January 16, 2022

A Promise Kept - Georgia Wins the National Championship


Yes, I still have access to this account. Back in Fall of 2018, I decided Waitn' Since Last Saturday provided the much needed outlet blogging previously provided, Twitter is actually much easier for me, and I suck at writing.

Mostly, though, it was because I didn't have anything new to add. After ten years of blogging and 3+ of podcasting, it felt well worn.  

Because it was.

When Kirby was hired, I promised myself I'd write a post when Georgia won the National Championship, one in which I'd formally retire from this blog. It is said that you can't really retire when you aren't working, but I've always admired folks like Spencer Hall or Kyle King that could openly and publicly say they were done. Honestly, I expected to see the post that had been languishing in drafts since January 2019 after the Texas Sugar Bowl loss, the one in which I said I was done. It never became a post because I figured UGA would get a bigger stage and one that I'd feel good about doing a last post on. I never considered that for the Sugar Bowl last year, not because of the opponent or anything like that, but because I'd totally forgot I still had access to a blog.

But then they actually went and won it. 

So, there you are. Georgia won the National Championship. I was there. It happened.  

It was a blast doing this. I appreciate Westerdawg (Quint and Dawgnoxious, too) for letting me play in the sandbox they built. Who knows, I may end up unretiring one of these days and get back to turning out multiple posts a day.

But a promise is a promise, and God kept promises last Monday night in Indy, so I'm out.

Go Dawgs and see you around. 

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