anyone my age and up should provide a moment of silence for that red one piece of Farrah's. And frankly, I think I'd get more street cred than I'd know what to do with if I had a mistress from Argentina or really any old country. But clearly, I digress.
I'm out. If Quinton or Dawgnoxious post, great. If not, there's always the rest of the tubes.
BTW -- Why did airlines do away with these uniforms? In my humble opinion, they are the very model of professionalism and commerce.
When they went from being stewardesses to flight attendants and decided they were there for your safety.
Try Singapore Airlines!
They did away with those unis because 30 years later, those same women can't fit in them!
IDK, but I bet on some level a union was involved.
Enjoy the vacay.
The uniform reminds me of the early 1970s movie Coffee, Tea, or Me? with Karen Valentine.
A union absolutely was involved...the flight attendant's union. The final nail in the coffin (in regard to hiring attractive/thin FA's and having them maintain a certain weight) involved a lawsuit in the early 90's by the FA union against the airlines. They claimed that hiring based on looks/weight was discriminatory, and further argued that having weight guidelines that they must uphold was again discriminatory and inhumane.
Well, they won the case and ever since, we've been subjected to less attractive FA's with larger girths, along with male FA's who, lets just say are a little light in the loafers (not that there's anything wrong with that.)
Really. That's kind of a bit much.
Subjected sounds about right.
Be sure to join the 'Single Mile High Club' on trip. It's well worth it.
Subjected is a bit much? I assume you don't do much commercial travel (either that or your wife/significant other is a FA). I used to fly commercial every week and man did it suck. One of the many things I hated was when I was trying to get some sleep, and some fat FA would nail me with all her wide girth as she was going by. The attitudes among attendants has markedly gotten worse over the years too (though Southwest's are quite good, I must say.)
Braniff and PSA had some rather provocative uniforms in the '60s and '70s, too. But if it's hot flight attendants you want, there's always Singapore Airlines, as a commenter above suggested, and Virgin Atlantic -- their tickets aren't cheap, but you know Richard Branson isn't gonna staff his airplanes with anything less than top-shelf talent.
You're flyin Pigeon Forge? High dollar.
Enjoy the Riply's museaum.
From what I've seen around the concourses at ATL, Korean Air stewardesses are not too shabby at all either...
Do they still have Hooters Air?!
Another casualty of the political correctness cancer. We are gradually losing this nation's indentity and pasttimes all in the name of sensitivity, fairness, and PC. Having hot women working a flight isn't exactly a pasttime, but it's the reason they no longer exists that chap me. We know have queers pretending to be female and female pretending to be male - what kind of bullsh*t is that?
I feel sorry for the generations growing up in this cancerous environment. They will never know hohw great we once were. Instead, they'll know how to treat terrorists with the same compassion and respect as a priest.
Georgia Sports Blog...
I come for the Georgia-based content; I stay for the anti-union, anti-gender equality, "this nation is going to hell in a handbasket" comment thread.
The first Playboy I ever "owned" (stolen from a neighbor's house) had a spread on the Women of Braniff. Yowza!
Call it PC if you want, but I have a couple of close friends that are retired FA's and one who still flies, well into her forties.
They are all charming, and still attractive, but that's beside the point.
Should they have been denied the continued pleasure of dealing with lascivious assholes so younger, more titillating models could come aboard?
In all seriousness, I'm referring to the FA's who have let themselves go, if you know what I mean. And especially the ones who have a horrible attitude and have no interest in being polite to anyone. Some days its hard just to garner a simple smile out of them.
IMO, age has nothing to do with it. In fact, though I'm only in my early 30's, my favorite FA's were the older women who have kept in good shape and had great personalities. Its relatively easy to have a nice figure at, say, 25 (though these days even that is becoming more a rarity), but to have the willpower/discipline to keep in good shape/health at 47 or whatever really is admirable, especially when they have a cool personality to boot.
Flew our local monopoly airlines last week and our cabin was attended by the youngest (mid-30s I would guess), attractive, female FA I have seen in years. And yes, her attitude was much more friendly than the 50-65 yr olds working with her. I'm 62 and I don't care about looking at an aisle-wide grandmother giving me a "let this leg be over soon" look.
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