Why you ask. Because took a program that hadn't won a game since 1997, and now they are 7-3. Hell, that makes him one of the best coaches in history.
Bryant at Texas A&M and Alabama. Yeah, turning them around was impressive.
Synder at Kansas State. Not shabby.
Barnett at Northwestern. Impressive, but not Chantastic.
No my friends. After 7 long years without a single win on the books, Georgia Tech has entered victory lane 7 times this year. The ChanWagon is now full.

In the interest of full disclosure, I should say that this article was my brother's idea. But since he's a douchebag and doesn't read this blog to annoy me, he'll never know the difference either way.
This is actually quite funny.
Chantastic...I like it.
And I thought Bama going 1-10 with a bowl victory over UNC was bad in '93. Winless for seven years. That must smart -- like a yellow jacket sting.
You know, we still have the seven wins in 2003.
It would appear, judging from JacketKey's comments, that a sense of humor is not required for admission into Tech. Also, respect and good manners are alive and well in the A-T-L.
Go Dawgs!
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