Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

September 29, 2009

New Gator Slogan for the LSU Game

"Win one for the Snipper."

Behold. The best line in the history of the internets. Ht - Dawgspeare.

See Also:
-- Orson's take on things in 1 image - EDSBS


C. Paul said...

Fantastic. Although I'd allow Rennie Curran to help AJ out as well.

Anonymous said...

F tebow

Boogers said...

wow.....stay claay dogs..hope your are prepared for your beat down next week and Oct 31st

big tuck said...

Stay illiterate, gators.

Anonymous said...

Stay clay?
[Looks outside at ground.]
So far, so good.

Husky Jeans said...

Amazing--a guy who calls himself "Boogers" comes on to another team's blog, tries to talk trash by implying that we're not classy (notwithstanding his nickname...Boogers...), and misspells the word.

Well played, Boogers. Well played.

rbubp said...

Stay in your jorts, Hope you are prepared for your trip to Wal-Mart to get the mullet trimmed up for game time.

Unknown said...

Oh man, you've got me dying here rbubp. Good stuff.


Are your parents, by chance, related in any way? I imagine that will explain a lot if you reply in the affirmative.

Boogers said...

I'm an orphan. Please don't talk about my parents. :*(

Come On said...

I'd rather be an orphan than a Gator.

What is the Snipper? I don't get it.

Boogers said...

I can arrange that.

What's your name and where do you live? Thought so.


Anonymous said...

What is the Snipper? I don't get it.

An allusion to circumcision?

Husky Jeans said...

Don't you mean "puuy," Boogers?

Anyway, even if Tebow comes back for LSU...or whenever he comes back, I think this injury changes their offense big time. Urban won't let him run it 15-20 times a game. His future would be killed by another concussion.

Anonymous said...

Husky Jeans: I think Corch Meyers would let him run it the whole game if he thought it would help UF win. If Meyer had an iota of thought about Baby Jesus' future, he would be in a pro formation. Tebow will be reduced to trivia eventually: Who was the only Heisman winning QB to spend his entire NFL career as a FB?

Anonymous said...

I still don't get the snipper line. I get the whole reference to the gipper line but I'm still not following. Anyone care to explain?

rbubp said...

Ahem. Missionary activities involving circumcision, Anon 6:23. Google Tebow + circumcision if you're still in the fog.

Anonymous said...

Oh...oh my. I'm...speechless. Um thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

I see that we finally locked in our 6th home game next year. Idaho State graces Sanford Stadium. I love it....another crap FCS team.

sUGArdaddy said...

Anon 8:34, what, exactly, did you think was going to happen to the schedule? We HAD to have another home game, and we need some cupcakes.

Right now, we are scheduling our way out of championships. Auburn has 8...EIGHT...home games this year. So does UT. We'll never have that with the cocktail party. The least we can do is make the rest of the road more manageable. We've got Tech and Colorado. Let's give ourselves a few gimmes to get rested and ready for the SEC wars.

Boogers=My Bitch said...

Texas, Ohio State, Penn State, and Florida (among others) have proven that you don't need to play quality OOC opponents for the media and coaches to think you're the greatest fad in the world.

No reason UGA should keep playing such brutal schedules if other teams don't have to.

And, Boogers, you are a girl. Keep hiding behind your keyboard, sweetie.

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