Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

August 28, 2006

UGA Announces More Info on Family Friendly Zones


UGA Announces Details of Family-Friendly Offerings
Fans Can Tailgate with SEC Golf and Tennis Champions on Sept. 2

Official UGA Release (non-joke):

ATHENS, Ga., August 28, 2006—The University of Georgia and the UGA Athletic Association announced on Monday detailed plans for Gameday at the family-friendly zones on North and South Campus.

Over the course of football season, fans will have the opportunity to interact with cheerleaders, pep band members, and various athletics teams in these areas. They will also be able to enjoy numerous interactive games, have some laughs at a caricature booth, and do much more. There are no costs for any activities in the family-friendly areas. No alcohol will be allowed in these zones.

To read the rest of the press release, check out the
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(BTW -- who ever at UGA had the idea to send a big tailgating plan critic like myself press releases on this was a good one. I don't mind spreading the word on these plans. Even the parts I don't agree with. Keep the updates coming).



Anonymous said...

Whats the rule about a hammered fan wandering into the family friendly zones?

Dawgnoxious said...

Jordan: Good question. If you have alcohol in you rather than on you, is it still a violation?

This may be a case for the Georgia Sports Blog Court.

Anonymous said...

I think the tailgating rules are dumb and mainly, unnecessary. That said, interacting with cheerleaders could bea consolation prize of the highest order. I saw a cheerleader going onto the Ramsey center the other day. She was going to work the volleyball match, so it's a pretty safe bet she wasn't first string, which is prolly good, because first string would kill me. Good way to go, though. ;-)

Anonymous said...

The fact that you have to add "non-joke" to these press releases cracks me up.

Anonymous said...

The more I read about the family-friendly zones, the more I like the idea. It looks like there's something my kids will enjoy doing before the game instead of merely tolerate doing. If all I have to do is put the beer down for the day so that my kids enjoy tailgating more than they currently do, then I'm all for that. Besides, if I really wanted to get my drink on, we could always go to the ff zone before cracking one open.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen whether there is a buffer zone/DMZ between the alcohol and the non-alcohol areas? What is to keep someone for setting up just on the other side of the line, getting wasted and harassing those tee-totaling toddlers?

In all seriousness, I do like the addition of the zone on North Campus. I bought a space at the North Campus deck for this season and will bring the kids to a couple of games, so we can tailgate there and its a short walk.

Guess I'll have to drink on the way up in the car though.

Anonymous said...

First, the "R U Georgia?" towels, and now a pre-game carnival- a caricature booth??. The Adams Era is setting up absolutely idiotic, hopefully short-lived traditions. The Dawg Walk is GREAT, this other garbage is well, garbage.

As a guy who sometimes tailgates with alcohol and sometimes without, I've never seen a situation where the rowdy drunks ruined wholesome family fun. This new policy is simply not necessary.

The nice thing about Athens on gameday is that it's so unrestricted...and everyone behaves. Again, it's not needed, it's dumb, and it adds nothing to the gameday experience other than restrictions. I want to think about how fun gameday is, not make sure I'm obeying new policies.

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