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July 5, 2006

UF takes advantage of NCAA Transfer Loop Hole

"I'll swap you THIS kid for 2 more wide receivers"

A few months ago, the NCAA announced that it would allow for student-athletes who have graduated to leave their existing school without penalty in order to enroll in another college for graduate school. I stated at the time that it would have little material impact because it would either be:
1. Journeymen at big schools going down a notch to play at smaller schools. Such as a backup lineman transferring from Notre Dame to Central Michigan where he can start.

2. Star players at Tier 2 schools looking to move up a notch to the big leagues.
The problem with group #2 is that the talent pool for such a move is limited. You need to find players who are NOT talented enough to go pro early, but talented enough to be wanted by a bigger school They also have to be smart enough to graduate early. They also need to be high enough character kids that another school will want them, but willing to walk out on their teammates who need them.

I big deal. The pool is so shallow...who cares. Maybe I was wrong.

Urban Meyer just picked up his second such kid. This time by signing Ryan Smith from Utah. Orson Swindle of EDSBS had the opposite reaction as mine. He thought it was awful initially, and has since totally changed his take now that it benefits his Gators. Check Orson's article for some humor.

Also, check my response for special insight into what the text message exchange between Meyer and the Utah player was like.

BTW -- Meyer was initially extremely against this rule. Until it benefited him. Who is shocked by that?



Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Maybe CUM is still against the rule, but since it IS a rule, go ahead and use it to his advantage. This could be one more time where CMR lets his principles get in the way of commonsense. The first time is his insistence on taking any JUCO transfers, especially linemen, especially now.

Anonymous said...

i used to live across from a few, and i can definitely attest that yes, mormons are, in fact, teh suxorz!!!1!1one.

Anonymous said...

Uga is on ESPN's football page. Good feature, in case you haven't seen it.

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