Hartman still holds the record for the longest punt in UGA history (82 yards!!). Everyone has a favorite Bill Hartman story. He is a towering figure in UGA history, and deserving of much respect.
The AJC reports former Bulldogs player Leroy Dukes visited him in the hospital earlier this week and asked Hartman what he wanted done at his funeral. "He said, 'I want the first 15 minutes to be blocking and tackling,' " said Hartman's son, WSB-TV sports anchor Bill Hartman III.

Thanks for the recognition of a DGD, Dawgnoxious. I spoke to Coach's granddaugher-in-law a couple hours ago and they're doing as well as they can considering the circumstances. Prayers for the whole Hartman family. He'll be buried in his coaching jacket - as if there would be any doubt. RIP Coach.
Thanks for the recognition of a great Dawg. RIP Coach Hartman. However, didn't Spike Jones have an 87 yard punt?
Coach Hartman was a Towering Giant not only among the UGA family, but of the entire state.
He will be missed.
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