Just so you know -- or if you're not familiar with how blogs work -- I want to explain something.
1. I try and monitor all the comments on the site. I try not to allow the F bomb, G-D or most of the biggie cuss words that aren't allowed on cable TV before 10:00 pm. It's not a hard and fast rule (except the F bomb and GD), but I do what I can. Why? Because my dad reads the site, and it's my site.
2. I'm not on the site 24x7.
3. Whack jobs troll blogs looking to spam them. You've got off shore spam outfits, automated spambots and then just total nut jobs posting stuff 24x7. Bloggers try and limit that stuff via software and deleting. But sometimes it hits the site anyway.
In other words....if you saw the total nut case comments on the Clemson thread. I'm sorry. I deleted it as soon as I saw it. That was as far out there as anything I've ever been hit with.
Thanks for the various heads up. I do appreciate it when it's that far out of bounds.
Looks like the kitties all came out in force for that article. Claws out even.
Dammit! I missed it!
it wasn't about Clemson. It was a random religious cult ranting and raving in an 80,000 character long diatribe.
Heavens Gate type of batty.
I usually don't delete rival smack. Unless it's filthy (which happens only from GT and SC fans/former players).
hey man- many apologies if I have ever dropped an f-bomb in your comments section. I usually try to filter my innate fmbomb-itis that those of us born & bred in Boston pretty much have as part of the standard package on other people sites (excepy places like EDSBS where it is not only accepted but sometimes encouraged), but I am sure that occasionally I fail. If I ever have here and it offended you then many apologies.
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