Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

April 21, 2006

More EA Sports College Football Previews for 2007 has their previews up for the PS2/Xbox versions of NCAA 2007 and the new NCAA 360 for the newer Xbox 360 system. It's too much to sum the IGN reviews up here so I'll simply provide links.

NCAA 2007 for PS2 and XBox
NCAA 360 for Xbox 360

All I'll say about the new 360 version Check out these 2 screen shots from IGN. Jaw dropping.

Incredibly impressive. BTW -- here's another custom cover I did last year. This one for Danny Ware.



Anonymous said...

PWD, I dont know if you're like many of us at the FH3, but we salivate about the thought of the new NCAA. What are your thoughts about a Ga. Sports Blog/FH3/EDSBS? NCAA 2k7 tournament?

Anonymous said...

i wouldn't be opposed to it. However, my house isn't very conducive to internet access for my PS2.

i haven't played a game online in a long time.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't put Danny Ware on the cover of NCAA '06 or '07 if I was photoshopping a cover. Ware is our #3 running back, Lumpkin or Massaquoi would be more appropriate on the cover.

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