Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

August 16, 2006

Reason #141 Why I love College Football

Auburn may have ripped off our hedges, fight song, and alma mater, but they've got one tradition that is absolutely positively their own. The flight of the Eagle from the top of the stadium as the crowd cheers War Eagle is simply awesome. This video was shot before the 2004 LSU game. It's not Tiger VI the normal eagle because he was sick.

In 2000, when I saw this for the first time, it was jaw droppingly impressive. They don't do it at night anymore (I think) because ESPN's Primetime telecast uses so many wires for the unique camera angles.

The sooner we teach Uga VI to fly the better.


courtesy: YouTube


Anonymous said...

Thats Not Impressive!!!

God I am such a homer....

Thanks for video as always PWD!!

Anonymous said...

Eh, it's just a bird. Furthermore, it's a bird that really muddles exactly what their mascot is. Are they tigers or eagles? Why do they name their eagle Tiger? Do they have a tiger named Eagle? Maybe it's some sort of duality of man thing like the peace sign on Matthew Modine's helmet in Full Metal Jacket. When they get a real tiger to fly down like that I'll be impressed. This isn't as overrated as running over a hill but it's pretty darn close.

Anonymous said...

I belive that was a Turkey Vulture.

Anonymous said...

I have only been to a couple of games in Auburn, but it is a lot cooler in person than it seems on the video. I am hoping that one day there will be a video where the bird veers off course and gets itself a pigeon or a rat. then it will emulate the true hoodlum Auburn mentality...

Anonymous said...

That's not a real eagle. It's a remote control bird. You can buy them at Wal-Mart.

Aubarn sucks!

Anonymous said...

I got ten credit hours in Aerospace Engineering from Auburn for turning in a Crayon rendering of the War Eagle flying into our stadium.

Anonymous said...

Kenny, who taught you how to spell all those words?

That's really you is it Kenny?

Nathan said...

rofl, that's the funniest comment I think I've ever read on a college blog.

Anonymous said...

It's really Kenny, Dammit.

Don't make me go all gangsta and shit.

Anonymous said...

just thought i'd let you know, the males in russell hall 8th floor are digging the site. freshman are only getting 2 home games. damn travesty.

Anonymous said...

That's cool.

I lived on the 9th floor as a FR in '90/91. The football team went 4-7 my FR year.

It was the year before Russell went co-ed. We had 108 FIRE DRILLS that year. Every Monday and every Thursday plus usually 1 more day a week.

Anytime it was $1 pitcher night at O'Malley's, nickle night at Lowerys or $1 pitcher night at Papa Joes.

All of those places are LOOOOOOONG gone now.

lol. (damn i sound old)


reipar said...

I lived on Russell 5th floor that same year. The football was so bad the 108 fire drills were all i had to look forward to. Although i did take one warning and a write up from our RA for having a girl in my room during the false alarms at nite. Dang non-geting laid RA. We later got our pound of flesh by taking out his phone and pennying him into his room for the day.

Anonymous said...

No way it's Kenny.

The only time Mr. Irons would ever use the word 'render' is when he's talking about that piece of glass he uses to look outside.

Besides, he eats all his crayons.

Anonymous said...

Hey, now.

I have help from my tutor, imported all the way from Knoxville, to help me with the really big words. In fact he helps me with all the words.

Numbers and shit, too. That's an actual course. Numbers and Shit 234

I only eat my crayons because I get five Nutritional Sciences credits for each one I eat.

The yellow ones are the best...they taste like chicken.

Anonymous said...

That is a real eagle. A bald eagle to be specific. An interesting footnote is that this particular eagle still had hair the last time Alabama beat Auburn.

Anonymous said...

"An interesting footnote is that this particular eagle still had hair the last time Alabama beat Auburn."

Yep, when he went bald, David and I asked Coach if we could buy him a membership to the "Hare Club for Men" with some of our Chette money. He said it was okay, and we got 3 cosmetology credits for writing a report about it, too.

Anonymous said...

nice work kenny.

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