The precedent for not playing an in-state Div. 1 team every year has already been set by the Penn State/Pitt series. I think the Penn State/Pitt series is a good model for us to follow because (i) though dominated by Pitt/Tech in the era preceding the face mask and forward pass, it is now heavily lop-sided in favor of Penn State/UGA; (ii) the schools play in different conferences so they don't have to play each other; (iii) in most years during the BCS-era, Pitt/Tech drags down Penn State/UGA's strength of schedule; (iv) and Pitt/Tech plays in a stadium substantially smaller than Penn State/UGA so fans who would otherwise attend the game can't attend.
Despite sporadic victories in the last twenty years (some of which were cheating-assisted), the series hasn't been competitive in many of our lifetimes. UGA leads the overall series by an overwhelming 59-37-5 advantage. But consider more than twenty of Tech's wins came prior to 1957. The last time Tech won by more than two touchdowns, you were allowed to smoke on an airplane. Now look at these results by decade:
- 1960s: 6-4 UGA
- 1970s: 7-3 UGA
- 1980s: 7-3 UGA
- 1990s: 7-3 UGA
- 2000s: 7-2 UGA

The Penn State/Pitt rivalry went dormant when Pitt rejected a 2-1 series that would require Pitt to play in State College twice for a return trip by Penn State. That kind of model would work for UGA. A 2-1 would be better for our fans who can't squeeze into the Joke by the Coke. Tech would probably veto that idea (just as Pitt did), so playing a few times a decade could be a fall back position.
Predictably, Tech backers would squall about what a terrible idea this is (just like Pitt backers did), but I don't think most UGA fans would really care if this game wasn't played every year. Despite Tech's win last year, this game has become an afterthought for many UGA fans. It remains the case that when Tech wins this game, it means there are serious problems with the UGA football program. As the recent decades results above demonstrate, Tech wins are as rare as hen's teeth. That's not the kind of competitiveness that constitutes a rivalry.
Let me pre-empt the techsters who will no doubt flame this post. [sidebar: isn't it pitiful that tech fans read this blog to get the validation of a provoked response? I would have to google a tech blog, assuming there are any] The Georgia-Florida series is currently lop-sided, but (a) Georgia leads the all-time series, and (b) it is a Southeastern conference game, so it isn't analogous.
I also add that superduperoffensivegeeeeeeen-ius Paul Johnson agrees that this is just another game. I give him credit for seeing how pathetic it is that Tech defines their existence through the prism of this game. Johnson knows he has his work cut out for him (until he leaves for Nebraska): "They're in the state. I understand all that. But it's not going to define our year if we beat Georgia. I'm trying to build a football program here."
So to Damon I say: Give CPJ a few years to "build a program" and we can decide if it's worth our time to play them regularly again.

Editor Note: Dawgnoxious wrote this. In the near 20 years that I've know him, this is an opinion he's held vocally and consistently. It's not an opinion related to last year's game. -- PWD
Tech wouldn't know how to survive if they were off our schedule. The 24/7/365 obsession they have with us is their lifeline.
Go Dawgs!
As a Georgia alumnus currently attending Tech for grad school, I have to say that Tech's "To Hell with Georgia Week," or whatever the f--- they call it, has only increased my pity for Tech. We may hate the Gators a lot, but Tech fans seriously define themselves by their hate for Georgia more than their love for their own school.
Let me clarify that these are Tech *fans* who do this. I'd say less than half the school could tell you what a cornerback is.
I'm also a UGA alum attending Tech for grad school. I suppose I had a similar attitude for the last 7 years as that expressed in this post.
However, we have to assume Tech that Tech's upward trajectory is consistent under CPJ until proven otherwise. There is a non-negligible chance that CPJ has a system that compensates for the talent differential sufficiently to put this game back on an even keel. After all, it would only require a two game swing every decade to bring it to 5-5. Maybe a good coach with a weird system could do that. I don't think it's likely, but we have no business assuming it is false while CPJ is undefeated against us.
Also, somewhat selfishly, now that I'm at Tech I want to see us beat them 100% more than when I was at UGA.
Bad idea. Most Penn State fans are not thrilled with what Joe Pa has done in that historic series either. Very bad idea.
Using the same logic, the Gators could argue doing the same to us.
Agree, bad idea. Especially now. Looks like we're running away.
The gators couldn't do the same thing to us.
"The gators couldn't do the same thing to us."
