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February 13, 2006

UGA Hoops: If I Only Knew How to Quit You

Georgia Hoops is a dark forbidden love. A passion that many will never know or understand. A little beyond normal, loving our Dawgs as they play with a non-ovalish sphere can be too much.
Dear Georgia: "I only wish I knew how to quit you." - Paul
More than a forbidden love, UGA hoops is closer to an abusive relationship.
1960s: "Don't worry momma, Daddy loves you. Daddy needs you. I won't treat you bad. Those days of playing in front of 500 in the old gym with the pool downstairs are over. We've got a new stadium (SLAP). It's for rodeos.

(not what Naismith had in mind)

1980s: Come back fine lady. We'll build a great program together. Remember how good that Final Four felt? Remember beating Michael Jordan? Those were good times. (SLAP). Have you met Jan Kemp?

Admissions vs. Athletics

Early 90s: I'll get help, can't you see and feel my love? Remember that SEC Championship? The look on Dale Brown's face as he had Shaq, Chris Jackson and Stanley Roberts, but we won anyway. You know daddy loves you and won't treat you...(SLAP) Hang another NIT Banner woman.

Rick says, the NIT is what you deserve and you'll like it.

Late 90s: Baby, I have the fire in my soul for you. Tubby is here now. This Sweet 16 is as sweet as your lips. We'll be on top forever. (SLAP) Have you met Ron Jirsa?

Friggin Tony Cole

2000s: Darlin, you know that Ron Jirsa was an accident. You know I'd never hurt you on purpose. Here's Jim Harrick. He's WON IT ALL before. Help me learn to make you love me again (SLAP) Have you met Tony Cole?
Every time we start to try to put our dysfunctional relationship with basketball behind us and develop a stable, healthy program, we implode the whole thing again.

No other school has seen the highs that UGA has seen followed so quickly by the unbelievable lows...only to build back to shaky unstable highs. What other program has beaten Kentucky 4 out of 6 times sandwiched between 10 win or less seasons?

That's why it's so frustrating for me as a fan to have listened to Felton last week complain about fan and administration support. His apology/clarification didn't make sense to me. All he said was that he never complained about the fans who actually ATTEND the games.

Well...duh. Who said he did?

He has to win to get us to sellout every home game because we've been burned before. We've seen greatness at a much more "special" level than anything he's produced so far. Only to see that flame out quickly and leave us mourning.

This will help soooooo much.

I sincerely like his building for the long term approach. His recruiting combined with the new $32 million practice facility is giving us a foundation from which the program can have a more stable future regardless of what he does professionally in the future.

The Jim "Tell Us How Lucky We Are To Have Such Mediocre Results" Donnan Approach(TM) for program building where you point to the failures of the past in an attempt to build up your own legacy doesn't work. And as Mike Floyd pointed out, Felton is dangerously close to embracing that view. Hell, even Terence Moore agrees that crapping on your boss and fans is the wrong approach to program building.

The proven model of program building that works is the Mark Richt, Bob Stoops and Steve Spurrier model. The model where you ignore everything bad that ever happened and you focus all of your efforts in talking about the positives of the past. No matter how limited those positives are. And if that's too limited than you just talk about the present or future.

And this program has HUGE upside because:
1. We have a deep, deep in state talent pool.
2. We are in a power conference.
3. We have proved under 3 different coaches that you can take this thing to very high level quickly even without quality facilities.
4. We are making a massive investment in facilities.
5. When packed, Stegeman rocks and rolls as well as any stadium in America.

That's our positive message. We need to beat it like a drum.

Dooley used to fire people in his Rose Garden. Damon ponders a good location

Felton made nice with the fans in UT comments. Smart move, and I was glad to see it. But if he continues to crap on the administration, his leash will get shorter and shorter. And right now he needs a LONG leash.

Or, as my brother said..."If he isn't be careful, he'll end up having to sleep with Don Leeburn to keep his job."
I can’t quit you, baby,
So I’m gonna put you down for awhile.
I can’t quit you, baby,
I guess I gotta put you down for awhile.
Said you messed up my happy home,
Made me mistreat my only child.
Yessir, you did!
I can't quit you baby.
- Zeppelin -

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