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February 14, 2010

Hoops Recruiting: 4 Star Officially Visits UGA

Dwayne Polee (6'6" and 180 lbs) is a big time small forward from California who is currently on an official visit at UGA per Dan McDonald of Polee (2010 class) original committed to Southern Cal, but backed out after the NCAA sanctions were announced.

You can see his athleticism in the mix tape above. I'd wager that Travis Leslie's SportCenter highlight packages may have helped us with this high-flyer who also has offers from Arizona, Oregon, UNLV and others.

See Also:
-- DWayne Polee Profile -
-- DWayne Polee Profile -



Chris S said...

There would be some irony if Polee ended up signing with UGA. We'd have two pretty high-sought recruits, neither of which came from the state of Georgia. The irony is that a half dozen of the ESPN 100 for 2010 are from Georgia--so CMF is doing a great job of recruiting from out of state but missing out on the in-state talent.

I'm not griping, as it's way too early to expect CMF to be making in-roads on in-state recruiting. The real question will be whether he can land top in-state talent in 2011.

Will said...

This is why Felton had to go. The man was no question a class act, but he couldn't recruit at all! Mark Fox, you're the man! And I say that knowing full well that this gentleman might not come to UGA, but at least he was here!

Anonymous said...


Things look good instate in 2011

Anonymous said...

man... it'd be great to get him. wonder if he'd be comfortable playing 2 while leslie is still in athens. get him on the court with leslie and trey... we'd be that much harder to defend. if gerald robinson can play the point and jeremy continues to grow, we could have a serious team in 2010 with him.

Anonymous said...

That is one skinny kid. He needs to add some mass to his frame, or he's gonna get clobbered in the college game.

Irwin R. Flecther said...

Getting a guy like Polee would be huge. You have to figure Trey probably has only another year left in him in best. However, you add some talent like Polee, Gerald Robinson, and Cady get better output from Ware, Williams, Price, et. al as they mature, develop, and continued to be coached....then I assume you try to make a run in 2010-11 and then offer open scholarship positions and a pretty light depth chart in 2011-12 to high profile recruits.

Anyway, that is all pretty basic, but it underscores how important landing one or two more solid players for next year could be for the future.

Anonymous said...

I think I saw like 5 jumpshots in that 2:30 clip.

Dunks are nice and all, but it didn't look like he was going up against any monsters in the paint like he would in college ball.

Guys like this can use their athleticism to get an NCAA ride, but it's the J that will get them into the league.

If we decide we want him, lets get him.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:24 its not a recruiting video like football. Its a dunk highlight design.

JaxDawg said...

The first posted, Chris S, is spot on. I'm sure Wayne would be a great addition, and Fox is looking at Cali due to his past recruiting trails, but this is Georgia. The #1 reason why the state's flagship University should have a great team is due to the exceptional talent found within our borders. Heck, you could field a strong team (annually) with players from Albany, Macon, and Savannah - not to mention places like Griffin and so on. Throw in metro Atlanta and you've got a MAJOR talent base.

Tubby was on the way to capitalizing on this resource and was lured away. If Fox follows this simple formula, and adds a couple of other guys along the way, UGA should have a dominant bball program. No exceptions.

Anonymous said...

Travis Leslie's presence on ESPN's top 10 plays is invaluable as a recruiting tool.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:08 am, this is not football. Skinny kids can still dominate, i.e. Kevin Durant.

Anonymous said...


The 2010 in state kids with SEC caliber skills were locked up when Fox got here, and he had no name recognition locally. And it's the shallowest class in about 6-10 years in state.

The 2011 class has 12 kids in the Top 150, and we're very much in the mix on half of them including being in the Top 3 right now for 3 of the Top 5.

I've got a post coming in a few days about that. Things are going well in '11 recruiting, and they are actually accelerating.


Chris S said...

For the record, my original post wasn't meant in any way as a criticism of the fact it looks like we aren't going to land any in-state recruits this year. Hoops recruiting wraps up a lot earlier than pigskin recruiting, and the season ends later, so it would be a lot to ask of a guy coming from the West Coast to put together a great in-state class. I just thought it was an ironic coincidence, nothing more.

Basketball recruits are much less likely to stay in-state than football recruits. Just compare the ESPN 100/150 for the two sports, and you'll see a dramatic difference in the number of athletes who stay in state.

JaxDawg said...

Thanks PWD.

I grew up in Albany when the state's top two class III programs were Albany High and Westover. They played for the state championship at least two times while I was in school (westover) under coach Willie Boston (rip) and the Patriots also played for the title
in '87 against Griffin's Darren "who rock" Hancock.

And that was before Dontonio Wingfield guided Westover to 3 or 4 straight state championships, although he was too stupid to feed himself. And this was Albany, so you can imagine what was going on in Macon, Rome, Athens, Savannah, Brunswick, Columbus, and Atlanta of course. The talent pool could have (and likely still could) feed the entire SEC.

I'm a firm believer that UGA has always had everything they ever needed to be a very good bball program - competing for SEC championships regularly. Everything that is except tradition, which is something that is earned over time. Even FL with their two recent NC's doesn't have bball tradition and UGA could easily catch and surpass that johnny-come-lately. Thank goodness my man Hugh Durham and Dominique put us on the map (regionally speaking) and all Fox has to do is work. It will all fall into place.

Ginny said...

Wow, Paul. That is some great news about recruiting. We're really only just a couple of players away from a great team. Even if we could just get one of the top guys from Georgia, that's a tremendous start.

JJBA said...

Tayshon Prince, Kevin Durant, Reggie Miller to name a few... All guys who were beyond skinny, never got bigger, and were still great college players.

Anonymous said...

UGA has most certainly NOT always had what is needed to compete in hoops. Our hoops tradition/history is dreadful, but if we had someone with a little more vision of what the program could become 20-30 years ago, we would have gotten the jump on Tennessee, Florida, etc. Our first indication that the administration was truly going to provide the necessary investment and support in our basketball program was the building of the state-of-the-art practice facility. Now, more improvements to Stegeman are coming and I think we will do what's necessary to keep Coach Fox long-term. As an AD, Vince Dooley was anything but a visionary when it came to our hoops program. Sure he'll take credit for hiring Tubby, but the truth is CM Newton laid Tubby in his lap and Dooley didn't have to do anything more than offer a competitive salary...compared to Tulsa. And the hiring of Jirsa to take Tubby's place was just being lazy and cheap.

Anonymous said...

Prince and Durant are both 6-9, and Miller's 6-7 and was a guard.

I'm not saying the kid can't compete. I'm not saying he won't do well. I'm just saying the odds would increase significantly if he weren't a stringbean. I'm sure when we do get him that the S&C guys will get him in the weight room and add about 20 pounds to his frame and he'll be fine.

SEC lanes are filled with guys who had dunk videos in high school, you know?

Anonymous said...

Anon - String bean?

The kid is 6'6" and 180 lbs. You're looking at grainy youtube videos. He could easily put on 10 pounds when he gets to UGA for his FR year.

That's nothing. Putting on a second 10 lbs over the years is also a breeze.

Jordan was 6'6" and about 200 lbs when he left UNC. His weight is fine.


Foco Dawg said...

And about this not being a good video because it's all dunks? No it shows him shot blocking, making moves to the hole, and that he's very athletic.

Do you want a 6'6 kid in high school to be shooting jumpers only? No, you don't.

From the video it looks like he can score, and play some defense. Sure, like all recruiting videos who knows the talent its VS. However, I think this kid looks solid regardless of if we get him or not.

sports101blog said...

Ya i agree weight is easy to put on. All that matters is if the kid has talent or not.

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