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April 20, 2006

Another Tech Man Hired by SEC to Screw UGA

Who didn't see this one coming? The Georgia Sports Blog and its readers certainly did.

The Southeastern Conference has named Bobby Gaston's replacement as head of SEC football officials. The new man is Georgia Tech alum Rogers Redding. Here's his quick bio from the AJC.
Redding, a 1965 Georgia Tech graduate, is vice chancellor of academic affairs and a professor of physics at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.
A physics professor. Are you kidding me? They hired Mortimer Poindexter to lead the SEC refs. What sense does that make?

We need a 6'9" 431 lb man that can stand up to Phil Fulmer's bully tactics. A man who will impose sweeping change, and end the cronie mentality that is crippling the SEC's officiating. Someone along the lines of....

Buford Pusser would clean up the SEC

We need a vigilante with a 2x4 and a bad attitude to reshape the worst officiating crew in major conference football. We don't need a physicist. Grab your ankles Dawg fans. Here comes another screw job.



Anonymous said...

Once again sir, a great job expressing the thoughts and feeling of the Georgia faithful.

Dawgnoxious said...

I'll bet any amount of money Bobby Gaston got to pick his successor. The SEC office is and always has been a shameless good old boys' club run like a backroom poker table. I thought it would get better when the hired an outsider like Slive, but in hindsight it was naive to think the organization would willingly hire someone to come in and forcibly change its ways.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree that UGA had better watch it's back.At the same time,I believe it will take more than another Tech man in the SEC office to save them from many more beatings by UGA.
UGA is going to dominate this series for years to come,regardless of the lying and cheating we are accustomed to....Just too much disparity in coaching,and talent.

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

Dammit, are we going to have to start bringing in neutral-conference refs for the Georgia-GT game, like they do for bowl games? For what it's worth, I probably would've taken the Sun Belt knobs who made last year's Alamo Bowl such a laughingstock over Gaston's dickless wonders who stole the game from UGA in '99.

Anonymous said...

It must be really discouraging for Techies to know that they control our refs AND they are playing with dozens of ineligible players and they STILL can't beat us on a regular basis.


Anonymous said...

I have to blame this on PWD. He suggested it below, and damn if they didn't take him up on it...

Anonymous said...

PWD, the SEC refs can be bad at times, but the ACC refs are terrible all the time.....nice article though. One has to wonder if this guy can remain unbaised.

Anonymous said...

"Tech Man"? Is that not an oxymoron?

Anonymous said...

Wow--you guys are freakin' geniuses! The SEC hires a guy who has been with the SEC for 10 years, a D-I official for almost 20 years, officiated in 3 national championship games in the 90's (if you're counting, that's 3 more national championship games than we went to), a guy who is one of Coach Richt's favorite officials, and you clowns think it's a conspiracy against "the Georgia faithful." Classic!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, let's not hire an intelligent man ("What sense does that make?") who has the resume and officiating acumen to lead the SEC. Let's hire someone with the brains and football experience like the aforementioned Buford Pusser. Exactly what we need to shed the brainless, country boy image of our conference.

Anonymous said...

Gaston is gone and that is a good thing. Rogers Redding is an outstanding student of the game of football and is an intellectual. Let's just say he wrote the book on officiating. Bad judgement calls will still dominate the game because officials will still feel the pressure to "protect the conference," but the Hound Dogs and Elephants are in serious doodoo without Uncle Bobby. The gambling syndicates have found purgatory or the next level down without the predictabilitiy of gaston's crews.

Anonymous said...

As an LSU fan, I can say, the screwing has begun.

Anonymous said...

Here is a thought. If anyone would like to begin officiating to "improve the game," please join a local association. You can call the GHSA and start there. If you can get your bodies and minds in shape, then good for you. If not, then sit back and express the normal jelous envy of what the best college officials get to do every weekend. In other words, you have no idea what you are talking about

Anonymous said...

Oops. Sorry. Mispelled Jealous. Beat me with a stick.

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