Only because it is a conference game. They have dominated us more than we have dominated Tech for the last two decades.
Bad idea. Its a 1A program that we should always beat. We would have to find a new school to close out our season and given the fact that most schools already have rivals, the pickings would be slim. I agree we have little to gain and tech has everthing to gain, but its a natural rival and if we do what we are suppose to, it hurts the entire tech comunity more than you can imagine. And thats a lot better than beating some lowely 1AA team or a rotating non-conference opponent.
This is silly to even talk about. We will not drop Tech -- there is no way. I am a current Georgia undergrad and tons of students consider Tech a rival. I am certain our players do. If you have stopped hating Tech, then you can no longer call yourself a true member of the Bulldog Nation. Lewis Grizzard just rolled over in his grave at the time of tuis post. If Dan Magil were to read this he would slap you against the wall. Wreck Tech.
Anon 1:55/2:10-
Backpedaling gets you nowhere. You're an idiot.
Can you refrain from using the mentally challenged / those with disabilities to illustrate points?
We could beat Tech for the next 50 years and I would never get tired of it. I find it interesting that this post shows up in a year where we're likely to lose, rather than in one where we're likely to win.
Beating Tech is a confirmation that all is right with the universe. It is the football equivalent of Homer's Everything is OK Alarm. It is right and good and necessary.
Note: My opinions may be colored by the fact that my undergrad years were 1998-2001, making me a member of the only class since 1963 to finish with a losing record against the nerds.
Anon @ 2:29,
Fair point, which I will heed in the future.
Just because we hate to lose to Tech, that doesn't make them a rival. In fact, Tech is the team I hate losing to the most. But only because it's so deeply humiliating to lose to such a cut rate program. It's like losing to Vanderbilt. If Tech weren't in our state, no one would use the word "rivalry" to describe this lame game.
Chill out, he put a cross through it now, so it's totally fine.
Why do you say that Tech is such a bad program? They have 6 national championships to our 2. They are ranked in the top ten and have a very good chance to be in a bcs bowl game. Before Johnson got there sure they had a bad few years but now they are starting to get more and better talent than Georgia. I think it has been a revitalized rivalry and we should take it seriously. Most UGA fans on this site might think that its not a good program but the rest of nation doesn't think so.
This post sounds like something your average Tech fan would've written on the ajc.com comments board in 2007, clinging to some abstract claim of superiority when none exists on the field.
Well done.
(Also, you might be interested to know that Vandy's best season in the last 13 seasons was the same record as Tech's worst season. But hey, keep clinging to that Vandy = GT line, it totally helps your argument!)
Interesting points but I follow Erk's training schedule: "Run 3 miles hate tech 4 times." UGA needs this game for recruiting; beating them down 7 or 8 times a decade reminds folks how things roll in the State of Georgia.
p.s. nobody works for tech grads because UGA grads never settle for a job back home in maumbai running a call center for direct tv.
I don't know where you get off thinking this game means nothing to most GA fans. I have friends who are Nerds, and I work for a shitload of them. In this state, youre either a Dawg fan or a Tech fan. This game is braggin rights for a whole year. Think of how good it will feel if we ruin their BCS standings with a win in their stadium this year. And the recruiting is the biggest thing. This game changes alot of kids minds. By far, this is the most retarded idea Ive ever seen on my favorite blog. Please, dont ever suggest we drop a team from our schedule when they suddenly become capable of winning. Long Live Clean Old Fashioned Hate!
This is just a bad idea jeans moment by Dawgnoxious. This is a rivalry, and I'll be damned if Georgia follows Penn. State in anything. Most students hate Tech the way you people hate Auburn. Never happen. Plus, it's way to much fun laughing at friends who go to Tech. Even this year, they can't really talk trash because most of them are still so in shock that they beat us.
Beat the NATS.
Haha. You wanna run? You wanna run?
That's better than any victory over UGA. You wanna run.
You could have beaten us ten out of the last ten, and we still wouldn't run.
You know that UF being in conference reasoning? Well, UGA is the big reason we couldn't get back in the SEC.
...and now you wanna run some more!
Hahaha. Priceless.
Damon Evans isn't going to listen to such cowardice.
Series is 59-39, dumb ass. Y'all played the games, therefore they count.
I am pretty sure this post is a joke. Right? I hope.
Replace them with Clemson or Florida State. Or simply pick up another Big XII or PAC 10 game like we've been doing the past couple of years.
Only downside is it makes the UK game the default last game of the season (assuming Tech refuses to take the 2-1 deal).
