Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

September 27, 2006

Cheerleaders and Joe Pa's Bowels

Image: MZone

Hail to the Soccer Moms -- You're not going to believe the new cheerleader uniforms at Michigan. If you're into the Soccer Mom, LPGA or MILF scenes, this might be your bag. If you're into Cougars, you won't dig this or any other uni on a woman under the age of 50.

Joe Pa's Poo -- Between TurdGate and Joe Pa's run for the crapper, this site has become your one stop shop for news of the odd doo (for better or worse). gives me a run for my money on best headline in the JoePa PooSprintGate. "Joe Pa Loses to #1, Surrenders to #2."

The All Night Diner of My Mind -- In unrelated news, REM sat in on Five Eight's REM tribute show at the 40 Watt a few weeks ago. File this under the heading. Things I didn't see, but wish I did.

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