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April 24, 2006

Top 5 Non-Conference Games: Dream List

Mayor Kyle proposed his list for Top 5 non-conference foes for the Dawgs. His list includes Michigan, Texas, Rutgers (he was kidding), Southern Cal, Ohio State and Notre Dame.

In fact, non-conference match-ups have been quite the discussion point around the college football blogosphere with House That Rock Built, EDSBS and BurntOrangeNation also weighing in on the topic. Not to be left out, here's my Top 5 wish list for UGA.

1. Notre Dame
Notre Dame is like the NY Yankees. Only with more control of the polls. The team everyone loves or hates, and when you play them it's one of the biggest games on your schedule. I talked with some long time Tennessee fans who said that it's amazing how jacked the UT fans get for those games. I loathe the Irish, and I would cherish the opportunity to play them again.

I root for the cooler Pope.

2. Penn State
We. Owe. Them. Huge. Make no mistake about it, we need payback. Jan. 1, 1983 was a brutal outcome for the Dawgs. Having been to Penn State, I know that it's a great place to watch a game. Plus, we would get the bonus of playing a big time opponent without having to deal with big time noise.

Before Joe Pa drops dead, we need a rematch.

3. Michigan
We've visited them twice (1957 and 1965), and we've yet to get a return trip. They are also one of the few quality Big 10/11 teams that we haven't beaten in a bowl lately. Plus, if I don't list Michigan in my Top 5, Kyle will never speak to me again.

Hunt Stevenson. Big UM fan.

4. Texas A&M
The 12th Man. Yell Practice. Pep Rallies. Great traditions. One of the most tradition rich venues in college football. I would love to hit a game here.

Back when the Southwest Conference was rocking, TAMU's 12th man was usually a banker.

5. Nebraska
I thought about this one for a long time. I've heard about their passion, and I'd like to see it up close. Plus, you've got the cool Tunnel Walk intro, which is about eleventy billion times cooler than anything Clemson's got with its ridiculous rock rubbin' idiocy.

Nebraska Tunnel Walk from '99

Who are your Top 5? Who would you like to see the Dawgs face off against.

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