This is going to make more and more sense when CPJ heads to Notre Dame/Sconsin/Nebraska or Colorado
Anon @ 4:16,
Tech has 37 wins. UGA doesn't count the 1943 and 1944 games because our boys were defending the world from the Third Reich. That's why you didn't type your comment in German.
But you're right, we should totally count them. That really balances out the series.
You don't count them because your douchebags. Once again, they were played, therefore, they count.
Stupid, stupid idea.
Ah, the grammar-less flame @ 4:40. The contraction of 'you are' is 'you're.' As in "you're a tithead." But English is your second language, so we'll cut you some slack.
Correcting grammar on a blog=douche move. Their lack of skillz speaks for itself. Don't stoop to their level 'noxious.
Why wouldn't UGA play the 2nd biggest football program in the state? The schools are an hour apart, they fight over recruits..... If George O'Leary didn't leave for Notre Dame they could possibly have built on their winning streak against us. Tech is not a "cut rate" program, they just needed a good head football coach that knows how to prepare and lead. We all know what a bad coaching hire can do to a program(cough, cough, Goff).This series needs to continue for both schools sakes.
I agree that beating Tech every year (for the most part) is a great way to end the season. I think Evans should schedule a decent option team early in the season so Tech isn't the first time we see it. I mean an all option team. Growing up with a Father that proudly instilled hate for Tech in us makes me hate Tech. I'd hate to see us take th off the schedule.
Paul, ant truth to this Tubs to take on DC at UGA rumor? Would that be a good thing for us or a short term fix to a big problem? Great Blog. Keep it up!!!!
Using a z to finish a plural is the height of douchiness.
That said, we need to keep playing Tech. Why would we want to get rid of a game that ensures a victory 6-7 times a decade.
Also, Vandy would have a better record too if they got to play Duke, Virginia, NC State all the time. Tech's record would be worse if they had to play Florida, Tennessee, Bama, LSU in addition to Georgia. Anyone who disagrees has clearly lost any logic they may have once possessed.
This wouldn't even come up if Tech hadn't left the SEC. (too scared to keep up I guess)
Fla also plays FSU and Miami and considerrs them rivals even thought not SEC competetion.
I say we keep Yech and move on.
Tech nerds had better learn to type in Hindi if they want jobs.
I just love the reasoning that says if you consider Tech a rival you're "old." Nothing like driving a wedge between generations, particularly dissing "old" people who have lived more of life and sometimes actually have a little wisdom. Last I checked, heritage and tradition mean something in college football. Punt on your history and you've lost something very meaningful. There is a reason three books have been written on the UGA-Tech series, and anyone who thinks the last decade or so has been uninspiring in that series, just has very weird perception. The rivalry has never ceased to be exciting. Not everything has to be about league affiliation, etc. A regional rivalry is what made college football great, among other things, and how sad it would be to become like a generic NFL team and throw out a great tradition.
Wouldn't calling out people for use of a "z" in plural be douchey too? head explodes...
See, Dawgnoxious?
Even most of your own team's fans think you're an idiot. They're not cowards like you, Dawgnoxious. They don't want to run when things are looking tough.
You see Auburn today? You see Texas A&M yesterday?
They didn't run. Have some self-respect.
Not good timing for this suggestion. I agree that there are reasons why this rivalry is not all it could be, mainly because they're in different conferences. But if the Dawgs are as dominant as your stats suggest, then what do they gain by deep-sixing it? I thought Penn St. embarrassed their university with how they handled the Pitt business.
Who's disparaging old people? It's just a fact that you have to be old to remember when this series mattered. Of course Erk --and every Georgia man of his generation-- hated Tech.
If you were born after the Nixon Administration, the Clemson series has been closer and more exciting during your lifetime. Why not alternate between Tech and Clemson on the schedule.
Boy am I glad those Georgia boys kept this country free. Like the great Frank Sinkwich, he was so patriotic he joined the Marine Corps after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941 and served through out the war. No wait a second...this just in Frank Sinkwich continued playing past the beginning of WW2, winning the Heisman Trophy in 1942. But right after the 1942 season he was so patriot he joined the Marines and saw action in the Pacific. No wait that's not right either. Instead he was medically discharged from the Marines to be the first overall draft pick of the Detroit Tigers. And while Sinkwich was fighting the Germans and Japanese in Detroit, Clint Castleberry was was killed flying a B26 over North Africa. Thank God for UGA Patriots like Frank Sinkwich who put this country above silly things like football.
