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September 25, 2012

Vandy Game Final Thoughts

Got the chance to watch the game over. I'll not rehash too many points about Gurley and Marshall other to say that they both are much better at yards after contact than any back we have had since Musa Smith. Knowshon was good at it, but he was more about avoiding solid contact (and was great at it). You don't have a good appreciation for what both of the guys did until you watch it on TV.

Also, Murray was just money from the get go. Such good footwork and decision making.
  • I love Chase Vasser's hustle. He never ever gives up on a play.
  • Herrera has significantly improved his vision and ability to read where the ball is going. He was in on nearly every running play tackle. He almost had a pick on that jump pass, too. The later in the game it got, the more he was shedding blockers and finding ways to make a play.
  • Are we just going to take holding out of the rule book?
  • John Theus looks like he lacks confidence in his abilities. Look for other teams to exploit that.
  • Barber won a best acting award for his fall down and limp off on the running into the punter call. Looks like special teams coaching is working.
  • Still wonder how they let a punt returner calling for a fair catch get tackled to the ground. 
  • We have to fix whatever structural issues we have on those flats passes and WR screens. We haven't looked competent in getting a hat on hat match-up with a defender yet.
  • On the other hand, the swing passes to the RBs work nearly every time.
  • Am I the only one that has noticed Aaron is always throwing a football or working with his hands on a football, even on the side line/during play breaks?
  • BSmith got a lot of attention and was suckered in a couple of times. That bears watching this week with Bray and Patterson/Hunter.
  • I don't know what Burrito, Burrito! F*^%! means, but Coach Grantham was adamant about it.
  • The more of the game I watch, the more I realize how good a receiver Jordan Matthews is. He seemed to always get open. Mitchell and Smith have to be better at jamming those big guys at the line, but you have to give credit where it is due.
  • How do you not count for Jarvis Jones on 4th and 8?
  • Marlon Brown was huge. That run after catch at around 7 in the 3rd quarter was just crazy.
  • Did you see the double FB set on Marshall's last TD? Hicks and Hall were in and ran behind Burnette. That hardly seems fair.
  • Gurley's stiff arm on Javon Marshall was sick. I mean it was like Darth Vader choking down a wayward storm trooper sick.
  • Good to see DickSam IV getting some good runs in late.
One other thought about the game. We saw Murray get on Lynch. I mean just yelling at him over a missed assignment or not runing a route. We saw a more expressive outburst from Washington getting in Wilson's face over not getting on the field and costing Georgia a timeout, while up by 45 points. If you want evidence of something being different with this Georgia program, don't look past that moment.
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