Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

January 24, 2007

"I hope you watch it over and over"

I once made a video with my friends during the 8th grade. It was a Ninja movie. The special effects were such that only a mother could admire glorious given our primitive technical tools . Had we had access to the internets, Microsoft Movie Maker and the youtubes back then, I would still be humiliated by that piece of cinematography.

With that as a backdrop, I encourage you to check out this slam dunk video montage that DeadSpin unearthed. Don't miss the comments.

We've all been there right? Right????



Anonymous said...

I wanna see the video YOU made.

Anonymous said...

GSB Poll: How many of those David Robinson indoor goals did you destroy in your childhood?

I'm going to say about 20 for me. and that's no exagerration. If you didn't grow up in the David Robinson indoor goal (the one you hung on the door) era, then I, my friend, am sorry for you.

My brother and I would come home from our Y league games, in uniform, and take pictures of each other dunking on those things. We looked worse than the kid in this video. Of course, we had to account for the door. Didn't want to bust it down.

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