Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

March 31, 2006

Westerberg and Stinson Reunite - 2 New 'Mats Songs Coming

I'm not very good, but I get practice by myself.

99% of you reading this don't care, but I do.

Paul Westerberg, Tommy Stinson and Chris Mars have reunited to produce two new songs in an effort to promote a Greatest Hits Album. Frankly, the news of the reunion album got more press than most of their actual albums, but that's neither here nor there.

The album hits stores on June 13th. At this point a tour is unlikely. The news starts with (of course) the Pioneer Press and Star Tribune. For the other 90+ articles, check Google News.

Not that you asked, but there are few matches more puzzling than Tommy Stinson being a part of Guns N Roses for the past 8 years or whatever. I actually saw an article that said "GnR Bass player reunites with old band." Well....that's one way to look at it. (shaking head)

Paul Westerdawg
Georgia Sports Blog / Mats Fan


John Radcliff said...

Thanks for posting this!!!!!!!!!!!! "Can't Hardly Wait" to hear the new stuff!

Anonymous said...

Kyle - I have "If Only You Were Lonely" on a CD of Bootlegs. I'll try and remember to bring it to Bloggerpalooza if you're interested.

I've got about 4 bootleg concerts on CD from Westerberg and the Mats

Anonymous said...

Very cool - it has been a long time in coming.

Perhaps someone can answer this question for me? I have always been under the impression that the Replacements were banned from Saturday Night Live after their drunken perfomance in 1985.

However, if you look carefully during the interlude shots between live action and commercials during the show, SNL has a picture of lampost covered in concert flyers. Right the middle of the picture is a flyer for Tommy Stinson show. This seems odd to me if SNL had banned them.

Has anyone else noticed this? Am I mistaken on any point?

Anonymous said...

I don't think the Replacements were ever invited back. However, Westerberg was invited back around the time that the movie Singles came out. Charleton Heston was the host of the show. I can't remember the first song he did...either dyslexic heart or waiting for somebody. But I know he closed the show with a BAD ASS Version of Can't Hardly Wait with the full SNL horns section on backup. It. Was. Awesome.


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