Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

August 4, 2005

What Rapper Does Your Team Most Resemble?

One of my fellow Blog Pollers wrote this extended look at teams around the country and asked "what rapper would you compare your team to"?. This was follow-up to the Blog Poll Roundtable #3 where all pollsters were asked the same question.

I replied in my roundtable answer that UGA was....
sometimes I can't help but think that we're the Sugar Hill Gang. We were hellified #1 in the early 80s. We had a brief comeback in 2002, and so did the Sugar Hill Gang with the movie The Wedding Singer.

Frankly, I'm way, way to white to get most of these. But my favorites were GT, UGA, Nebraska, UK and Boise.

Posted by me for the Georgia Bulldog and College Football Blog


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