Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

October 26, 2005

"Blacks run very, very well" -- Air Force Coach

Fisher DeBerry is at it again. This time he has pointed out that "afro-american kids run very, very well." And for reasons beyond my comprehension this has stirred up controversy in Colorado.

Honestly, black men have had to deal with lots of negative stereotypes in the US over the past 200 years. But this is one of two stereotypes that works in their favor. How is being "fast" a negative?

The next thing you're going to tell me that "Asians are good at math" is a negative stereotype. I mean roll with the punches folks. Embrace the positive stereotypes. Ditch the negative ones.

You don't see african-american men running from the biggest stereotype of them all. They don't shy from that. lol.

[Photo: This guy didn't win.}


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