In a shocker of shockers, the Lady Dawgs were not sent to Istanbul, Nairobi or the secure bunker housing Dick Cheney for their first round game. Rare is the time when Landers doesn't start the tourney in the West. I like to call it the "Person With a Penis Who Complains About Males in the Sport Getting Bad Tourney Seeds Syndrome."
Georgia starts off the tourney in Sovereign Bank Arena, Trenton, N.J. vs. Marist and likely gets Temple in the second round. Interestingly, the arena is only 30-35 miles from Temple's campus. Did I mention that UGA is ranked higher than Temple?
The Women's NCAA tourney didn't stop their spite there as we play the Sweet 16 game in Bridgeport, Connecticut vs. UConn. The only team coached by a man who doesn't get shat upon by the committee.
As bad as Landers got hosed consider that the women's committe put the #1, #2, #3 and #4 RPI teams all in the same region. I always thought that women were supossed to be good at math. It's driving where they struggle. So why the screw up in overloading one bracket? Who knows. Chicks. Go Figure.
It's the Dawgs 23rd NCAA bid.
Maybe the women's selection committee was so ineffective because they filled out their bracket in a car. The vehicle was like kryptonite to their good judgment and fairness.
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