Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

July 27, 2006

It's sort of overwhelming...

The amount of Dawgly news today is overwhelming. I'm still sorting through the best of the best.

In the meantime, checkout He's got all umpteen jillion articles linked.



Anonymous said...

PWD---- talked to you the other day ( just wanted to you to know i have new really cool dawg website, its not a blog, but i am thinking about it... check it out... .... i used to use this site to promote a concert i was throwing... and it wont let me change the url - Joe

Michael Pigott said...

Does the New York Times or Washington Post shut down when there's TOO much news. Get it together PWD. Focus man focuss

Anonymous said...

Mike - not to make excuses, but the NYTimes reporter doesn't have a day job.


SlobberKnocker said...

Ahhhhh. football news...Football News.....FOOTBALL NEWS!!!!!

The long, slow days of summer are passing. Media Days signifies the end of the painful void where the only news is bad news.

Come on season, let's go!

SlobberKnocker said...

PWD, Actually, the NYTimes writer does have a day job. It just happens to be writing.

And while you're getting caught up, would you give us some new header graphics? Come on man, you've got minions to entertain!

Anonymous said...

I know you're super busy but I do have a request. Rumor has it our beloved leader, Coch Richt, debuted a new hairstyle. Apparently the man has decided to go with a different parting style. If you could post a pic of the new 'do, I would be a happy lil' bulldawg. Gracias!

Anonymous said...

Slobberknocker, I'm investigating copyright issues to make sure that I debut a header graphic that doesn't result in problems for me down the road.

It's part of a good faith effort to do the right thing by UGA.


SlobberKnocker said...


You know I was being sarcastic, right? I hit your site multiple times daily and enjoy everything you do.

Thanks and keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Remember Paul....with great power, comes great response ability, or something like that. Buck up, man, and keep them there posts coming!

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