Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

July 3, 2005

Blog Poll Update: So Last Night....

So last night I'm out to dinner with a friend of mine. He's an executive officer with one of the largest booster clubs for a prominent ACC team. Here's the exchange...

    PWD: "Look man, I'm a College Football pollster now. You need to sell me on why your team should be higher in my Pre-season Top 15."

    Him: "I'm honestly not sure how good we're going to be."

    PWD: "No, no, no, no you're not getting me at all. I need you to SELL me. Then you need to pick up the tab for dinner and expense it to the Booster Club. This is how it should work."

    Him: "Are you saying your vote is for sale?"

    PWD: "No. Absolutely not. Why? Would you be willing to buy it?"

    Him: "No. But what would it cost me?"

    PWD: "This is crazy. Don't you think Herbstreet, Barnhardt and Fowler get wined and dined by SIDs, ADs and Booster club guys?"

    Him: "Never thought about it."

    PWD: "Trust me. They do. This dinner is only going to be like $125 total. Just pick it up."

    Him: "I don't have my expense account Amex yet for the club."

    PWD: "Then why are we here?"

    Him: "You invited me. Dumbass."

    PWD: "That's it. You're unranked until I get a steak or something."

You know, I think I'm going to like being a pollster. If you're a senior exec with a booster club for a Top 10 team and would like to buy me dinner, let me know. My email address is decaturdawg *at*


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