It's crystal clear as to what you're true motive is and that is to stop the bleeding now! (loosing to Tech like you're loosing to Florida) As long as Tech has Coach Paul Johnson, and he isn't going anywhere, then you have already seen the writing on the wall and are ready to "throw in the towel" rather than be the "red headed stepchild" to Tech that Joe Cox has become to the Georgia fanbase! No pun intended.
Keep scheduling those powerhouse, juggernaut teams like Louisiana, Idaho State, Costal Carolina, New Mexico State, etc. etc. that will get you "nowhere!"
Dawgobnoxious, you my friend are the lunatic fringe!
I am sure Florida doesn't mind scheduling a "cream-puff" every year at the end of October! Get used to losing DAWGOBNOXIOUS!!!
Do you mean the same Paul Johnson that has played Jacksonville State the last two years?
Though Dawgnoxious is wrong on this one, everybody schedules creampuffs (although that wasn't his suggestion -- he actually said we should schedule another major team). And speaking of scheduling creampuffs, in the recent years and in the next 5-6 years Georgia has done less of it than just about everyone else.
Drop Tech? Why not go whole hog & drop out of the SEC as well? That way we could schedule whoever we want, whenever we want. Why, we could even be the Notre Dame of the South!!
I would respectfully disagree. Tech may be the little brother, but isn't it the duty to knock around their little brother so they know their place in the world?
Better to start a new winning streak tomorrow night. Let's shoot for 8 in a row!
@Anon 7:20
The correct spelling is "losing", not "loosing".
I thought bandwagon GT fans were smarter than that. Oh I get it, you live in the Atlanta area and work at a gas station. You own a relatively new Georgia Tech hat (purchased a month ago) to go with your relatively new Matt Ryan Atlanta Falcons jersey(purchased less than a year ago).
Enjoy the short-lived success while all the GT students and alumni laugh at you. How'd you like having to work during Thanksgiving weekend? Failure.
Wait, didn't Georgia Tech play Jacksonville State AND Gardner-Webb last year?
And since you guys are so good at math, I'm sure you can remember what the score was against Gardner-Webb?
I don't know why you would even think of such a dumbass move. Tradition is what we are talking here. Tradition is one thing CMR has yet to learn. Black helmets. Changing the dawg walk. No defence. These are the things CMR has changed tradition in, and look where is has us now. You say we have to be old for this series to matter. You obviously are not a real dawg at heart. Tradition means everything. JUNKYARD DOGS, GATA,NOTHING LIKE BEING A GEORGIA DOG ON A SATURDAY NIGHT, and the one thing I remember Coach Erk saying, "FUCK TECH!". Now go back to blogging about something with a lot of thought behind your words.
I kinda get the impression that you are concerned about the fact that Georgia's monopoly on the series may have come and gone, and its best to "get out while the gettin is good". Possibly, we'l see Saturday night if CPJ's Killer Bees are up to the task.
Not too worried. Being the best team in the ACC is like being king of the dipshits. Duke is your bitch. Congrats. If Georgia wins by 100 points tomorrow, I'll still find this series a tedious bore. The AJC hypes it like it's the Iron Bowl, but it's not and never will be. It doesn't even have a name. Which should tell you something.
I'd still rather have Duke as my bitch than being Kentucky's.
Don't compare this rivalry to some Big 10 vs Big East "rivalry" that nobody cares about. This is big boy football in the biggest state in the South. Leave the rivalry alone. GT is not Vandy and you know it. Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate.
"It doesn't even have a name. Which should tell you something."
It's called the Governor's Cup. As you can see from the link, other UGA fans know this and you don't.
I guess along with your cowardice, you're too stupid to do any research. You're a real credit to your fanbase, Dawgnoxious.
Tithead @ 9:55,
Tivo the game tomorrow night and do a shot every time the announcers refer to the game as the "Governor's Cup." Enjoy your buzz.
But a non-descript, largely ignored moniker is decidedly appropriate for the game.
I really think this idea is not too crazy. Yes, there are tons of Tech douches all over Atlanta, but no more than Auburn or Clemson fans. And Dawgnoxious brings up a great point; What do we actually gain by beating Tech? A bucket full of pride? They are the little brother, so why not a 2-1 split? I like the idea of adding a Clemson or Big 10 school to the regular rotation. To Hell With Tech. Tradition? What does CMR know from Tradition?
