"Tech Man" showing his class. Jeff Owens takes the high road. (Or caption it yourself)

It's our stadium anyway. The flag was really just a formality.
All images by Jim Hipple. Click to enlarge. Click on the "Photos" tag below for archived images from UGA games. More coming.
"Mr. Owens? Is it okay if I use your image for my World of Warcraft character?"
Tech Fan: "Who has one thumb and held Dwyer to 33 yards rushing?? My lunch money will be waiting for you in Athens, Mr. Owens, hope you don't mind that I pay in Elf money."
"Mr. Owens! What exactly does it mean to wear the G?"
Jeff: Hey Mister, thanks for cheering for us kids during this great sporting contest in your nice high-school stadium!
Tech fan: You're certainly welcome, nice young man. Come back anytime you like. I'm sure it feels like home already!
Jeff Owens and Tech Supporter agree that Reggie Ball should be inducted into the UGA hall of fame.
"if you really want to suck on something try using a thumb"
Lost you car betting on tech ? this will get you home
I need more images of tech fans being pissed, whats even funnier is that I think I know the guy on the left yelling at him.
Wow....that image represents what I think of when I think of "cowardly Tech". As the great Skip Caray used to say, so many of them are just "pond scum"
Mr Owens, what do boobs feel like?
Nerd: Mr. Owens, can you show me where you kept Dwyer tonight?
Owens: Sure! I kept him right under here!
Sir, you need to stfu and stick one of these in your ass for the next 365 days.
Hey, dork! Check this out: My thumb is bigger than your wiener.
"Results came back! I am the Daddy!"
So Jeff, what do you think about the "awesome" highlights in my hair?
Bobby Dodd Stadium & Mark Richt Field.
Seriously, its amazing for being so smart, the only way to explain to them UGA's dominance at Historic Grant Field is to tell them the last time Tech beat UGA in Atlanta was before Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.
Jeff: "Hey Nerd you want this big booger to eat"? "It might cheer you up a little"?
Emperor Owens gives the sign to let the infidel live... for now.
Winner: The Watch Dawg
Actually the signal for the combatant to live in Roman times was the thumb pointing down. While a thumbs up meant that death was imminent.
Sorry for being so dorky.
If that lady is your wife, you, sir have married way above yourself.
Its the New "Sit and Spin" for tech people Sir...Would you like a test drive???
"One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war!"
"I RUN THIS STATE...I mean, my Second Life avatar runs the digital community I have created for him."
"That's what she said"
"Oh Yeah? well you are going to work for me...someday."
"Check it out dude... your wife's hair... it looks like mine!"
"Well... well... well you can't hurt me. I have experience points!"
"Say... Is that a hoodie your boy is wearing? Lookin' goooooood."
"Uh... uh... Coach says we have other fish to fry than you. You and your mangy little dog, too!"
"Live long and prosper, my little friend."
"Daddy, get your hand off by back! I'm not READY to go!"
"Nice puppet you got there in front of you, sir. Does he sing and dance too?"
"Tech has won this many times against Richt".
I know you're a 315lb football player but I've got the force!
How do you order prints of these photos by Jim Hipple?
The guy on the right must be thinking - So that's what a real football player looks like.
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