Wildly off topic, but I noticed that Caffeine is finally getting some good press. Science studies are tying caffeine consumption with reduced risk of diabetes, Parkinson's, colon cancer and other ailments. Although, I'm sure that the sugar in regular Coke sort of offsets the caffeine advantags for diabetics. Given my high level of caffeine intake, this is better news than I was expecting.
See Also:
-- Top Caffeine Fixes - Yahoo
-- Health Benefits of Coffee -- WebMD
I still take a cold beer any day over any caffeine beverage. But they don't let me drink beer at work, so I'm with you on this one. Coffee all morning, co-cola all afternoon.
Health benefits of coffee aren't all that new. Not sure that applies to Coke. But, caffeine in any form is absolutely tied to mental alertness and improved reaction times. Carbs also are necessary for brain function. In fact, I have read at least one man's theory that humans were able to develop their larger brains through farming which provided them with carbs to sustain larger brains. They couldn't have done that regularly with the carbs you get as hunter-gatherers. So, have a Coke and a smile!!!
Cuban Coffee = Liquid Crack, IMO.
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