Tithead? You can see my name over my posts plain as day. I would hope you were more articulate than "tithead."
Is that asking too much of a UGA fan? Nah, I think UGA fans are generally pretty good with the English. Maybe it is asking too much of you, Dawgnoxious.
But on the other hand, you a have a point. Governor's Cup is a bullshit name. Try this one, instead.
See? I gave you a press-friendly nickname and a less PC nickname, and it took me less than 10 seconds apiece for me to dig up corroborating references on both of them.
I guess to your myriad faults, Dawgnoxious, we can add "lazy." You make T Kyle and Westerdawg look like Samuel Clemens and William Faulkner, respectively.
You better hope Joe Cox and company are better at football than you are at rhetoric, Dawgnoxious.
From what I saw in the second half of the UK-UGA game, I'd say it's a push.
Totally agreed. Waste of a game, imho.
I hate to say this, but I think NE Jacket is right.
The name of the game is "Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate." The trophy is called the Governor's Cup.
But I'll be damned if I've ever seen the thing.
From these comments all I see is a bunch of people acting like children. I remember when kids would lose games on the playground at school, they would always say that they were not trying or did not want to play. This is just a grown-up version of that defense mechanism. Sit back and look at some of the statements that you type, you may be amazed at how silly/ignorant you sound.
Of course the game has nicknames amongst the UGA/Tech fans, but I think what he means is that the game doesn't have the national or even regional recognition of, say, the cocktail party, the iron bowl, the third saturday in October, or even the Egg bowl.
While I think it's a poor idea, Dawgnoxious is right in thinking that the game is of little national significance and that it hurts UGA more when we lose than helps when we win, while the opposite is true for Tech, especially given the recent perceived strength of the SEC vs the perceived weakness of the ACC.
Face it, GT is a substandard program and a victory does nothing for UGA. Looking at this strictly in terms of risk/reward, it makes no sense for UGA to continue playing GT every year.
I'm not a fan of either team so I'm just looking at this logically.
It makes about as much sense as UGA playing UF in the state of Florida every year.
But let's not get that debate started again... :P
I would rather open with them every year than end it. Crushing their season early rather than later would be ideal. I for one will never get tired of the Dawgs kicking their asses 7 or 8 times out of 10.
Forget recent history, taking the Nerd Herd off the schedule will make all of those great Tech jokes dormant! I hate to see those jokes go to waste!! After all, Paul Johnson got them playing after writing TGIF on their shoes to remind them Toes Go In First!
I'm not sure your obcession with GT is very healthy either. Give it a rest..first the column about their Coaches, and now this BS.
I could get behind playing Tech very early in the season. This isn't an "end of the season" rivalry like the Iron Bowl or Ohio State/Michigan. There are other teams that don't play their in-state series last, like Colorado/Colorado State. It still wouldn't fix the problem that their Grady High wannabe stadium won't hold all our fans who want to go to the game. Still, an early in the season 2-1 series would fix most of what's wrong with this game.
I've often thought this same thing. I wouldn't say drop Tech all together, but maybe rotate Tech and Clemson.
However, I'd have to say that your timing here is pretty bad.
I agree with you. Drop the nats and replace them with Georgia State. The annual non-rivalry with the nerds has gotten stale. I doubt they'll even fill their little high school stadium tonight.
I agree with a lot of things in the post -- I don't really get any satisfaction by beating Tech; I just hate losing to them. It's not really a rivalry for us (I consider two programs that enjoy beating one another and are relatively the same talent-wise over a decade a rivalry), nor is it a relevant national game.
Sure, the timing of this post makes it seem less true because it's about to be 2 losses in a row to GT, but this game IS rather boring. It's like you said: if we win, we did what we were supposed to do by beating an inferior program. If we lose, its an embarrassment that coincides with and/or exposes some serious problems with the program.
And true, if we quit now it would seem like running away, but the schedule changes wouldn't likely take affect until 2012 or so. Personally, I'd trade playing GT any year for games against top-tier BCS non-conference opponents like USC, Oklahoma, Texas, even Ohio State. At least those games would be fun to be win.
But none of this will (sadly) EVER happen, no matter how boring and irrelevant this "rivalry" is. We'll just have to deal with the fact that our seasons will always end with either an embarrassing loss or a meaningless victory over a non-conference opponent.
Ah yes. If you lost the last game and are predicted to get hammered in the upcoming, go with the obvious "their stadium sucks" routine. Gotta love the stagnant drivel that comes from the SEC mindset.
Well using your logic, Florida should have dropped UGA from their schedules some 30 years ago. Nice attempt at sounding funny though, this article was a good laugh.
Ask most GT fans this year- would you rather beat UGA or Clemson, it's close to unanimous. No one gives a fuck about UGA other than just wanting pound you in your asses, but a win or a loss, we're in Tampa next week while you're...planning for Shreveport.
PapaJohns.com/ bowl. HAHAHA!!!
While for the overall program this game may be a downer, it means something to UGA grads like myself. I work with an office full of engineers, and all year you get to hear about how great Tech is. How prestigious is their school, and of course, how dumb I am for going to Georgia. This game, and the back yard whipping that typically is given out by my Dawgs gives a sweet few minutes of peace and quiet from the Nerd Herd. I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world.
Remember, nerd tears can cure cancer. You don't want to support cancer do you?
"Well using your logic, Florida should have dropped UGA from their schedules some 30 years ago."
Classic GT fan that knows nothing about how football scheduling works.
"I also add that superduperoffensivegeeeeeeen-ius Paul Johnson..."
I absolutely love the fact that having competent coaching is now one of the best things you can think of to make fun of Tech fans.
Since someone mentioned the last 30 years and compared spoke of UF. We've beaten UF more over the last 30 years than GT has beaten UGA. Just a little FYI on how lopsided the UGA/GT series has been for a LONG time.
That said, I see no reason to consider dropping GT, I do think moving the game to the first game of the year has some merit for both teams.
Funny stuff, seriously. Now that the Jackets have a far superior coaching staff, and probably will for the next few years, the Jackets probably would appreciate the opportunity to schedule a more competitive opponent than the Dawgs. No reason to expect Dawg fans buying up tickets for the game in Atlanta any more, since they know the sad result to expect.
My how short term of a memory you Tech fans have. At this time last year, you would have gladly wanted to drop this game too. I guess all these years of mediocrity have really screwed up your mindsets.
The bottom line is that GT judges their season by this game and UGA barely cares about it.
Don't you nerds find it sad that for your team to have a chance in this "rivalry game", it has to be your best team against our worst team?
Don't be mad that we don't care enough about your pathetic school to care about this game. Become a consistent program and an annual contender and then come talk to us. I won't hold my breath.
So what do you say now, Techies?
Nice, very very nice. The ACC is a conference full of losers.
Hi it's me again.
Told ya so.
Enjoy your game in Tampa against a team that couldn't even beat South Carolina.
Should be a hell of a game. Anyone plan on watching it? Didn't think so.
I'd rather watch the Antiques Roadshow than an ACC game.
Sadly no nerds will see our comments since they'll never come back here again.
Remove foot from mouth.
NEJacket & Dan:
Where you at? I wanna hear about all the domination you have lined up for us in the Flats.
anon 6:41:
You are a vile person. If you're going to accuse a man of cowardice in a time of war, you ought to have the balls to leave your name and address so that one of Frank's grandsons can whip your ass. Do you think the Marine Corp. was concerned w/ football and thus sprung Frank out? Why didn't they do the same for Trippi, Ted Williams and thousands of other athletes? Much less all the guys that were playing for Tech while they were in Officer Training during the war.
We get a win 7 or 8 out of 10 times against a Div I opponent that tends to be decent in a BCS conference. That's good for us.
Also it helps us secure our state for recruiting.
This game not only helps us beat out Tech for recruits, but it helps us defend our turf from other people poaching our state.
The game gets a lot of hype within the state of Georgia. Winning us helps us keep Georgia boys.
I'm here. Nice work, Richt and co.
I don't know how GT can't win when we're supposed to win. It's one thing to upset a great UGA football team, but why can't we stave off a bad one?
I'm sadder than you guys are happy.
NEJ, that's always the case after this game.
If this game is so insignificant to you, then why rub it in Tech's face? If you really feel like we're equivalent to Vanderbilt, did you rub your victory in their face? Good job playing the most disciplined and best game of the year at the most inopportune time of the year for Tech. Perhaps that's why people expected y'all to do well this year (preseason 12 or so). If you had a lick of discipline this game wouldn't have been considered an upset. I still think the play where Nesbitt was injured was dirty. Why couldn't the UGA players let go after the whistle blew while Nesbitt is in pain? Why did a Tech player have to yank them off? Rev. Richt instills none of the good values he claims to hold in his players...
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